The Wing Commander herein presents General Jedi's (Jedi 1137) Tethys Honeymoon Battle...

Created by: CMDR/GN Jedi/Psi-1/SSD Avr

Mission 1: Rebel Attack

After the wedding of our former Nu Squadron Commander, the happily married couple and their baby son prepare for a relaxing honeymoon. Wary of Rebel interests with Hammer or former Hammer member's marriages, the Emperor's Hammer is watchful for what the Rebels might do. As the M/CRV carrying the family and some bodyguards prepare to enter hyperspace, the Rebels attack! Two Dreadnaughts overjump and have to turn back, only to be faced by the VSD Formidable which hypers in to save the day. One Rebel Interdictor and a M/FRG appear ahead of the M/CRV Honeymooner. You, Nu-3 are responsible for destroying the INT and the M/FRG as well as B-Wings and X-Wings to ensure the safety of the M/CRV. General Tethys jumps into a T/A and his wife jumps into an old T/F and enter the fight. Attacks on the VSD Formidable are made after the M/CRV seems lost. You must ensure the safety of both craft.

Mission 2: Cruiser Feast

A distress call is received from the Honeymooner. Psi-3 is sent to investigate. Upon exiting hyperspace, the player notices three Calamari Cruisers surrounding the disabled Honeymooner and T/A holding General Tethys. ATRs are already preparing to capture the crafts. An X-Wing flight is sent after Psi-3. Shortly after the captured Honeymooner gets away, VSD Formidable comes in and launches Nu-2 to attack the CRL Dragonfly. SSD Avenger (SuperAce ISD) comes in and does battle with the CRL Manticore. It is Psi-3's duty to destroy CRL Kamaul. The Rebels must pay for capturing General Tethys.

Mission 3: Rescue

Intelligence reports have turned up some information about an Imperial commander and his family being transported to a new base. The Hammer now has sufficient information to believe this Imperial commander is General Tethys. A recovery operation must be underway as the Rebels must not interrogate Tethys and no harm should be brought upon the Tethys family. Psi-1 flying T/Ds for this mission only will come in and identify all craft in the convoy sent to construct the small new base. The Rebel's ideas for transporting the General to a small base is to arouse less suspicion. After the correct craft has been found, it is to be disabled and protected as ATR Rescue comes in to capture it. Meanwhile, as many of the other ships in the convoy can be disabled and captured for extra points. A Dreadnaught is the only known escort for the small convoy along with it's compliment of starfighters. Phi-1 will assist in the disabling of ships and Nu-1 will provide cover. After the Passenger Liner carrying the Rebel Staff has been identified, a shuttle carrying Rebel Commanders and other higher ranking officials will depart, heading for hyperspace. It is the players job to "attach" a tracking device on the hull to find the location of the Rebels hideout in this sector (flying within identification range will accomplish the "attaching".

Mission 4: Revenge

General Tethys is well and has returned to the VSD Formidable till this event is over. The tracking device is traced to a small Rebel platform not far off from the attack on the convoy. VSD Formidable hypers in and finds the platform has spread a few mines around itself and several containers in hopes of hindering maneuvers and sensors, both to small efficiency. The Platform Jakaan has a high number of fighter craft aboard and will launch them all in hopes of protecting the station until the Carrack Cruiser Pegasus can arrive with more reinforcements. The player will be flying as Flight leader of Nu-1 in a T/A, with no tractor beam. A good pilot will be able to handle the intense fire and the number of starfighters with little trouble. It is the duty of the player to protect Mu-3 as it makes torpedo hits on the platform. Mu-1 will come in if needed for more firepower. When the Pegasus does come in, it will come in with Y-Wings and B-Wings. ATR group Bull Fly will be launched to try and destroy the CRK. No prisoners. The General is out for revenge in this one.



The Wing Commander herein presents the Escort Carrier Missions Battle, created by General Mark (FLT MBR/GN Mark/Delta-1/SSD Avr)....



Because of Zaarin's treachery, the empire finds itself with a shortage of TIE class hyperdrive activator units. The hyperdrive units are critical for the production of the TIE advanced, TIE defender, and the missile boat! Because of Zaarin's destruction of key manufacturing plants the empire can barely sustain the needs of the Hammer for these advanced ships. Therefore it has been proposed that the older TIEs be retrofited with new option packs. These packs would add shield capability additional swap out packs would add advanced weapontry and beam equipment. These modifications would return the basic TIE series (TIE, TIE bomber, TIE interceptor) to the state of the art! But the problem remains that they would still have no Hyperdrive, in answer comes the Escort Carrier. The escort carrier was built because of the lack of hyperspace ability in the TIE series. But until now it has allways been concidered a support ship. The carrier would resupply a sector with TIEs as fighter support. The escort carrier has the massive capability of being able to store an entire TIE wing! It can also carry some transports or other small craft in addition. Our new plan to use the Escort Carriers to carry the TIE squadrons directly into battle. We believe that the upgraded basic TIEs will be able to adequately protect the Carrier from attack and still preform any mission set to it. The Transports it carries can preform any disabling and capture missions, and the upgraded TIEs can provide cover or destroy any foe they come up against. In this battle you will take command of an Escort carrier assigned to test this theory in actual mission conditions. You have been attached to this flight group from the Hammer as we need a pilot of your skill to oversee this operation. Unfortunately, the advanced fighters of the empire will not be availible to you for these missions as all Hyperdrive capable ships are in use by the Hammer. But you will be able to add any captured ships to your own use. You could build a sizeable fleet if you are very successful!

