The Recon Office hereby present their latest reports from the Internet

The Recon Officer's Attache presents his reviews of a few of the many Star Wars-related sites on the WWW

Emperor's Hammer gets its own Yahoo Search Category!

The Emperor's Hammer has expanded even further onto the WWW with the latest addition to the ever-popular Yahoo WWW search engine ( A new, SEPARATE category has been created for Emperor's Hammer related sites on the Search engine.

The Category is:

Entertainment:Movies and Films:Genres:Science Fiction:Star Wars:Emperor's Hammer

You can connect directly into the category by pointing your WWW browser to:

At current, there are only a few sites listed in this index. The Recon Officer urges ALL current Emperor's Hammer WWW page maintainers to register your site with Yahoo as soon as possible.

EH FTP site crash!

Unfortunately, the Washington University FTP server which holds are manuals and other club files suffered a hardware crash late last month, and all of our files were lost. The process of rebuilding our archive has begun, and the archive has been moved to:



New Rules Applied to EH IRC Activity

As a result of the need to protect our online reputation, the Recon Office, in collaboration with the Communications Office, and the High Inquisitor's Office, has applied some new rules to ALL Hammer online IRC activity:

The new rules are as follows:

1. ALL flooding is OUTLAWED. NO EH Member will flood ANYONE, Rebel, Imperial, or Neutral on ANY IRC channel/server. All flooders will be warned, EXPELLED from the EH, and we will notify an IRCop as to your activity and you will most likely be k:lined (banned from) the Undernet. This may seem harsh, but it is necessary to protect our online reputation.

2. ALL Clonebots are now BANNED from all EH channels. Again, all users of clonebots will be warned once and EXPELLED. Consequences are the same as those listed above.

3. ALL Bots (of any kind) used by members are forbidden on all EH IRC Channels WITHOUT prior clearance from the Recon Officer or the Communications Officer. (mail us the script(s) at or

In order to help you stay out of trouble on IRC, the Recon Attache has drawn up a list of "Ten Commandments" for you to follow:

1. Thou shalt not flood or use clonebots

2. Thou shalt not take over other channels

3. Thou shalt not take advantage of channel service errors/netsplits

4. Thou shalt not abuse thy power, X, or Hammerbot (which includes deopping/kicking/banning X or Hammebot)

5. Thou shalt act in a decent manner, representative of all the Empire

6. Thou shalt not insult others on a level external to Star Wars (i.e. age, gender, race, sexual orientation)

7. Thou shalt *NOT* intiate confrontation with others

8. Thou shalt ALWAYS respect direct orders given by the ranking officer in the channel.

9. Thou shalt not impersonate others

10. Thou shalt not abuse Hammerbot's fileserver

Special Thanks to the Recon Attache for his help on formulating these "10 Commandments"

Bounty Hunter's Guild to hold weekly IRC Meetings

The Bounty Hunter's Guild has started to hold online IRC meetings. The meetings will take place at 2:00 on Saturday after the Dark Brotherhood meeting in channel #EH_Internet. Guild members are advised to mail Grand Master Tuz ( for more information.

New CGI script installed at Doomsday's WWW Site

The Recon Officer has put up a new CGI script at his WWW site. This new, more sophisticated CGI (Common Gateway Interface) script can do many new things, including the new, improved WWW message board. Check it out at it's NEW URL:

and the Message Board:

New Bot installed on EH IRC Channel

Thanks to Vice Admiral Ace for installing a new, extra level of protection on the EH IRC channels. Several Eggdrop bots have been installed on ##Emperor's_Hammer, #EH_Internet, and ##TIE_Fighter to safeguard against attacks from Rebels and others who whish to take over our channels while X (the CService channel reg bot) is down.

New Time Conversion Utility installed

In order to help our international members, the Recon Officer has installed a new utility on his WWW page that will calculate the local time at which the weekly IRC meeting will occur in their area. This was necessary due to the confusion over the meeting time caused by the recent change from standard time to daylight savings time in North America.

The URL is: