TO/RA Paladin/CF-5/INT Hpx

Pilot's Manual

Imperial Navy Training Command 

Basic Terminology 

All "directions" are hard to define in space. For the purposes of this manual, "up" is above the pilot, while "down" is below him. The word "altitude" will be used to denote either going up or down from the plane on which the pilot was oriented before beginning a manuever.  

Roll- The motion of a craft left or right. To accomplish this type of movement, the control stick (the "joystick") is moved left or right. 

Pitch- The motion of the "nose" of a craft up or down.  

Yaw- The motion of a craft rotating left or right. 

Flight Manuvers 

Dive- This is the easiest of all possible maneuvers. Point the nose of your craft down and you will proceed rapidly in that direction. 

Loop- To bleed off speed and get behind an attacker, go into a dive (or climb, an upward movement) and hold the stick back instead of releasing it. 

Barrel Roll- Also known as the "corkscrew avoid". To perform this maneuver, bank your craft hard while applying back pressure on the stick. 

Half Loop- Also known as an "Immelman Turn". Use this movement to gain altitude and reverse direction. Begin as if you were going to perform a loop, then roll and level out before the top of the loop. 

Renversement- After making a diving pass at an enemy (at full speed), pull up and reduce speed, then apply full rudder (turn hard), roll and pull back slightly on the stick. If your timing is correct, you will be diving back down in the opposite direction, making another pass at your opponent (albeit a head on pass) possible. 

Retournment- A good followup to the "Renversement", this will put you on the tail of your opponent. Climb and continue to apply rudder as you roll your craft after you have looped and come over the top. Instead of reversing directions, you will be going in the same direction as you were before the maneuver, but hopefully on the tail of your opponent.

Split-S- An excellent way to escape an attacker. Roll until you are inverted, then pull back on the stick to perform the last half of a loop. When you level off, you may repeat this maneuver until you escape your attacker. 


During a minor planetary confict on the planet Earth, called the First World War by the inhabitants of this planet, a pilot by the name of Oswald Boelcke wrote a group of suggestions for young pilots. Called "Boelcke's Dicta", they still form the basis for combat tactics today.

1) Exercising caution in combat makes it more likely that a young pilot will survive. Attack out of the sun because it is a blind spot for every pilot. Try to attack from above because you will then have the initiative, the enemy pilot can only react to your moves. 

2) One of the most common mistakes made by novice pilots is to attack a target and attempt to disengage halfway through a firing run. This often has the effect of exposing one's tail to the enmy, who will proceed to blow it off. A pilot must be aggressive. Once you choose your target, stick to it. Your ferocity and aggressiveness will often times frighten your opponent into making a mistake that you can take avantage of. 

3) Sucessful pilots almost exclusively close to within close range of an opponent before firing a decisive burst of fire. In the Imperial Navy, the added bonus is that because you lose points for every round fired that misses, it is advantageous to take very sure shots. 

4) Occasionally, a pilot will feign a jump to hyperspace, or will make his craft appear more damaged than it really is. Do not be deceived by this. (But do not hesitate to use these tactics yourself if you think they will work!) 

5) The art of deflection shooting (hitting an opponent headed in a diffrent direction than you) is often very diffcult. It is easier to attack an opponent from behind as they present a greater target profile. Attacking a capital ship from the rear is advised because capital ships have a more difficult time attacking a pilot behind them. 

6) If you break away from an attacking craft, you will be a choice target and will present your tail to the enemy. While the attacking pilot might be grateful for this, you will not be. If you turn into an attack, you will be in your adversary's line of fire for only a moment, and then have the opportunity to take a shot at your opponent's tail. 

7) Know where your mothership is, or where you have a chance of getting into hyperspace. Better a live pilot than a dead hero. 

8) If five X-Wings attack five TIE Defenders, then the odds are even, right? Not if four of the T/D's attack one X-Wing. This will leave only one T/D against four X-W's, and then the X-W's will have an unobstructed shot at the T/D's. In a dogfight, make sure that every member of a flight takes one enemy pilot. 

Situational Awareness- SA is the ability to rapidly store, process, and use information in the rapidly changing arena of a dogfight. SA involves a group of questions that are everchanging and defined by the pilot alone. Is the enemy nearby? If so, how many? What are they flying? Are they more or less heavily armed then me? These are only a few of the questions a sucessful pilot must ask himself. It is because of SA that it becomes advisable to tell a pilot to avoid engaging in a large dogfight. While ten of fifteen craft are circling, a pilot spends most of his time attempting to avoid other craft. because of that, a pilot sacrifices almost all of his SA. This is seldom tolerated in combat.


