CFS Main Platform, in orbit above Frigg in the Phare System,
being assaulted by elements of the Infiltrator Wing...
(Photo: TIE Fighter CD, LucasArts, 1995)

Due to its CEOs recently exposed rebellious business practices, the Fleet Commander has
ordered RA Waxer, the new Infiltrator Wing Commander, to destroy the main
Continuum Flight Systems Platforms. These facilities were recently relocated to the
Phare System and were relatively undefended thanks to the Fleet Commander's posted
policy allowing only two TIE Squadrons per Corporation. If CFS had their Phare
production facilities running and hidden away a few extra squadrons, the Infiltrator Wing
could have taken some significant losses.

Following the 10 minutes of carnage, the Fleet Commander ordered the exile of its
former CEO, APixel, from the EH Territories within the Outer Rim Sector...Some in the
Fleet have said (privately) that GA Ronin should have simply done away with the former
CEO rather than take the risks associated with exile...



I must sadly announcement my retirement from active duty due to health reasons.
I have been fighting the enemies of my Government for over 25 standard years, and I feel
that it is time for me to step down and leave the battles to the younger generation.

I have had a very long and very distinguished Military Career. I fought with my
Nation's defense forces (US Navy) for 22 years, where I had the mis-fortune to be a
Veteran of 3 major conflicts. (Vietnam, Grenada, and Desert Storm.)

I was severely injured in Desert Storm, and gave both legs and an eye for my
country. I recovered and even though I have to be mobile with my own personnel
Gravity-Repulser unit, I applied and was accepted for training with the Imperial Navy as
a Flight Cadet.

I finished my training and served with ADM Harkov and then ADM Zaarin, and
had the occasion to battle against my former Commanders when they became traitors to the

I was decorated by the Emperor Himself and was the Emperor's Hand in the
Secret Order. I joined GA Thrawns Fleet, then had the opportunity to join the Newly
founded Emperor's Hammer Elite Strike Wing under the command of GA Ronin. GA
Thrawn himself signed my transfer orders.

I first joined the EH as FM\Delta-3 on the ISD Avenger. An opening came up in
Lambda Squadron for an FL aboard the Monitor, so I transferred. I was again promoted
to the Position of PHI Squadron CMDR, On board the TFC Roxanna.

When Ad Shawshank the XO had to give up his position GA Ronin had enough
confidence in me to promote me to the position of XO of the EH.

I served in this position until I got caught in an ambush by my-self with no less
than 56 Rebel X-wings out on a training exercise. Although they were all Rookies, I was
shot-up and had to eject from my T\A. The Rebels captured me and nursed me back to

Pirates who were loyal to the Emperor rescued me from the Rebels. I was listed
as Killed in Action or so the officers of the EH thought so I was awarded the Medal of
Honor "posthumusly".

I returned to the Fleet after a 2 month absence. Since the XO position was filled
in my absence I became the Rebel Tactics Officer, then I presented the Idea of the
Infiltrator Wing to the FC, He put me in charge of forming the IW.

I am also a graduate of the Dark Brotherhood's Shadow Academy, my tenure in
the DB as allowed me to become even stronger in the "FORCE" and showed me the true
POWER of the Dark-Side.

I am so proud of what the IW has become. It has accomplished every task given
to it. It has never lost a battle. The IW has grown into 3 wings with 3 Capital ships with
7 squadrons. The wing is at 60 % strength, and Is averaging at least 2 to 3 new pilots a

I did not do it by my-self. YOU-the pilots of the IW with the full support of the
main Fleet have made the IW what it is to day. A force that the Rebels dread to face.
All of you are very ELITE pilots in an even more ELITE Fleet.

RA Waxer (ALenz59@aol.com) is the new COM of the IW. I was his first
CMDR when he joined the EH as a FM\PHI-2\TFC Roxanna . Please give him all the
support that you gave me. I have full confidence in him that he will lead you on to much
Honor and Glory.

I have tears in my eyes because I must retire from the Fleet and especially from
my Child--The IW. I am SO VERY PROUD to have served with ALL of you in the IW
and especially proud to have served under a Fleet Commander like GA Ronin and the
other officers of the EH.

But now it is time for this old Warrior to hang up his Saber and leave the
establishing our late EMPEROR"s "NEW ORDER."

I will be retired but have been asked by GA Ronin to become the COM of the PLT
Haven (the renamed PLT Invader) in a support role of the IW. I will also take over
the duties of the Rebel Tactics Officer (RTO) for the Fleet. This is are positions that will
let me stay attached to the Fleet but which will not tax my health to perform.

