Nu Squadron Member Briefing


Greetings! I would like to welcome you to Nu Squadron! Although we are only a support squadron, don't think your job isn't is!! As a support squadron, we operate in close conjuction with Mu Squadron, the other squadron aboard our mothership, the Frigate Imperator.

While being in a support squadron may not seem as exciting, if it weren't for us, Mu Squadron couldn't carry out strike missions against enemies of the New Order. And while Nu squadron doesn't have the Tie Defender or the new Missile Boat, our ships are still the finest equipped and maintained in the entire Imperial Navy. Remember, the Emperor's Hammers are an elite fighting force: You and your piloting skills make the difference.

This briefing contains a lot of important information regarding the operations of Nu squadron, and I strongly suggest you read all of it and then save it for future reference.

Chain of Command

As with any military organization, there is a chain of command, or the order in which orders are given. Chain of Command also represents the order in which questions and requests are made known to superior officers. Orders are, of course, are given at the top and flow "downhill". Questions and requests, however, go "uphill". You don't get to the top of a mountain first, but you must steadily move upward. For example, a flight member has question about replacing mission files, the flight member should first contact his flight leader. If the flight leader doesn't know, or for some reason doesn't respond, then the question will be refered to his superior, the squadron commander and so on. While I am not specifically discouraging you from directly contacting the Wing Officers, I do wish to remind you that the Wing is large, and continues to grow, and consequently the demands on their time is formidable. Below is the command structure for a member of Nu Squadron.

Emperor Palpatine

The Emperor is our supreme commander. All Imperial Forces, as well as civilian governments follow the Emperor's directives in establishing the New Order throughout the galaxy. A word of caution however. There have been several attempts in the past by imposters posing as the Emperor to deceive members of the Empror's Hammer. Therefore, if you are contacted by someone claiming to be the Emperor, you are ordered to forward the correspondence to me at once.

Lord Darth Vader

As the demands of leading the galaxy in the New Order are great, the Emperor has granted command of all his military forces under the direct command of Darth Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith. As with the Emperor, if you are contacted by someone claiming to be Darth Vader, you are ordered to report it at once. Grand Admiral Thrawn

A tactical wizard, who studies the artwork of his enemies to find their weakness, Grand Admiral Thrawn was commanded by the Emperor to hunt down the traitor, Vice-Admiral Zaarin. Together with then Admiral Ronin, the Emperor's Hammer was born, first as an elite sqaudron, but has since grown into full Wing status.

Wing Command

     Wing Commander:  Grand Admiral Ronin (W Call)

     Executive Officer:  Vice-Admiral Shawshank (Quackodile)

     Tactical Officer:  Vice-Admiral Adams (VAdmAdams)

     Flight Officer:  Vice-Admiral Stelek (Methusela9)

     Executive Assistant:  General Shekinah (Shekinah)

     Tactical Assistant:  General Renegade (Pappy Rene)

     Dark Brotherhood Liason Officer:  General Paladin (Mstr Jdi)

Nu Squadron Command

      Squadron Commander:  General Tethys (CG Rocket)

      Nu-II Flight Leader:  TBA

      Nu-III Flight Leader:  General Jedi (DanChuang)

Remember, please try to contact your flight leader or myself first before contacting the Wing Command Officers about a question, with the exception of the Dark Brotherhood Liason Officer, who is directly concerned with that area.

Flying Missions

The procedure for replacing mission files and running them are outlined in the Squadron Ready Room section of each newsletter. Please refer to those documents or contact your flight leader or myself for further information. As far reporting your scores etc for completion of the missions, I have devised the following procedure. Failure to comply will result disciplinary acton.

1) Report only Completed Battles To save time, I will only accept completed battles, this not only save upload/download time and space on my computer, but will save you from having to constantly keep track of which missions you have flown etc.

2) Only send your Pilot.tfr file for the completed battle Because of problems with the replay camera, plus the sheer size .clp files can get, I only want your .tfr files. The easiest way in my opinion would be to backup your original, delete it from the game, and then create a new one with the same name to fly the missions. After completing the battle, rename the file to correspond to the battle i.e. Tethys.tfr= TethysB4.tfr. That way you and I both can keep track of things. I strongly recommend keeping a copy of each battle.tfr file handy for future reference.

