Prelude to a new Campaign by the Fleet Commander, GA Ronin

(FC/GA Ronin/CS-1/SSSD Sov)


A suspected "image" of the Emperor Palpatine...It was taken by the security cameras in the Ready Room of the Fleet Commander aboard the SSSD Sovereign. It was presumably transmitted to the Fleet Commander via tight beam HoloComm channels, since no other known transmission source could be identified...It's origin remains unknown...

(Photo: TIE Fighter CD, LucasArts, 1995, colorized by GARonin@aol.com, 1996)



The Minos Cluster is Discovered

Grand Admiral Ronin was relaxing in his spacious ready room adjoining the Bridge Complex of the SSSD Sovereign. Although the command centers of the SSD Avenger, from which he commanded the Fleet for over a year, were gigantic in comparison to that of even the massive Imperial Star Destroyers, words could not describe those on board the Sovereign. Nearly 10,000 command officers, bridge crew and technicans manned posts over an impressive command complex spanning a radius of 700 meters. Multiple command levels in the Sovereign Bridge Complex handle different command functions (i.e tactics, communications, navigation, targeting, gunnery, mission control, logistics, etc.). These ten levels (situated within the SSSD Sovereign superstructure) are topped by the heavily reinforced Command Nexus where the Fleet Commander and his other 11 Command Officers and Command Attaches are stationed. Adjoining the Command Nexus, each CO and CA has an office and the Fleet Commander's Ready Room is also conveniently located.

The FC's Ready Room is the size of a small building, with a variety of offices, meeting halls, galleys, computer/communication hardware, starcharts, comm consoles, and a throne dias. Additional security sensors, alarms and intruder countermeasures were specially requested by the Fleet Commander during the past month's retrofit.

Within his personal chambers, the Fleet Commander was intensely studying some star charts transmitted from Delta Squadron's recent incursions into new, unexplored regions of the Outer Rim Territories.

"If the Hammer is to survive, we must expand our territories..." Ronin thought. In the past several months, the Fleet had grown almost exponentially. Imperial Citizens from all over the Empire were rushing to fight the New Republic under the Banner of the Emperor's Hammer. Following the arrival of the SSSD Sovereign a month ago, and the commensurate adjustments in the command structure, the Fleet needed an objective...a new direction...The Grand Admiral wisely decided to continue expansion of the Emperor's Hammer Territories in the Outer Rim. The Fleet's power base could thus be consolidated as neighboring star systems are "converted" to the Imperial cause.

Consequently, the Fleet Commander had ordered Delta and Gamma Squadrons to depart from the Sovereign over a week ago to scout four star systems far from known space...Just today, Ronin started receiving the messages they were sending back to Aurora. They displayed the Minos Cluster, on the edge of the known galaxy...As described in the Guide to the Star Wars Universe; Bill Slaviscek; DelRey Books; March, 1994; p. 303:

"The Minos Cluster is located on the edge of the known galaxy, beyond which there are no star charts, no Empire, and no Rebellion. The Worlds of the Cluster have only recently been colonized, and the entire area is behind the times and out of touch. It is an area where the fringe society holds sway-smugglers, pirates, and outlaw types readily head to the Cluster in the hopes of earning (or stealing) a fortune. [CG6]"

Ronin realized the Minos Cluster would serve the Hammer's purposes perfectly. A smile came across Ronin's face in the shadows of the dimly lit Ready Room. The Minos Cluster was far from the prying eyes of the New Republic and the other competitive Imperial factions. Here he could easily gain more converts for the Fleet and provide another strategic location from which to launch assaults.

From the preliminary nav transmissions, Ronin could make out four star systems within the Minos Cluster...These were the Lyccos, Yridia, Lantare, and Dar'telis Systems. Previously unexplored and uncharted, these systems surely would not field significant resistance to the Hammer forces. The Fleet Commander smiled again as the longs hours of command and studying had taken their toll. Ronin drifted off to sleep...A star chart of the Lantare System folded across his lap.


A Visitor in the Night

A comm unit beacon beeped in Ronin's ear, startling him awake...The chronometer indicated about 4 hours had passed. He reminded himself to scold VA Caesar for letting him sleep so long, but not too much; Caesar was always at his Fleet Commander's side, tending to his needs hand and foot...his intentions were based on pure loyalty.

