FLT MBR/GN Prophet/Delta-3/SSD AVR

Biography of The Prophet*

Nio Scaan was young and ambitious. He grew up within Imperial City on Coruscant. He was delighted and fascinated by the incoming and outgoing ships, especially the newly discovered technology of the TIE Defenders. Although he dreamed of becoming an Imperial pilot, he had no motivation. Nio was lazy as a child and planned to work the nightshift at the Imperial Scrapping plant. He didn't care. He was a happy-go-lucky guy; he had nothing to worry about. His motto always was, 'Why work hard, get a good job, and get someplace without a life ahead of you when you can lay back, relax, and have a nice, smooth life?". Soon, however, this was all about to change. Forever. As Nio strolled through the busied Imperial streets and markets, raid sirens screamed towards him from all angles. Up in the sky, space lit up as a Rebellion fleet exited from hyperspace. Two Light Calamari Cruisers hovered high above, releasing wave after wave of Y-Wings. A barrage of concussion missles and proton torpedoes streamed through the sky as red and blue flares, detonating throughout the heart of Imperial City's population! Nio's heart stopped as he beheld the home he had lived in through the whole period of his life. Cinders...nothing but cinders remained, not even the charred bodies of his parents, brothers, and sisters. His face twisted in horror, sorrow, and then...revenge!

Nio soon joined the ranks of the Imperial Army, but not in the way he wanted. He was trained as an Imperial Stormtrooper, designed to protect the Empire with his life. His designation was Prophet92 of the Iota squadron aboard the Interdictor Cruiser Harpax II. The man who was once known as Nio Scaan had completed his training, enduring heavy physical strain, and was turned into a killing machine of the Empire, but revenge still lingered, conquering all thoughts. He grew tired of his work as a stormtrooper, threw everything he had learned away, and applied to the Imperial Academy. He was accepted. He fininshed training at the top of his class. He was soon assigned to Delta Squadron, Flight Group III, Position II,. He was happy to have been assigned to the newly developed TIE Defender, instead of the older, less skillful, TIE Fighter. He was even happier to find he was assigned to be aboard the newly constructed Super Class Star Destroyer Avenger. There was still, however, one thing that stood in the way of his happiness--ambition--his ambition for revenge!

FLTMBR/GN Prophet/Delta-3/SSD AVR

*Dedication:To General Tethys-Thanks for bringing out the ambition in me!