CMDR/GN Shekinah/Mu-1/FRG Imp

TO: Vice Admiral Adams - Tactical Officer ISD Avenger.
FROM: CMDR/GN Shekinah/Mu-1/FRG Imp (XA-IPO)
RE: Revised Directory Structure


I would like to propose the following hard drive directory structure for further efficiency as the amount of Hammer related information continues. Inevitably, some form of organized data management other than mission related material should be considered. I have adopted the following and submit for your review and recommendation to the Wing Commander.

		/APPLICNT		*.plt files under review
			/NEW		All new applicant files here
			/APPROVED	All approved files for upload to W Call
		/BATTLES		All *.tie files here except archived original TIE/DoE files
			/NEW		All new missions pending playtest
			/APPROVED	All approved files to upload to W Call
			/BATTLE1	Zaarin campaign
			/BATTLE2	Calamari campaign
		/FICTION		All fiction/text submissions
		/MEDALS		All graphic submissions & medal files
		/NEWSLTR		Hammer NLs (old ones are kept as .zip's)
			/NL(xx)			Unzipped missions placed in battle(xx) folder
		/OLDMISN	Original TIE missions zipped here
		/UPLOAD	Files for E-mail or upload here - easy to find.

I realize that everyone has their own preferences but this may keep files from getting lost and saving us all a great deal of time on & off the net.

p.s..: I also HIGLY RECOMMEND taking a look at Central Point Software's PCTools File Management for about $35.00 or the PCTools for $85. It has a fantastic Filemanager support setup...I realize money is tight but it is definitely worth a look at. You have a graphic interface viewer (look at graphic files from file manager, zip & arc expand/compress, and a lot of other good stuff).


General Shekinah herein presents an *.avi film clip to be played with Media Player showing the apparent destruction of the defecting General Shayne's TIE Fighter during his flight from the ISD Avenger...Simply double click on the object to view its contents...

The fleeing General Shayne
being destroyed by General

FLT OFF/VA Stelek/Iota/INT Hpx

Subj: Contest rules!
Date: 95-03-27 16:02:33 EST
From: Methusela9
To: W Call


This is my post in the Folder regarding my "contest". What are your

Contest Rules....

Every week, I will select a mission for all interested pilots to finish. Once you have gotten what YOU feel is the best possible score, send me a ZIPPED up *.tfr file to enable me to confirm WHO has the HIGHEST score...then I will ask the winner to send me his *.clp file of his mission, for possible posting in the NL(pending the WC's approval) case of a close match(I do NOT expect any ties(!), I will judge you by:Secondary Goals, Bonus Goals, Ships Destroyed[enemy] and Ships Lost[ours!] that order! There is one rule you MUST abide NOT lose your ship!

This weeks battle will be B3M5, posted in NL#13! All pilots have until Saturday night to complete this battle and forward your ZIPPED *.tfr file to me...I will review and EMail the top three and ask for your*.clp file; if it is not forthcoming or you have NONE, then an alternate will be posted the winner, in order of scoring...remember, to activate your camera, hit "c" when the mission starts! I will then post the winners name to our folder, and his CLP/TFR file[s] will be forwarded to the Wing Commander. There will be a prize awarded for this, but I am unsure as to what, currently! Any ideas? EMail them in!

All of this is conditioned on the Wing Commander posting here stating that this is acceptable to him!

FLT OFF/VA Stelek/Iota-1/INT Hpx

Respectfully submitted,

FLT OFF/VA Stelek/Iota-1/INT Hpx

Wing Commander's Note:

Grand Admiral Ronin has granted Vice Admiral Stelek permission to hold this contest....

CMDR/GN Renegade/Phi-1/FRG Ard

To; Admiral Ronin and Hammer Command Staff
Subj: Rebel Tactics in recent missions
From: General Pappy Rene/Rebel Strategy Specialist

REPORT: After careful interviews with pilots of the Hammer and viewing camera files of various pilots, I have come to the following conclusions about the Alliance in this sector.