Hits To Kill - Fighters

Lasers Miss Adv Miss Torp Avd Torp Hvy Rock S. Bomb

X-Wing 19 3 2 1 1 1 1

Y-Wing 30 4 2 2 1 1 1

A-Wing 17 3 2 1 1 1 1

B-Wing 56 8 4 3 2 1 1

T-Wing 12 2 1 1 1 1 1

Z-95 10 2 1 1 1 1 1

R-41 12 2 1 1 1 1 1

T/F 3 1 1 1 1 1 1

T/I 5 1 1 1 1 1 1

T/B 8 1 1 1 1 1 1

T/A 24 3 2 1 1 1 1

T/D 30 4 2 1 1 1 1

Gun 34 5 3 1 1 1 1

Mis 51 7 4 1 1 1 1


Hits To Kill - Light Ships

Lasers Miss Adv Miss Torp Avd Torp Hvy Rock S. Bomb

Shuttle 32 5 3 1 1 1 1

E/S 46 6 3 2 1 1 1

TRN 31 4 2 2 1 1 1

A. TRN 77 11 5 3 2 1 1

E. TRN 100 14 7 5 3 1 1

SPC 54 8 4 3 2 1 1

CORT 150 20 10 6 4 2 1

MUTR 110 15 8 5 4 1 1

SCT 54 8 4 3 2 1 1

CUV 2 1 1 1 1 1 1

Tug 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Sat 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Mine 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Probe 1 1 1 1 1 1 1


Hits To Kill - Cargo Vessels

Lasers Miss Adv Miss Torp Avd Torp Hvy Rock S. Bomb

Freighter 150 20 10 6 4 2 1

Con A 85 12 6 4 3 2 1

Con B 100 14 7 5 3 2 1

Con C 15 3 2 1 1 1 1

Con D 18 3 2 1 1 1 1

Con E 55 8 4 3 2 1 1

Con F 55 8 4 3 2 1 1

Con G 40 6 3 2 2 1 1

Con H 40 6 3 2 2 1 1

Con I 40 6 3 2 2 1 1

HLF 10 2 1 1 1 1 1

Carg 95 13 7 4 3 2 1

CTRNS 85 12 6 4 3 2 1

CNVYR 135 18 9 6 4 2 1


Hits To Kill - Warships

Lasers Miss Adv Miss Torp Avd Torp Hvy Rock S. Bomb

Corvette 150 20 10 6 4 2 1

M\Cor. 150 20 10 6 4 2 1

NEB FRG 1,040 140 70 42 28 12 7

M\FRG 1,360 182 91 55 37 16 9

ESC 1,080 144 72 44 29 13 7

INT 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

VSD 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

ISD 1,877 250 125 75 50 22 12

L Cal 960 128 64 39 26 11 6

Mon Cal 1,520 203 102 62 41 18 10

Carrack 1,040 140 70 42 28 12 7

Strike 1,040 140 70 42 28 12 7

Dread 960 128 64 39 26 11 6

C-3 1,360 182 91 55 37 16 9


Hits To Kill - Stations

Lasers Miss Adv Miss Torp Avd Torp Hvy Rock S. Bomb

Plat A 1,600 214 107 65 43 19 10

Plat B 1,600 214 107 65 43 19 10

Plat C 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

Plat D 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

Plat E 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

Plat F 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8

Factory 1,200 160 80 48 32 14 8



CMDR-TA2/BG Sten/Pi-1/VSD Mon


Subj: Squadron Banner, etc.

Date: 95-06-27 02:56:53 EDT

From: Genrl Sten

To: GA Ronin, Shekinah


File: PIBANNER.ZIP (15413 bytes)

DL Time (14400 bps): < 1 minute


To: Wing Commander & Operations Officer, EH

From: Commander Pi Squadron


I have attached the final version of Pi Squadron's Banner. I think it turned

out quite well considering I had about 4 different people working on it. The

credit for the final product goes to the pilot you just got the letter from,

Melan Pyr / RBKugel. It was also worked on by GN Brian / GenrlBrian, GN

Jon-Paul / KLEPTOMNC, and also RA Shekinah, but it was Melan Pyr who brought

all the elements together<...>


Thank you for your valuable time. 

CMDR-TA2/BG Sten/Pi-1/VSD Mon

Pi Squadron Banner
(Phott: E-Mailed by Genrl Sten)

CMDR/GN Jac/BETA-1/SSD Avr, MoT-7gh 

Subj: Battles.wri

Date: 95-07-03 00:58:40 EDT

From: JACtRIP583

To: GA Ronin


File: BATTLES.WRI (110848 bytes)

DL Time (14400 bps): < 2 minutes


I have always had the problem of having to go through all of the NLs looking

for a battle plot. Well not anymore. I have attached a file that has all the

battle plots in it. They are all in order. I would like for you to look over

it, and if you like it attach it to the NL. If you do like it I will take on

the responsability of updating it. Please review it.



Fleet Commander's Note: 

General Jac's useful Plotline Compendium (battles.wri) has been attached to this Newsletter (Please refer to the File Archives Section)...All Members may use it for a handy reference on any of the Battles posted for the EH to date...