Interrogation Room

I'm the new security officer, Admiral Zach. I would like to congratulate Jac on becoming the new FO. There are five things that I would like to accomplish as SEC.

1. In collaboration with AD Doom and AD Threat, I would like to maintain one "ban list". This will be done by using a message board on the WWW for IRC ops. They will officially file the ban and it will be put on the list.

2. I would like to further enforce Threat's warn ban policy. This policy is that you get one warning, then you are banned on EH IRC. You can get banned for flooding, taking over other channels, etc. This will be done with the message board that was mentioned above.

3. I am going to make an EH complaint form on the WWW so people can file complaints about people that are disruptive on EH IRC. These complaints will go to both Threat and I and we will deal with the problem properly. You should send a log of what happened to prove it.

4. I would like to seriously deal with EH members who flood and ban other channels. There is no toleration for this.

5. I would like to promote the BHG more so than before and get real membership up.

Also, I am pleased to announce that there is now an Emperor's Hammer theme for Windows 95. I have made this and you can download it from:

It is 1,173k. Please remember that the URL is case sensitive. Check it out. Thats it for this month.

Admiral Zach

Serve the Emperor above all others!