1. The alliance strength seems to be bolstered by the influx of smugglers and pirates. The alliance is depending more and more on non-alliance pilots and ships to fight the Empire.

2. Recently, several Hammer pilots have broken an alliance communications code and left propaganda messages for the Alliance on their ComNet. The Alliance leaders are not amused, and bothered by such communications from Imperial pilots. In essence the Alliance General is upset to the point of contacting the Wing Commander and lodging an Official protest.

3. The alliance pilots in this sector, seem to have better training than some Alliance units we have faced in the past. It is believed that the Alliance is far from beaten, and their moral is very high, they appear to have recovered from their defeat in the Hoth system.

4. The alliance is depending more on captured Imperial fighters, witness the increase of Alliance MIS's that has entered battle against us. However there has been a decrease of B-wing fighters flown against the Hammer. The alliance never has had that many B-wings and seem to be hoarding those they do have.

5. It is believed that the Alliance is planning a big attack, it is believed that they are massing for an attack upon Imperial forces, believed to be somewhere near the Forest Moon of Endor.


CMDR\\Pappy Rene\Phi-1\T-D

CMDR/GN Sten/Pi-1/FRG Ard

From: Imperial Navy Times

Stenatarian Sivadnor, Last surviving member of the House of Sivadnor.

As one of the newest squadron commanders in the elite fighter wing known as the Emperor's Hammers, General Stenatarian, or Sten as he insists on being called, is also one of the lesser known pilots as his rise has been swift and unnoticed by most. It is hoped that this brief bio put together by the Imperial Navy Times will remedy this situation. Some of the information can not be confirmed because of missing or destroyed records, but neither General Sten, nor his only friend, Alecs Kilgar, have denied any details contained in the following story.

He came from a wealthy family trading house on a little know planet in the Noad system. There he led a quiet life with his family until his world was brought crashing down by the so called "People's Revolution". A radical leader decided that it was time that the land and wealth be redistributed to more "worthy" working class people. Although House Sivadnor had been one of the most generous, helping people in need, creating new jobs and wealth for thousands of employees, it was swept up in a wave of fanatical "liberators". Although the House soldiers fought bravely, they were no match for the hordes of criminals calling themselves the "people's army". Sten, who was 12 standard years old, was hidden in a safe place with only his friend and the family's most trusted body guard, an ex-fighter pilot named Alecs Kilgar, to protect him. After the rest of the family was murdered for trying to defend what was rightfully theirs, Alecs spirited Sten away from the only home he had ever known.

When Sten's body was not identified by the new government's secret police, a bounty was place on his head, dead or alive. Alecs and Sten spent many years on the run from the ruthless bounty hunters and secret police, but Alecs used this to their advantage teaching Sten all he knew about piloting and fighting.

During this time a new man was rising to power, President Palpatine. Here was someone that Sten could believe in, someone who talked of law and order, of honor and protecting peoples rights and properties. Then he began following through on his promises and one of the first things he did was to liberate Sten's homeworld, crushing the "People's Army" and restoring the lands and properties to the rightful owners, if they could be found. This made Sten the sole heir to the restored house of Sivadnor. It was for this reason that at the age of 18, he turned over control of the trading house to Alecs, gave up his title, and joined the Imperial Navy, pledging his undying loyalty and life to the soon to be Emperor Palpatine.

It was natural that Sten be trained as a fighter pilot. As his training progressed he became consumed by the need to fly and fight. It seemed he only felt truly alive when he was at the controls of a starfighter, bearing down on an enemy. The only problem his instructors had was holding him back.