Ronin rolled his head off his right hand and looked over the expanse of the Ready Room . The dull yellow-orange light of Aurora's single star, Solaria, shown through the Ready Room viewports which were situated at 30° intervals in the superstructure hull, so as to give the ship's commander a 360° view of the Sovereign and its environs. His eyes still groggy, Ronin began to reach for the comm link and check in with the XO when something dark suddenly stirred deep inside his psyche. By force of will alone, Ronin heightened his dulled senses as he took in his surroundings. Something different...a presence he hadn't felt in almost a year.

With the skill of a trained Jedi Master, Ronin suddenly lept to his feet with his purple-hued lightsaber extended upward in a full combat stance. His eyes combing the shadowy corners of the Ready Room, trying to perceive the imperceivable threat he had just felt. Fully alert, he used the Force to reach out for the intruder's presence...nothing...He felt nothing...Not possible; even in the most isolated corners of the Galaxy, something could always be felt by the Force. What he now sensed was the absence of existence...its complete absence...

His eyes focused on his own throne dias, from which he had recently begun issuing commands to the Fleet...The designers of the Sovereign had anticipated that the Emperor would often tour the SSSD. Consequently, a full scale throne dias was built into the Command Nexus of the massive ship. The throne was an accurate replica of Palpatine's throne room on the second Deathstar. Ronin always found it ironic that he had used it to command the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet in Palpatine's name. Presently, a darkly robed figure seemed to be slouched there, bathed in a dim orange-yellow light...Yet, a blackness, an aura devoid of energy, surrounded his form...

Before Ronin could gather his wits to challenge the intruder, HE spoke...

"My faithful Grand Admiral...lower your pitiful Jedi weapon. You have no need of it now. My time here is limited and you must heed my commands." The figure's disembodied voice filled the Ready Room. Ronin seemed unable to avoid comlying with the intruder's wishes. His lightsaber retracted, almost as if on its own.

Ronin began to suspect who had dared to intrude into his domain. The grizzled, robed form sitting on his throne dias, that voice...it could be none other than his former Emperor, Palpatine...But how could this be possible? The traitororous Dark Lord Vader had killed the Emperor at the Battle of Endor. He had always suspected that Palpatine would have planned for his own inevitable death; but was this the proof of his return? Ronin, being a Jedi Master, was more than aware of the ancient teachings of the strongest Jedi that seemed to survive death. The Grand Admiral recalled recent Intel reports from several captured Rebels of Yoda, Anakin Skywalker and Obi-Wan Kenobi returning to Endor following the Rebel victory. They were described to the Imperial Intelligence interrogators as "ghosts" and "shades" that occasionally appeared to counsel Luke Skywalker in times of trouble or doubt. Until now, Ronin had dismissed them as false, wishful rumors. However, Ronin began to wonder if the Dark Master, Palpatine had also somehow survived his "death" and was trying to contact him. Presumably if any Dark Jedi could accomplish such a feat, it would be his former Master, Palpatine...

Ronin's suspicions were correct...

Another security camera holo-image of Palpatine,

apparently consulting with the Grand Admiral...

(Photo: TIE Fighter CD, LucasArts, 1995, colorized by GARonin@aol.com, 1996)

"Grand Admiral, prior to intitiating your conquest of the Minos Cluster, you are to immediately proceed to the Lost City of the Jedi on Yavin IV...You will proceed there with a sizeable portion of your Fleet to secure the System. Once you have accomplished this you will personally go to the Jedi ruins on Yavin IV...When you have penetrated the Lost City, I will contact you with further orders..." The low, gutteral voice seemed to reverberate off the chamber walls.

"As you command my Lord, I shall obey as always." Ronin acknowledged as he involuntarily knelt before the visage of his former Master. His curiousity got the better of him, "My Lord, how is it possible that you are here, did not Dark Lord Vader end your life at Endor?" Ronin received an unexpected response...

