Grand Admiral Thrawn on the Bridge of the
ISD Devastator, contemplating strategy...
(Photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The following biographical information was obtained from an old press release to the Imperial Press Corps regarding our Territorial Fleet (24 ISDs) Commanding Officer, Grand Admiral Thrawn. This information was taken from the Guide to the Star Wars Universe, Bill Slaviscek, Del Rey Books/Lucasfilm, Ltd., pp. 189-190:

"During the height of the Empire twelve Grand Admirals served as the Emperor's military commanders....Thrawn was a tall man of regal bearing, whose features hinted at a non-human origin. He had shimmering blue-black hair, pale blue skin, and glowing red eyes. He spent much of his career in the Unknown Regions, earning the right to wear the white uniform of a Grand Admiral. Like the other Grand Admirals, Thrawn was a military genius. He had the habit of pulling stunning victories out of certain defeat. His passion for art was not simple diversion, for he believed that by studying an opponent's art he could discover a way to defeat him. As the only non-human to receive the rank of Grand Admiral, which is in itself a remarkable feat considering the Emperor's dislike of alien species, Thrawn constantly had to prove his worth and ability to lesser officers when he was first promoted. This changed after a short period of time, for Thrawn proved again and again that he was the equal or better of every other officer in the New Order...."


Emperor palpatine has appeared to Members
of the Emperor's Hammer online at AOL under
the assumed Screen Name of KRUSCHIAN...
(Photo: Sjain, 2/95)

The Wing Commander wishes to formally welcome our illustrious Emperor Palpatine in his efforts to advise our Wing in the troubled days ahead. Under an assumed name of KRUSCHIAN, the Emperor has made several appearances during chat sessions on America Online (AOL). His presence has only served to bolster the morale of the session attendees. In addition, neither the Wing Commander or Beta Squadron Commander, General Dorja (CMDR/Dorja/Beta-1/T-D), have been able to uncover any evidence pointing to deception. Consequently, all Members are herein advised to treat this individual with respect and honor.

Although there is no foolproof method of identification, the Wing Commander has no significant reasons to doubt this individual. It should also be noted that, in his online capacity, KRUSCHIAN shall be considered an "adviser" to the Emperor's Hammer. He does not hold any rank or position within the Hammer. Consequently, he does does not lead or guide us without my express approval. It should also be noted that not all of his online statements shall be considered definitive on any matter. The Emperor often has his own agenda and speaks cryptically to deceive Rebel spies or to evaluate our own analytical abilities. Consequently, all Members are reminded not to get emotionally attached or excited about his proclamations on AOL. ALL official development proposals for the Emperor's Hammer will first be reviewed by the Wing Commander and ultimately, if deemed appropriate for the Wing, posted in the Newsletters.

Also, during an informal chat session a few days ago, KRUSCHIAN released the following preliminary specifications for the QIE Fighter, the next generation of starfighter, created by Palpatine himself. His engineers have apparently enjoyed some success editing files to incorporate the new fighter with an obscure graphics program although it is still unclear as to whether this technology is transferrable to other Members.

QIE (Quintified Ion Engine)

5 supercharged ion engines
345ru hull
600 sbd shields
2 dual warhead launchers
34p tractor beam
6 lasers built in mag pulse
1 decoy beam
and when completely at full speed it reaches 450

It should be noted that this fighter design is still in its early stages of design and the specifications are subject to constant revision. In addition, no images of the new fighter have yet been released as the Emperor considers this to be one of his personal classified projects...


The Imperial HoloNet recently aired a spectacular (and unauthorized) series of three consecutive documentaries tracking military technological improvements pursued under Emperor Palpatine's leadership. According to the Tarkin Doctrine, proposed by Grand Moff Tarkin, former adviser to Palpatine, Imperial rule by force and fear could be acheived with the use of "super" weapons that theoretically never have to be used. Although Tarkin died bravely at the helm of the first Deathstar Battlestation (Battle of Yavin) by refusing to abandon the bridge during its destruction, the Emperor still aggressively pursues this policy, much to the consternation of his other advisers who claim these resources could be better utilized elsewhere.

Following rather detailed propaganda and technical presentations for more familiar Imperial Capital Ships, the HoloNet program hinted that the Emperor has personally sanctioned several new Tarkin Doctrine weapons. According to the Commentator, these could include two new Super Star Destroyer classes (the Eclipse and Sovereign) that would dwarf even Lord Vader's mighty SSD Executor! It is rumored that these vessels will be over 7-8 kilometers in length, have displacements of 400,000 to 600,000 tonnes, and be able to carry 50-100 TIE Fighter Squadrons each! If these specifications are accurate, the Rebellion certainly has something to fear!

In addition, there are reportedly rumors that Umak Leth, Chief Engineer to the Emperor, has submitted specifications for the creation of a robotic-based, regenerative planetary assault vehicle called the World Devastator. This vehicle, reportedly a ground based attack unit larger than an Imperial Class Star Destroyer, may have the potential (using a molecular furnace and droids) to build new weapons or parts as it consumes what it traverses. In addition, there are quiet rumors that seven prototypes, named the Stealth Series, are currently under construction at a highly secret location in the Inner Rim. Umak Leth is most widely known for his outstanding engineering accomplishments in the construction of the Deathstar Battlestations. Consequently, nothing is beyond the scope of his technical expertise and these rumors must be given some serious consideration.

In an unrelated matter, Sienar Fleet Systems, in its neverending attempt to break into contracting for the Imperial Army, has announced its plans to test prototypes of the TIE Century Tank. This vehicle includes the well-known and easily operated TIE cockpit coupled with the formidable vehicle blasters and targeting systems available to land vehicles.

It should be noted that the Imperial Navy vehemently denies the existence of all such weapons of mass destruction...