GA Ronin, XO, FO, TACT and officers and personel of the EH-IW, I < SALUTE >
each and everyone of you. Thank you for allowing me to FLY with the best pilots
and Fleet in the Empire.

Each and every member of the Fleet is invited to the Haven to sample all that it
has to offer, and YOUR first drink in the Cantina is on me.

"No Man should ever get away with attempting
to influence the fate of an Empire by such brutal acts as War,
But if he does then the Perpetrator of such an outrageous act
must pay the most steepest and exacting price possible."

Watch your Six, fly with Honor. Respect and obey the Officers appointed over
you. Lead by example, and SERVE THE EMPIRE ABOVE ALL OTHERS.

Thank You

FA "Pappy" Renegade\Imp. Navy\IW\EH (MoH) Ret.


The following was submitted by BG Compton (CMDR/BG Compton/Pi-1/ISD Col) in
honor of Fleet Admiral Renegade's retirement:

Bear with me here, I'm drunk, and my hands are stiff from the cold...

The first thing that springs to my mind about my deciding to join the EH is Pappy. NL 22
had yet to be realeased, and I had somehow found my way to the Flight Sim area, and to
this wonderful sounding TIE Fighter club. So I downloaded a few newsletters. One of the
first of which was NL21.

You may remember that one. It was the first time that (now) Fleet Admiral Renegade
was forced to "retire" due to health reasons. I felt the emotions running deep as various
members of the club told of their thoughts on Pappy's "retirement". I remember the sense
of loss I felt seeing the picture of his TIE/D flying into the sunlight at the beginning of
the NL. I really regretted the fact that I hadn't had the chance to get to know this man
who, in every sense of the word, was a PILOT.

Imagine my surprise when I got up to date, and realized that he was still active in the EH!

Either way, whether he knows it or not, Pappy has been an inspiration to everyone in the
Emperor's Hammer. From his achievements both in the game and in real life, to the birth
of the Infiltrator Wing, he has set a standard of excellence that precious few shall ever

You can bet that I'll be seen often on the PLT Haven, raising a mug of Sierra Nevada's
Celebration Ale in salute to one of the galaxy's brightest shining stars...

...here's to you, Pappy. I haven't gotten to know you, but you've touched me all the same.

CMDR/BG Compton/Pi-1/ISD Col


A conversation with the Fleet Commander
Held on 2/1/96 with LG Compton (LoveWilKil).

A little over a year ago, after the last major presence of the Empire on America Online
was naught but a memory, our late Emperor Palpatine ordered the creation of a new fleet:
The Emperor's Hammer. The best and the brightest were assigned to this fleet, and it was
to be an example to the rest of the Empire, and more importantly, to the Rebellion. With
Grand Admiral Thrawn's departure our Dread Lord hand-picked a then little-known
Admiral Ronin to command this fleet, and to become the thirteenth Grand Admiral.

Although this fleet started out small, with the relative autonomy it was given by the
Emperor the ranks soon started to swell as the most skilled of the Empire's pilots began
to transfer in from other assignments. Today the Fleet, whose membership is now over
500 pilots, includes many Capital and Support vessels led by the Super Star Destroyer Avenger.

Curious about the origins of the Fleet, by far the strongest Imperial presence on the
Internet, I obtained permission for a meeting with the Grand Admiral aboard the Platform
Haven. The meeting was conducted in a surprisingly casual manner, no doubt a benefit
of the autonomy given the Hammer by the Emperor.

True to form, I showed up late.

Compton:< SALUTE > Sorry I'm late, sir!
GA Ronin:7 minutes...(tap...tap)...a flogging offense in the Imperial
Navy...tssk, tssk....LOL...Just razzin' you.

Compton:It's not my fault! Too many Rebels in the supermarket line

GA Ronin:< SALUTE >....How you doing tonight?

Compton:I'm pretty good. You?

GA Ronin:Little under the weather, but I won't have to turn over the Fleet to the XO just

Compton:I'm sure he's be relieved to hear that.

GA Ronin:LOL

Compton:First, I want to ask the obvious question: What in the world gave you the idea to
form this club in the first place?

GA Ronin:As the FC lights up a cigarette....
Good question. You'd be surprised how few people ask me that...maybe 1/2
dozen since I started the EH.

Compton:< ---grabbing a beer...

GA Ronin:LOL...seriously, my inspiration was the old Executor Wing created by an AOLer
by the name of Zach EXCO. He created a recruitment write file that was the
inspiration for our newsletters. I think it's still on AOL... uploaded in 11/94. In
fact, the first few EH NLs paid him tribute.