Mission 1:

In this mission, an Imperial deep-space probe detected some possible derelict ships which we might be able to repair for our own use. your mission is to take TIE interceptor Alpha-1 and inspect all ships in the scrap yard. If any ships are usable, the Escort Carrier Astin will dispach transports to repair and capture them. Your TIE interceptor is the upgraded version with shields, plus we have added a "decoy beam" weapon. this weapon is still expermintal and may not work as expected, if at all! Your ship has also been equiped with 6 Advanced concussion missles. good luck!

Mission 2:

In this mission, a system patrol craft has come accross some rebel Freighters escorted by two Modified Corvettes. your mission is to use mag pulse missles to disable the Corvettes weapon systems so the Astin's transports can disable and capture the Corvettes for addition to your strike force. Then inspect the Freighters for any materials usefull to the empire. For this mission your TIE inteceptor will be equiped with the new Mag Pulse torpedos. (NOTE: for this battle the Imperial Traitors are coded in your threat displays as rebels, even though they are WORSE THAN THE REBEL SCUM AND SHOULD BE KILLED ON SIGHT!)

Mission 3:

In this mission, you are to use your newly accuired strike group to attack a rebel resupply base. DESTROY EVERYTHING, KILL KILL KILL! LET YOUR HATE FLOW! CONSUME THE EMPIRES ENEMIES IN THE FIRE OF YOUR RIGHTEOUS RAGE! You will fly an upgraded TIE bomber with shields and heavy rockets. SHOOT EVERYTHING!

Mission 4:

Protect the Austin as it is resupplied after the last mission. We don't expect a major retaliation after the last mission but be prepared! For this mission you will be back in your upgraded TIE Inteceptor.

Mission 5:

under construction, will accept suggesions.

Mission 6:



Break the Sky

By CMDR\GA Lucas\Delta I\SSD Avenger (Markflux)

Mission 1

The newly recieved SSD Avenger is still having a few problems with the hyperdrive unit. The Avenger was forced to drop to sublight speed when the mass detector incorrectly indicated a steep gravity well ahead. The rest of the strike fleet was well ahead of the Avenger when the trouble was noticed. Alone and stranded, the flagship must make a stand against an approaching rebel fleet. How did the Rebels know of the exact location of the Avenger? Coincidence? Perhaps..... Protect the Avenger against the first wave of attacking starfighters!

Hammer Ships
	SSD Avenger
	TD Delta
	MIS Epsilon
	TD Alpha
	TA Kappa

Rebel Ships
	CRS Johan
	MFRG Sliver
	MCRV Group Raven
	XW Gold
	YW Red
	TW Black
	ATR Shockwave

Primary Goals
	CRV Uncle Ira must arrive
	SSD Avenger must survive
	100% ATR Shockwave dest

Secondary Goals
	100% MCRV Group Raven dest
	MFRG Sliver Destroyed

Mission 2

The first wave has been beaten back, and the rest of the Hammer Fleet is coming to our aid. Hold out just a little bit longer. Prevent the next wave of Rebel scum from washing over the Avenger. Beware, some starfighters are carrying heavy rockets and space bombs.

Hammer Ships
	SSD Avenger
	VSD Monitor
	TD Delta
	MIS Epsilon
	TD Alpha
	TA Kappa

Rebel Ships
	CRS Enigma
	CRS Lathe
	FRG Lancer
	XW Red
	YW Gold
	BW Red
	AW Blue

Primary Goals 
	SSD Avenger must survive
	VSD Monitor must arrive
	75% of rebel craft must be destroyed

Secondary Goals
	FRG Lancer must be destroyed
	100% AW Blue must be destroyed

Mission 3

The Avenger has taken some large hits during the past two attacks. Now that the hyperdrive is online, the starfighters and the VSD Monitor will cover her withdrawl from the battle area. Keep alert for unscheduled shuttle launches. The newly formed Emperor's Fist may may be put to the test in a capture operation.

