Due to the confusing names of some missions attached to this Newsletter, the Fleet Commander has renamed the original mission files. This action was necessary to allow the Fleet Commander to attach all new missions to the Newsletter submission to AOL in one *.zip file. Consequently, a brief summary is presented below for your convenience:


	Battle 2/Mission 3			hmrb2m3.tie		b2m3iw.tie
	Battle 2/Mission 4			hmrb2m4.tie		b2m4gw.tie
	Battle 2/Mission 5			hmrb2m5.tie		b1m2fm.tie
	Battle 2/Mission 6			hmrb2m6.tie		b1m3bm.tie

	Battle 25/Mission 1			hmrb25m1.tie		b2m1fw.tie
	Battle 25/Mission 2			hmrb25m2.tie		b2m2bw.tie
	Battle 25/Mission 3			hmrb25m3.tie		b2m3iw.tie
	Battle 25/Mission 4			hmrb25m4.tie		b2m4gw.tie
	Battle 25/Mission 5			hmrb25m5.tie		b2m5fw.tie

	Mflux-2					mflux-2.tie		b1m1fm.tie

	Battle 26/Mission 1			hmrb26m1.tie		b1m1fm.tie
	Battle 26/Mission 2			hmrb26m2.tie		b1m2fm.tie
	Battle 26/Mission 3			hmrb26m3.tie		b1m3bm.tie
	Battle 26/Mission 4			hmrb26m4.tie		b1m4im.tie

	Battle 27/Mission 1			b1m1fm.tie		N/A
	Battle 27/Mission 2			b1m2fm.tie		N/A
	Battle 27/Mission 3			b1m3bm.tie		N/A
	Battle 27/Mission 4			b1m4im.tie		N/A
	Battle 27/Mission 5			b1m5gm.tie		N/A


There has been much confusion regarding copying and playing mission files. Briefly, these files must be directly copied to your c:\tie\mission subdirectory. However, BE CAUTIONED...you MUST backup your originals files currently in the c:\tie\mission subdirectory or they will be copied over and lost...This is due to the fact that all new missions will have one of the same names as the original missions (apparently, edited missions can only replace the named missions in the original TIE Fighter Game).

Fleet Members MUST manually rename the mission files to the "Old File Name" listed above and copy into the c:\tie\mission subdirectory for proper use (REMEMBER... Backup ALL original files prior to copying new mission files into the c:\tie\mission subdirectory!!!). Members are encouraged to utilize a rigid subdirectory system rather than continually renaming mission files in order to play the new missions more easily and effectively...

ALL Members are notified that General Lucas/MarkFlux (CMDR/GN Lucas/Beta-1/SSD Avr) has been faithfully updated his mission launcher (hammer.bat) files in recent newsletters. Members who don't have the time to manage a complex directory structure are advised to use the batch files...