Compton: I see. And that club fell through...?

GA Ronin: Zach EXCO had an EXCELLENT idea. He was going to use X-Wing and TIE,
but organized loosely and with too many entrance requirements. He didn't
realize that one person in command was the best way to run an online Imperial
Fleet. And his attention span was nominal at best...

Compton:Not a good thing. So why did you decide that you wanted to start your own

GA Ronin: Because it was something that, until then, hadn't even been contemplated
before... An interactive Imperial Navy based Fleet where members contribute to
an ongoing storyline centered around the NLs.

Compton:That was a pretty huge concept.

GA Ronin:Not really if you think about it. The organization and structure (and even Ranks
and Positions) are pretty well established in published Star Wars materials. All I
had to do was "bring it to life" online. I bet G. Lucas never thought the Imperial
Navy structure would actually work...!

Compton:This is true. Was the West End Games stuff helpful at all?

GA Ronin:The Dark Empire Sourcebook was my primary source of background through
NLs 10-20. I now have most of them.

Compton:They're a lot of fun to flip through.

GA Ronin: Yes, they are... If you'll notice, the Dark Empire Sourcebook is also the basis for
the current DB Dark Side Compendium. Look at the Dark Jedi, Dark Side and
Dark Adepts Sections specifically...

Compton:I'll have to check that out then.
How did you first go about recruiting new members?

GA Ronin:Posting the NLs on AOL... That simple point MOST online SW clubs seem to
forget... the EH NLs ARE the EH...! Once I started cranking them out regularly,
people just started applying...

Compton:How long did it take before you got the first member, and who was it?

GA Ronin:First Member was Cliffy369... he was my first XO... Then Quackodile, who left
as XO only a couple of months ago, when SAdmAdams took over...

Compton:I remember when I first heard about the club, I started flipping through old NLs,
and they did seem a little, I don't know, disjointed almost... a little too rigid
sounding even. But then you seemed to hit your stride around NL 5.

GA Ronin:I hope you're saying they've improved with time...

Compton:Of course! (I begin to sweat a little, remembering a tour of scrubbing the waste
tanks I've recently completed...)

GA Ronin:Also, with submissions from any members possible, it's tough to meld them all

Compton:But I think that's a good thing. A club who doesn't want stuff from everyone isn't
going to be too thrilling to those members who can't contribute.

GA Ronin: Those were my intentions. ANY active member can submit to the NLs.

Compton: Getting back to NL 5, wasn't that the first to include EH missions?

GA Ronin:Yes... NL 5, as I recall.

Compton: Had the Executor Wing been making new missions, or was this a new idea?

GA Ronin: No. TIE mission editors were not available to Zach EXCO.

Compton: And then once they were available, the call went out for new missions?

GA Ronin: Yes, I realized early that the key to the EH's longevity was new TIE missions...

Compton: Yup. I think there are a LOT of members who are in the club primarily for the
new missions.

GA Ronin: That is most likely true...!

Compton:I know that's why I originally joined!
Here's a question for you: What's wrong with the Rebels?

GA Ronin: They rule "by committee". A death warrant for an online club...

Compton: And even then they seem to undergo frequent changes of leadership.

GA Ronin: No dedication, loyalty or honor....Rebel scum...:)

Compton: Good thing we're here to put them out of their misery...!

GA Ronin: So, any "tough" questions... Dig deep, son... LOL

Compton: LOL! Where were you on the day of June 22, 1963?

GA Ronin: Not even a wet dream... I was born on 8/21/65...

Compton: Goodness! Someone in the club over the age of 30!

GA Ronin: Going on 31...

Compton: I just hit 26, and that STILL seems to make me an old man in the Fleet!

GA Ronin: We have Members from 8 to in their 50s... The average age is mid-teens to
early 20s.

Compton:Which leads me into the next question: Did it surprise you when you got such a
wide age spread signing up? I just about died when I found out that there's a 12
year old Admiral.

GA Ronin: Not really. Online, where a person is solely gauged by their messages, e-mail,
IMs, etc, age isn't a factor. I try to treat ALL the Members with the same
measure of respect. As long as a Member does what they're supposed to, they
can be 2 and I don't care!

Compton: One thing I'll say about our younger members; most of them seem to be mature
beyond their years...

GA Ronin: This is true. The EH seems to attract the best out there.

Compton: I've been in conversations with a few of the guys, only to be shocked when I
found out I had 10 or more years on them! Definitely a sign of quality

GA Ronin:Weird, isn't it...? I talk to FA Tav B every now and then on the phone... He's 15
and acts like he's 20...

