A rebel YT-1000 transport approaching Eos, under attack by former
Psi squadron commander, GN SFunaro.
(Photo: E-Mailed by AD Tav B, 1995)

-A REBEL TRANSPORT was found approaching Aurora's moon, Eos where it was intercepted and destroyed by former Psi squadron commander General SFunaro. The ship was first detected by the ISD Colossus, which was just leaving orbit of Eos to head for Aurora. When the transport did not respond to the hails of the Colossus, the interdiction squadron, Psi, which happened to be performing drills on the other side of Eos, was sent to discover it's intentions. When General SFunaro came within 5 klicks of the enemy craft, he again requested a response from the craft. When the rebel increased to full speed and raised it's shields, SFunaro manuvered in behind the craft and disabled it. The pilot of the craft is currently under interrogation, and the results will be announced at the Fleet Commander's order.

-A REBEL AGENT killed two stormtroopers on Monday this week. For details, look in the Hammer's Fist section of the update.

-CORPORATE CONTEST #1 has just completed its final testing phase of the Hog Heavy Assault Fighter, designed by Imperial Microsystems, Inc. (CEOBillP), where it was reviewed by Cobra squadron. The results were interesting, a majority of the men liked the craft, yet disapproved of it's slow speed and bad roll rate. Others thought the combination of slow, but heavily armed was perfect for the job...which is medium capital ship engagement. The pilots of Cobra squadron have one warning for picket fleet pilots though, and that is to watch out for incoming turbolaser fire, as the craft is too slow to evade close range fire...making the craft better suited for standoff range attacks.

-PROMOTIONS! The Tactical Officer has selected his new assistant! MG Threat (GoBucky) has been appointed as TAC2. MG Threat will now aid Fleet Admiral Tav Breil`lya with his duties as Tactical Officer. In addition, (Ghent2) has been promoted to the rank of Master General for his service as TAC1.

-THE HOG heavy assault craft is now begining its active service with the Emperor's Hammer Picket Fleets, and is officially available to any Corporation that wishes to supply itself with them. In order to purchase these craft, contact CEOBill P, the CEO of Imperial Microsystems, Inc., who designed the craft.

-IMPERIAL SCANDOC has been accepted as the official form of communication between command officers when communicating about important matters. Below is a "How to" as submitted to the Fleet Commander:


The how-to's in making one

The Imperial Scandoc will soon become the official method of transferring important messages between Members...the system is taken from the Imperial Security Bureau, where message type, classification level and subject can all be determined with a quick glance. Please note that some "artistic license" was used in order to simplify the system so that it can be used in day to day transmissions within the Hammer.

This is a key of how to use and understand the system, and its parts...


Here is an example scandoc transmission:


From: Fleet Admiral Tav Breil`lya, Tactical Officer

To: Grand Admiral Ronin, Fleet Commander

Subject: Imperial Scandoc System

Confirmed: SEND; TRAN58/64; RECV

Context: 6E6; AOPT; PERS; ROPT

Phasecycle: PSEG144513567390290; ICON; 00.12BMUT; 00.30RMUT



In keeping with the mass flow of information and mail within the Emperor's Hammer, I wish to propose the following system...as found in the Imperial Sourcebook, West End Games (Page 34-35)............



Every Scandoc begins with the line:



From: In this section, one types there name, followed by thier position (no abbreviations) in the Emperor's Hammer Fleet.

- If a person is a flight member:

General Jaak Trask`lya, Flight Member-Lambda 2-ISD Vangaurd

- If they are a squadron commander:

Master General Taska Irroa, Squadron Commander-Iota Squadron-SSD


- If they are a command officer:

Fleet Admiral Tav Breil`lya, Tactical Officer


To: The same as above....but the name is changed to that of the recipient


Subject: When transmitting to system cells, the subject is usually plaintext.


Confirmed: This status line tells the recipient which send and receive codes were acknowleged and matched without any error.


"SEND" indicates the send code was confirmed and matched.


"RECV" means the receive code was also confirmed. If either code is not

confirmed, the message is aborted or altered.

"TRAN" indicates how many information conduits in the sector that the message

was sent from transmitted the message with all the appropriate codes and the

content completely intact and error free. There are several reasons that these

numbers rarely match. In this scandoc, 58 of 64 information conduits have

transmitted perfectly. (NOTE: The amount of conduits that do successfully transmit

is up to the sender...allowing some artistic license)


Context: The first item in this status line is the autenticity of the message. "6E6" is standard notation for for 6,000,000; the odds that the message has been faked or tampered with are 6,000,000 to 1 against. 100,000 to 1, or E5 is the often the lowest acceptable security level for Pilot-Pilot. Levels of secrecy directly correspond to the authenticity level nessesary to act upon the information. Command-to-Ship or Ship-to- Ship communications have a minimum authenticity of E12, often rising to E18, while Command-to-Command or Command-to-Subgroup Command communications have a minimum authenticity of E25. Ubiqtorate communications can have an authenticity no less than E50.


The next item is the action code:


"AOPT" tells the agent that the action described in the text is optional, and the

sender expects the recipient to use his best judgement in deciding whether or not to

undertake the task.


"AADV" says the actions are "advised," which is an Imperial Navy euphemism; the

sender belives the action should be optional but there is considerable political

pressure from above for this operation. A pilot must factor these risks in addition to

the risks inherent to the mission.


"AMAN" means the actions described in the text are mandatory. In case of

contradictions, the more recent mandatory action takes precedence.


"AEXEC" is an exclusive action. The pilot is expected to to execute this action

with exclusion of everything else.


The security item is next:


"PERS" indicates the information is restricted to the recipient. He may inform no

one of the message.


"IMMD" security means the information is restricted to the immediate peers of the

pilot and necessary subordinates. This can mean different things to different pilots,

depending on how the Navy is structured around them.


"USYS" means the message may be relayed by the agent to any of his superiors in

the Imperial Navy.


"DSYS" means he may inform any subordinates.


"ASYS" tells a pilot that he may contact any level of the Navy which needs this


The SYS levels are generally reserved for Command and Ship level

communications, as pilots have little use for those classifications.


The last item, the respond item, lets the pilot know if he must acknowledge

receiving the message.


"ROPT" indicated optional response.


"RMAN" means the pilot must acknowledge the receipt of the message ASAP.


Phasecycle: This section is basicly up to the sender to make up, as long as it follows the following format:


PSEG__________________; ICON; __.__BMUT; __.__RMUT

(15 numbers) 2 2 2 2 (Numbers)


Note, all places where _ is shown...and number must be filled in.


Every Scandoc ends with the line:



Respectfully Submitted,

Fleet Admiral Tav Breil`lya
TAC/FA Breil`lya/CS-3/SSD Avenger (GOE)