After his training, which he passed with flying colors due to Alecs' excellent tutelage, he was assigned to a Tie squadron in the rim sectors. Here he perfected his aggressive flying skills going up against pirates and other criminal elements most of which were no match for the hot young pilot and his squadron mates. Sten's skills did not go unnoticed and he began to quickly rise through the ranks. He was decorated several times for bravery, even once being personally honored by Lord Vader himself. There are rumors that he was initiated into the Emperor's Secret Order early in his career, but this cannot be confirmed. Many of General Sten's missions seem to be shrouded in secrecy which indicates that this is a very highly thought of pilot indeed.

Because of his aggressive fighting style and his "take no prisoners" attitude, early in his career his squadron mates began to call him "The Dragon". So it is no surprise that after taking over the Hammer's Pi squadron, they took on the nickname of "Krayt Dragons" after that fierce denizen of Tatooine. It has been reported that Pi squadron is soon to complete their training and will be assigned to the new Hammer ship the Frigate Ardent. This is not good news for the rebellion as they will now have to deal with more than just Sten himself, but a whole squadron trained by him. We are sure to be reporting on the exploits of Pi squadron in the future as they begin to serve the Emperor as an integral part of the Emperor's Hammers.

:End Story

Subj: Dogfight!
Date: 95-03-30 00:37:08 EST
From: Genrl Sten
To: DarkPilot
CC: W Call

Holy Tie Fighter Batman! Somebody told me this mission was going to be boring, but they must have been playing on easy! Well, I didn't quit complete all the bonus goals, but here is my score just for the record. DorjaM3 66,812 pnts (hard) / All P,S, 3 of 5 Bonus goals complete/ 35 Kills

Keep up the good work, CMDR/GN Sten/Pi-1/FRG Ard

P.S. Just for fun, I changed the players ship to a MIS. Didn't get as far, but I got there faster!

Subj: Krayt Dragons
Date: 95-04-04 20:52:45 EDT
From: Genrl Sten
To: Cranius, GAllbee, MBlake747, LTSaber
To: GenrlBrian, Jedi 007, TIE master
To: JP003, Shadow7036
CC: W Call, VAdThunder, VAdmAdams
CC: Quackodile, Pappy Rene, Barnacleez
CC: Methusela9, DarkPilot, Shekinah
CC: CG Rocket

To: Pi Squadron
From: Commander Pi Squadron

Be it known that from this day forward, Pi Squadron will be called the "Krayt Dragons". I am sure that this name will soon be feared among rebel pilots and their cohorts as much as it is feared on Tatooine where our namesake lives. I would like to personally thank General Brian for his help in coming up with this name. He is a credit to this squadron. Thank you all for your submissions.

Serve the Emperor above all others, CMDR/GN Sten/Pi-1/FRG Ard

XO/VA Shawshank/Gamma-1/ISD Avr

Subj: Re: Nick name change,
Date: 95-04-04 20:37:04 EDT
From: Quackodile
To: Pappy Rene, W Call, VAdmAdams
To: Methusela9, Genrl Sten, DarkPilot
To: Barnacleez, Shekinah, CG Rocket

As I figure that no one has decided to use this, our squadron (Gamma) will be called:

The Shadow Riders

Our motto, if there are no objections will be:

Vogue la galère -- "Keep on at all costs!"

I will send out the banner a little later...

XO/VA Shawshank/Gamma-1/ISD Avr

CMDR/GN Tethys/Nu-1/FRG Imperator

Subj: RE: Nu Squadron Nickname
Date: 95-04-05 07:06:12 EDT
From: CG Rocket
To: W Call, DarkPilot, VAdmAdams, Barnacleez
To: Quackodile, Shekinah, Genrl Sten, Pappy Rene
To: Methusela9, Mstr Jdi

Dear Sirs:

I held an impromptu meeting with my only squadron member and brainstorming we came up with the nickname "Obsidian Eagles"

The Banner would have an Eagle clutching the Imperial Logo in its Talons....light grey background.

Also the Flight Officer suggested I prod you guys into nominating someone for Flight please do so ASAP

                            Long Live the Empire


                                                         General Tethys

                                               CMDR/Gen Tethys/Nu-1/FRG Imp