Compton:Now I know that Pappy was an honest to goodness American Pilot < SALUTE! >,
has there been anyone else?

GA Ronin: I would guesstimate that 5-10% of our membership is currently or was formerly
in the US military. The EH apparently appeals to them...

Compton: The chain of command will do that to you, sir.

GA Ronin: Ain't it a beautiful thing?

Compton: I know I get some strange looks when I start talking about the club to friends and
start talking about my rank and COs and my men and such.

GA Ronin: Not me! Even people I know without a PC get excited about the Hammer... It's
going places...

Compton: It's definitely getting a strong presence on the Internet. I was in some bizarre
place the other day and saw a cross-index for the EH home page.

GA Ronin: That's my plan. Today AOL, tomorrow the world, next week, the Empire...(Talk
about an ego...:)

Compton: Well then, I'm glad I made it out of the waste tanks.

GA Ronin: Me too...!

Compton: Speaking of the Empire, has anyone from LucasArts contacted you about the

GA Ronin: EH Members have sent in many inquiries (Tav B even spoke to one of their
business managers). Unfortunately, they have kept us at arms length but
seem impressed... I do remember one occasion...
The primary flight tester for TIE CD contacted me about putting the EH in the
readme.txt file for TIE CD, but apparently their legal people had a problem with
that... without lawyers, the world be so much better...!

Compton: And wouldn't THAT have made the FO's life hell?!?

GA Ronin: Yes, it would have. The guy asked me if we could handle hundreds of new
recruits all at once... With LA I've tried to take the EH in its own direction but
stay true to the published SW materials.

Compton: Now what about the other major online services? Has there been word of other
similar clubs sprouting up? I know there seem to have been a few attempts at
EH clones on AOL... I know the Grand Admiral title has been seen more than

GA Ronin:I was the first GA for FSRC...:) CompuServe has 3. No more than about 50-100
members between them though... the CServe clubs are Alpha Wing, Devastator
Wing and Omega Wing. Omega Wing is currently spotlighted in my WWW
Home Page.

Compton: I've seen them mentioned in our NLs.

GA Ronin: Won't see them in the NLs again, I'm afraid... Copyright problems...

Compton: Darn lawyers again...

GA Ronin: ...pond scum...

Compton: Yup. Glad I can't afford one. Anyway, have there been any
attempts at mutiny in the EH yet?

GA Ronin:Mutiny no... defections and attempts to start a mutiny, a couple. KRUSCHIAN
(a.k.a. SEDRISS) tried but I got him out in time before he could cause any major
damage. Also, since the EH is centered around the NLs, no one can
really interfere in a permanent way.

Compton:What happened there?

GA Ronin:In the beginnings of the EH, I and KRUSCHIAN concocted a plan to create an
online "persona" for Palpatine... He would have been a "puppet Emperor" so to
speak for message boards, conferences, etc...

Compton:Now THAT sounds interesting... tell me more!

GA Ronin:As it turned out, he QUICKLY let the power go to his head and thought because
he was given this theatrical Position, he would take the EH... But again, I just
wrote him out of the NL and court-marshalled him... FC gets the last
laugh...heh heh...

Compton: He let the Dark Side get the best of him, huh?

GA Ronin: You could say that...

Compton: Now you have at one time or another been hinted at as being a 'dictator'. Any
thoughts on that?

GA Ronin: A problem/question I grapple with almost daily, especially now that the EH is
getting bigger... Let me try to answer...
The EH is not run "by committee". That is why we have continued to grow and
gain more popularity. If I open it up to a "council" it's dead meat... Nothing will
get done.

Compton:Why do you think that is?

GA Ronin: With ONE person at the helm, good or bad, the EH can move forward, pick and
choose new ideas and have one centralized vision of where the EH is going.
One thing most Members don't realize is that the EH is an ongoing storyline as
well. It has a plotline...! As it is, it's almost impossible to get various
submissions in on time. Waiting for committees and other members to make
every decision, we'd stagnate...

Compton: Speaking of which, just what IS the direction you envision for the EH?

GA Ronin: The EH will continue to grow. Eventually this will mean the division of the EH
Fleet into smaller Fleets. But with only one person in command, the growth can
be "controlled and measured"....much better for the club in the long run.

Compton: As you've already proven.

GA Ronin: And hopefully will continue to do so...

Compton: Oh, before I forget, what do you do in real life?

GA Ronin: I work as a Project Manager for an Environmental and Engineering firm in NJ...
A geologist by training. Mostly consulting work... Yes, I clean up toxic waste
sites...! I guess having a scientist at the helm of the EH will make it more
scientifically accurate, eh...?

