CMDR/RA Shekinah/Mu-1/VSD Formidable


Holophoto taken prior to assignment with Emperor's Hammer
Imperial Navy Pilot Record

Personal Background information
(Imperial Security Bureau)

Name: Shekinah, Zhafriel
Rank: Squadron Commander
Scandoc Transmission Code(Screen name): Shekinah
Sex(M/F): Male
Race: Human
Date of Birth: 6809.2
Place of Birth(Please include Homeworld): Coruscant
Marital Status(Single,Married,Divorced,Separated): Married (Wife presumed Member of Internal
Security Forces - Identity Classified)
Family: None
Social Status(Destitute,Poor,Well-to-do,Wealthy,Nobility): Well
Significant Events of Childhood & Adolescence: CLASSIFIED
Significant Events of Adulthood: CLASSIFIED
Alignment & Attitude: CLASSIFIED
Former Occupations(if any): Imperial Cryptologist (Boran R&D Labs), Radical Political Theory (Anti-Imperial Analysis), Studied with 505th Shadow Brigade Imperial Intelligence 2 yrs.
Hobbies: Art, Religious Studies, Martial Arts (includes the study of Sabre fighting), Gourmet cooking especially COFFEE!
Tragedies: Close female colleague committed suicide.
Phobias & Allergies: Classified.
Personal views of the Empire(and Emperor's Hammer): The gleaming hope of order in the Galaxy although his alliegance to which side of the Force is disturbingly unknown.
Only Command candidate Officer known not to have joined the Dark Brotherhood.
Reason for applying to the Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Force: To serve the Empire and bring and end to this Civil War.
Other comments or information(optional):
I hereby confirm that the above information is legitimate and accurate to the best of my

Signature: Zhafriel Shekinah
Date: 9505.13

cc: Imperial Security Bureau (ISB) Liason Officer