TACT/VA Adams/CF-3/VSD For

The Tactical Officer has proposed the following Imperial Navy Pilot Record for Members and applicants of the Emperor's Hammer. This will provide our central archives with information on each Member and each new applicant to the Emperor's Hammer. A copy of this form will be posted in the Training Center Section of subsequent Newsletters and may be used by prospective applicants and/or Members, at their discretion. Submission of this form is voluntary and non-submission will in no way reflect poorly against entrance or continued Membership in the Hammer. The Wing Commander has previously posted historical information on Ronin in Newsletter Nos. 2 and 3...


Imperial Navy Pilot Record
Personal Background information
(Imperial Security Bureau)

Scandoc Transmission Code(Screen name):
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth(Please include Homeworld):
Marital Status(Single,Married,Divorced,Separated):

Social Status(Destitute,Poor,Well-to-do,Wealthy,Nobility):
Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence:

Significant Events of Adulthood:

Alignment & Attitude:

Former Occupations(if any):



Phobias & Allergies:

Personal views of the Empire(and Emperor's Hammer):

Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force:

Other comments or information(optional):

I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my knowledge.


cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer

CMDR/GN Renegade/Iota-1/TFC Rox

From: GN Renegade
To: Iota Squadron

Gentlemen, I do not care how much Tyberian wine you want to drink, but I am upset when the bartender of the cantina complaines to me about what you guys have been doing on your off duty hours.

1. DO NOT shave the fur off of our Wookie slaves anymore, It is not nice and have you ever seen a bald Wookie, it's a scary sight.

2. DO NOT tie the head tenacles of the Twi'lek barmaids togeather. They get really mad about it, and no, they do not serve up Calimari dishes in the Cantina, I know the calamari look like fish but we do not eat our enemies, we destroy them.

3. It is okay to call the Wing Commander the boss, with-in the squadron, but to refer to him is that guy who has all those colored squares on his chest is not cool. and , don't ask me what those colored squares mean, because I forgot.

4. When you are told to check your "6", that DOES NOT mean--what time is it?

5. I have already reprimanded the mechanics for saying the only way they can fix your ships is to replace the loose "NUT" in the cockpit.

s 6. You pilots in flight-3, MIS(S) is the name of your ship, it is not what you are supposed to do with your missles!

7. You WILL NOT use Spice or Stim-sticks 12 hours prior to a mission, and use proper radio procedure, saying "Wow, watch that mutha blow " is not proper procedure.

GN Renegade

CMDR-XA-IPO/GN Shekinah/Mu-1/VSD For

Rebel Vessel Cache Seized!

A surprise attack by Imperial Forces turns up the most unexpected find!

A Rebel Soldier is Killed during the
Assault by Hammer's Fist Spacetroopers

A large quantity of Rebel storage parts and several intact fighters were captured by Imperial Forces from the Hammer's Fist, an Elite Stormtrooper Legion, on Tuesday at 0900 hours. Agents of the Secret Order were reportedly on hand to examine the find. Apparently, a Rebel convoy from the unknown whereabouts of the Incom Corporation were intercepted planetside near Togamah. All Rebels at the site were executed immediately and all personnel accounted for.

Grand Admiral Ronin was contacted approximately 8 hours after the discovery of these Rebel Starfighters and talk of being able to use Rebel fighters to infiltrate the Alliance may prove to be the crushing blow by the Emperor's Hammer to the Rebellion. The Tactical Section of the Emperor's Hammer is bringing resources to investigate this new development.


A Film of Dark-Wing Alpha testing
systems at the Boran II Research Labs

Preliminary testing of the Rebel fighter's use in TIE Fighter is a success! Ships available for use are the X-wing, Y-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, Tyderium Shuttle, and Transport with more to follow. The only restrictions are:
1.) You have to use a TIE cockpit (preferably a T/I or T/A, the others get garbage on them) - no big loss
2.) All ships MUST be Imperial IFF Code [Rebel code IFF will crash the game]

3.) Don't talk to any officers (Flight or Secret), the game will lock up.
4.) These do NOT take the place of existing Imperial Ships - they merely use the cockpit as a "host".
5.) Rebel ships are open to be upgraded with weapons, shields, hull, and flight stats

CMDR-XA-IPO/GN Shekinah/Mu-1/VSD For

Wing Commander's Note:

General Shekinah is didligently working on both the new Imperial and Rebel Fighter designs (i.e. a Shipe Editor!) for use by Members in the original TIE Fighter Game...In addition, General Shekinah has found a way to allow selected Emperor's Hammer Battles to have Battle Numbers in the original TIE Fighter game. For example, our completed Battle 9 - Tracking the Defectors could be designated as Battle No. 11 in the game, thus not requiring ANY copying or renaming of mission files...Following the Tactical Staff's approval of these new technologies, they will be posted in subsequent newsletters.