Compton: Scientifically accurate? I hope so. I have fun poking holes in the continuity
between the novels, let alone the tech!

GA Ronin: LOL... Maybe the EH will do a little better than the novels...

Compton:From sludge to starships. Kind of a big jump! A definite sign of the impact that
George Lucas' (that lousy Rebel sympathiser!) vision has had on our society.

GA Ronin:Yes, it is a leap, but the EH is a labor of love and it continues to amaze me
everytime I sign on... It has taken on a REAL life of its own.

Compton:And I'm beginning to know what you mean. The amount of e-mail I get has
increased substantially since I got really active in the club.

GA Ronin:My e-mail grows every day... I average about 30-50/day, but a lot of them are
only cc:s and don't need a response.

Compton: What would you do if Thrawn returned?

GA Ronin:He will (in the EH storyline...)! We have about another 4 1/2 years til Thrawn
returns... Lots of time to cause damage...

Compton: I couldn't have asked for a better segueway! Is there a main storyline that the
EH is following? In playing the missions and such, there seem to be many sub-
plots going on, but not yet a defined "big picture".

GA Ronin: That's because the "big picture" encompasses ALL the EH NLs (i.e. bigger than
5-10 NLs...)... Have you noticed where the EH started... PRIOR to Endor?
There was a reason I started there and not after Endor. I wanted the Fleet to get
FIRMLY grounded in Imperial Naval practices (like in TIE Fighter) THEN spring
Endor on them. Since Endor, the EH is still in the process of regrouping,
expanding its holdings and membership...

Compton: Yup. And we have been assaulting many targets, Aurora not being the least.

GA Ronin: ...and (like you just said) starting to take entire Star Systems...

Compton: What's going on with the battles that haven't been finished yet?

GA Ronin: Some of the subplots are "trial and error". We are doing something new here
and some efforts are bound to fail... Just have to know which ones to keep...
Any member can help out by creating missions to complete grossly overdue

Compton: OK. Here's a question I've been meaning to ask: how has the relationship with
AOL been?

GA Ronin:Pretty good actually... We're busting at the seams but the AOL FSRC Staff has
been VERY helpful in getting various EH NLs, Manuals, etc. uploaded in the file
libraries... Also, PC Roger and I e-mail each other frequently.

Compton:Now isn't there an effort to make the EH a little more, well, integrated into AOL?
Such as giving us our own "area"?

GA Ronin:PC Roger has some upgrades planned for FSRC including the EH. However,
he's waiting on AOL Inhouse for software support. Seems he has to wait on
them like the rest of us... Imagine... 500 emails at once to some, poor
unsuspecting desk jockey at AOL Inhouse... they'd never forgive me...!

Compton:Almost sounds like a call for the Fleet slicer squad...
Speaking of which, there seem to be a LOT of fleet members who seem to be
inordinately good at slicing the games and programming and such. I am truly
amazed at some of the things these guys have come up with!

GA Ronin:Only a handful actually... Shekinah, CEODan, SEOBillP, they come to mind as
being the best I've had in the EH. They continually amaze me as well...
apparently, CEODan can now edit the EH into the title for the game (The
scrolling yellow text at the beginning)!!! He just sent me the file to review....

Compton: Talk about stuff you could have fun with...

GA Ronin: LA is really gonna hate us (or is that love us...?).

Compton: They're gonna wanna hire him.

GA Ronin: I hope not... I need him! But until someone starts paying me a salary, I can't
offer one.

Compton: LOL! At least with a fleet like this, they'll know where to find testers.

GA Ronin: Yes...!

Compton: Well, I seem to be about out of questions here. Anything you hoped I'd bring

GA Ronin: Not really. Just enjoy and...

Serve the Emperor above all others... He WILL return...

FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSD Avenger

As I thanked him for his time, the Fleet Commander rose and quickly departed. I could
feel a dark ebb in the force at his mention of the Emperor. Could it be that he shall
return to us again? Only time will tell. As for me, it's back to the ISD Colossus, and my
Missile Boat. Always more Rebels to kill...

CMDR/LG Compton/Pi-1/ISD Col

LG Compton has been in the EH for a whopping 4 months, and already wants his own Star Destroyer. He
owns almost every Star Wars toy ever made, and is very happy that one of his pilots told him how to
actually get ships to capture their targets in TMB. He's currently working on repainting an Imperial Officer
figure to look like his EH pilot. He lives next to Disneyland, but they won't hire him to work on Star Tours.
Go figure.