3) Always Zip Any Files You Send other than E-mail This is common courtesy. AOL is a good online service but can become very expensive. I will not accept anything that is not Zipped.

4) Have fun. These rules aren't for me being a hardass, but designed to provide a really good time while trying to keep exspenses down. If there is a problem with anyone of the above poloicies, please don't hesitate to contact me.


Newsletter Submissions

I strongly encourage all members of Nu Squadron to make submissions to the Newsletter, be it a biography of their pilot or high scores on a particular mission. All text submissions should be made in the .wri format and made directly to the office of the Wing Commander for approval.

Dark Brotherhood

If you are not already a member, I invite you to contact the Dark Brotherhood Liason Officer General Paladin (Mstr Jdi) and he will be glad to inform you about the group of Dark side Adepts who use their special talents for the Emperor.

Again, congratlaions on your acceptence into the Emperor's Hammer and your appointment to Nu Squadron. May your service to the Emperor be an example for all.

Long Live the Empire

General Tethys
CMDR/Gen Tethys/Nu-1/FRG Imp

PHI SQUADRON ORDERS from Gen. renegade to PHI Squadron

1. You WILL NOT DIE, unless you have PERMISSION from me, and I DO NOT give permission for any member of this squadron to die in combat. Besides it creats paperwork if you get killed and I hate to do paperwork.

2. You WILL consider any all all orders coming from either myself or any of the other squadron commanders or the Vice Admirals or Grand Admiral Ronin, as coming straight from the Emperor, himself.

3. You will KILL each and all enemies of the Emperor, unless your orders are to capture them. Show your enemies-NO MERCY. All pilots will check their mission Goals and follow each and every one of them.

4. All pilots WILL watch where they are shooting in combat. Kill the enemies, pilots, not shoot friendly fire into one of your own ships.

5. Each pilot will accomplish all Primary goals in each mission, and as many Secondary and Bonus goals as they can.

6. Each pilot will be PROUD to be in the "RAMCHARGERS", and the EMPEROR'S HAMMER. Each of you will be cocky and walk proudly, and remember you are members of the most ELITE wing in the Imperial Navy.

7. Each pilot will try and recruit qualified members of the Imperial Navy for possible service in the Hammer.

8. Each pilot is encouraged to finish all missions out of the newsletters so we can all get medals to wear on our drab Imperial Navy uniforms.

9. All pilots, and I mean all pilots WILL REFRAIN from slurping their soup in the wardroom, and PAY your CANTINA tabs. Leave the Romulian ale alone ( Oh, excuse me wrong Galaxie).


Gen. Renegade

FROM Gen. Renegade

1. No pilot in this squadron will answer his radio with--"Ugh--Nothing.

2. Do not come back and tell your mechanics, that your ship is FUBAR (F--ked-Up Beyond All Repair), tell him what is wrong with it.

3. DO NOT come back and report that your--IFF doesn't work in OFF Mode, I will replace the LOOSE nut in the cockpit, if that happens, to solve the problem.

4. DO NOT bet your Tie Fighter in a Sabacc game, you may need it to fight your enemies with.

5. DO NOT refer to the Squadron Commander as " the OLD man", I'm sensitive about my age.

6. You WILL NOT take your girlfriends for joyrides in your fighter, and if you say you SCORED last night, on the radio, please be talking about an enemie ship.

7. All pilots, please use the facilities, before going on a raid, asking permission to go, back to our mothership to go WEE-WEE in the middle of combat is NOT cool.

8. NO sneaking your girlfriends into your room and staying up-giggling all night, your bunkmate, needs his sleep.

9. When I say scramble--I don't not mean how do you like your eggs.

10. When I ask for an after-action report, DO NOT say,"I flew over there and shot him, then I came back over there and shot him, then he shot at me, and I shot him too." Tell me who you shot.