"You underestimate the Dark Side of the Force, Grand Admiral. Suffice it to say, all is proceeding as I have foreseen. You and your Fleet will ultimately aid my return. The Empire will be strong once again...of this you can be confident." The figure was beginning to fade and shimmer in the orange light. Ronin suspected even Palpatine's seemingly omniscient dark powers had limits...This "appearance" must be costing him much needed recuperative energies.

"Myself and my Fleet stand by your side to serve as always, my Lord..." Ronin was about to continue...

"I must take my leave of you now; my powers begin to grow weak...we will speak again when you have arrived in the Lost City of the Jedi..." The shadowy figure slowly faded then disappeared altogether in the dim, orange light.

The Grand Admiral was once again alone...very alone...a cold draft filtered through the Ready Room as Ronin re-activated all the systems and began to make his preparations. Ronin called all his Command Officers for an emergency briefing and began punching up the holo-images from the retrofitted security cameras. The Grand Admiral did not want his bridge crew to think he was going insane...


A Journey to Yavin IV

To be continued in Newsletter No. 33...

The First BattleGroup accompanies the Fleet Commander to the Yavin System with Omega Squadron as his personal escort...Grand Admiral Ronin has ordered his Flight Officer to begin transferring the best of the FC's Honor Guard into Omega and to fire up their TIE guardians and his TIE Protector for the journey to Yavin IV...Ronin dare not disobey this "vision"...

Moff/FA "Pappy" Renegade/Phare

It is my sad duty to report the loss of FL\BG Photon\Shadow\MFRG Ins\IW.

BG Photon is KIA while performing a Top Secret Mission, while gathering info on Wookie strength on the planet Ullyr prior to the IW's attack on Ullyr.

Acting upon secret orders by his CMDR BG Stryker, BG Photon was to fly over Ullyr and recon suspected Wookie strongholds..

From sensor and COMM logs we learned that BG Photon was shot down by a hidden Turbo-laser the wookies had stolen from the abandoned ST garrison on the Northern most continent.

BG Photon ejected successfully out of his X-wing, after he uplinked his sensor logs to BG Stryker was orbiting overhead, and landed in the forest. He was evading to a pick-up point when he was set upon by a band of Wookies. He was outnumbered 28 to 1.

He fought bravely and managed to kill 19 of them befor they overwhelmed him and tried to capture him.

BG Photon's last act was to turn his own blaster on himself and prevent the enemy from taking him alive and torturing him for information.

"His last communique was "They are closing in on me, I cannot hold out any longer. They won't take me alive--I know too much about the invasion."

For his unselfish act and extraordinary bravery in the face of overwhelming odds, in combat against a superior enemy, BG Photon is highly recommended for the EH-MEDAL of HONOR.

BG Photon reflected the highest traditions of the Imperial Navy, the EH Fleet, The Infiltrator Wing, M-FRG Insidious, Shadow Squadron and his ship-mates and fellow pilots.

He would say he was only doing his duty for the Empire. I say he went way beyond his duty. We will all miss a very brave pilot.

Memorial services were held on stardate 050896 at 1000 hours Imperial Pacific Time.



MOFF\FA "Pappy" Renegade\Phare Sys\M-PLT-FAC Haven\IW\EH (MoH) (MoI-gc) (MoT-5rh & 5gh) [CAV] [Dk Adp-Sith\Rene'le Gar\DB]




From: Vice Admiral Ghost, Command Attache to the Internet Officer

To: Vice Admiral Caesar, Command Attache to the Fleet Commander

Subject: EH survey results

Confirmed: SEND; TRAN32/35; RECV

Context: E12; AOPT; ASYS; ROPT

Phasecycle: PSEG876546576981324; ICON; 28.80BMUT; 14.40RMUT

The results of the questions asked in the Emperor's Hammer Survey this month

are as follows:

Are you male or female?

90% of the 52 people to take the survey were male, 10% were female.

How old are you?

The average age of those answering was 16.8 years, with a low age of 10 and

a high age of 43.

Who is your favorite character from the Star Wars Trilogy?

Boba Fett: 44%

Darth Vader: 34%

Han Solo: 11%

Luke Skywalker 3%

Yoda 3%

Ben Kenobi 2%

Chewbacca 2%

Princess Leia 1%


Paul Pirrello

CA:IO/VA Ghost/SSSD Sov, Guardian(Sith)