Hammer Ships
	SSD Avenger
	VSD Monitor
	VSD Formidable
	TD Delta
	MIS Epsilon
Rebel Ships
	CRK Vice
	CRS Cote D'or
	MCRV Group Sauron
	XW Red
	YW Gold
	AW Blue

Primary Goal
	SSD Avenger complete mission
	VSD Monitor must survive
	VSD Formidable must arrive.

Secondary Goals
	ES Blade??? must be disabled
	100% MCRV Sauron must be destroyed

Mission 4

Time to cut and run. Now that an internal traitorous plot has been foiled, and the loyalty of the crew restored, the remaining capital ships of the Emperor's Hammer will make their way to the hyperspace point. The Monitor will be the first ship to leave, followed by the Formidable. This fighting retreat, however, should provide quite a surprise for the Rebel scum.

Hammer Ships
	VSD Monitor
	VSD Formidable
	TD Delta
	MIS Epsilon
	TA Nu
	ATR Group Spearhead

Rebel Ships
	FRG Chtorr
	M/FRG Dol Gadorr
	CRK Palor
	Z-95 Scarlet
	XW Rouge
	YW Yellow
	ATR Group Salvation

Primary Goals
	VSD Monitor must complete mission
	VSD Formidable must survive
	100% ATR Group Salvation must be destroyed.

Secondary Goals
	FRG Chtorr must be captured
	M/FRG Dol Gadorr must be captured

Mission 5

The Hammer is not quite out of the woods. The VSD Formidable still is making its way to the hyperspace point. Unfortunately, an interdictor cruiser has just arrived. Where did the rebels get such a piece of hardware? Well, that point will be researched lated. You know what to do. Clear the way for the Formidable's withdrawal.

Hammer Ships
	VSD Formidable
	TD Mu
	MIS Epsilon
	TA Nu

Rebel Ships
	INT Gatekeeper
	CRS Maudib
	XW Red
	BW Gold

Other Ships
	Z-95 Zigguraut
	R-41 Flack
	CRV Jolly Roger
Primary Goals
	VSD Formidable must complete mission


The Wing Commander has decided that, to be eligible for Battle Medal awards, interested pilots are asked to complete, at a minimum, ALL of the Primary Goals in each Mission (just like the game, completion of the Primary Goals is required to advance missions) at whichever difficulty they prefer. Obviously higher difficulties translate into higher scores for posting on the Battle Board. The mission performance files (i.e. film clips/*.clp files) must be submitted to your individual Squadron Commanders for review and recommendation regarding Medal awards and possible promotions following completion of ALL missions in any given Battle.

One point must be stressed regarding submission of mission performances clips and pilot files...Please direct these submissions to your individual Squadron Commanders rather than myself...The Wing Commander can not spare his time and efforts from the Newsletters, new plots and missions for these reviews...Subsequently, your Squadron Commanders will be making periodic recommendations for Medal Awards "on behalf" of the Member seeking a Medal (i.e. a nomination...). Thankyou for your understanding...

The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:

	General Mark (FLT MBR/GN Mark/Delta-1/SSD Avr)
		Commendation for Service:  For creation of the Plotline for the Escort Carrier Missions Battle
  			Medal of Tactics w/ 4 Green Hammers:  For the creation of Missions 1 to 4 of the Escort Carrier
 				Missions Battle

	General Abaddon (FLT MBR/GN Abaddon/Phi III/VSD Mon)
		Medal of Victory - For completion of all Missions for the Renegade Battle

	General Killer (FLT MBR/GN Killer/Lambda-1/SSD Avr)
		Red Hammer - For creation of all Missions in the Battle for the Deathstar

	General Hornedog (FLT MBR/GN Hornedog/Lambda-3/SSD Avr)
		Medal of Tactics w/ Green Hammer - For creation of Missions 1 and 2 for the Battle of

	General Darkstar (FLT MBR/GN Darkstar/Phi-1/VSD Mon)
		Medal of Loyalty - For completion of all Missions in Battle 9 - Tracking the Defector's Battle
		Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle

	General Jedi (CMDR/GN Jedi/Psi-1/SSD Avr)
		Commendation for Service - For creation of Plotline for the Tethys Honeymoon Battle
		Medal of Tactics w/ Red Hammer - For creation of all missions in the Tethys Honeymoon Battle

	General Moldman (FLT LDR/GN Moldman/Iota-3/TFC Rox)
		2nd Green Hammer - For creation of Mission 1 of the Space Operations Battle

	General Lucas (CMDR/GN Lucas/Delta I/SSD Avr)
		Commendation for Service - For creation of Break the Sky Battle
		Medal of Tactics - For creation of Mission 1 of the Break the Sky Battle

	General Havoc (CMDR/GN Havoc/Lambda-1/SSD Avr)
		Medal of Security - For completion of all missions in the New Dimensions Battle
		Medal of Victory - For completion of all missions in Battle 11 - Renegade Battle