EH Pilot Manuals

EH Training Manual (trn-man.wri) - Provides detailed information on the EH bylaws/structure,
 		Training Requirements, Ranks, Positions, Promotions, SubGroups, etc...(Latest version: 1.71)

Fleet Manual (flt-man.wri) - Provides detailed statistics and pictures of the Capital Ships of the
 		Fleet and new TIE fighters developed solely for use by the Emperor's Hammer...(Latest version:

Systems Manual (sys-man.wri) - The Systems Manual will aid EH Members in orienting
 		themselves within the Empire.  Detailed planetary, system and Platform descriptions are
 		presented.  Maps and pictures are also included...(Latest version: 1.3)

Operations Manual (ops-man.wri) - The OPS Manual, created by RB Kugel, presents all of the
 		Emperor's Hammer related Medals and Uniforms for use by EH Members...(Latest version: 1.1)

EH Frequently Asked Questions/FAQ (faq.hlp) - The EH FAQ was created by AD Doomsday (bauyeun@io.org) 
and answers all general questions about the Emperor's Hammer without a significant download time...(Latest version: 1.2) EH Mission Compendium (missions.zip) - The EH Mission Compendium was faithfully compiled by FAHavok@aol.com. This EH Pilot Manual details the Battle Plotlines and contains missions for ALL EH Battles current through NL #30...(Latest version: 2.0) EH Banner Manual (under development)
EH SubGroup Manuals
Dark Side Compendium (db-man.wri) - The Dark Side Compendium...to be used by Dark Jedi as
	 	a reference for all Dark Brotherhood SubGroup related information...(Latest version: 1.2)

Infiltrator Wing Training Manual (iwtaman.wri) - BG DanMan (Md128m@aol.com) has
 		created this new Infiltrator Wing Training Manual to help re-acclimate former Rebel pilots into
 		the Imperial Navy...(Latest version 1.3)

Bounty Hunters' Guild Guidebook (bhgman.wri) - The former EH Security Officer
 		(RAJACTRip@aol.com) has produced the definitive Guidebook for the Bounty Hunters that
 		serve the Emperor's Hammer Strike Fleet... (Latest version: 1.2)

Corporate Division Technical Manual (corp-man.wri) - The Executive Officer (ExO) of the
 		Corporate Division (Md128m@aol.com) has created an exhaustive manual of the inner
 		complexities of the Corporate Division SubGroup...

Stormtrooper Field Guide (fld-man.wri) - LPelus@aol.com presents this manual to document
 		the latest revisions in the revitalized Hammer's Fist Stormtrooper Legion...

Interrogation Manual (int-man.wri) - The sixth and newest SubGroup now has a new manual as
 		well.  The Interrogation Manual fully details the goals and structure of the Intelligence Division,
 		as created by EHSarkis@aol.com...