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The following is a personal bio submitted by....

CNSDR/MG Darkon/DGN Lichtor V,

CNDIR Darkon - Knowledge is Power

Life began for me on the glorious richness of Coruscant. My family was tightly related with the Empire. My life was destroyed when the Rebels came and took over. My family was sent to prison for war crimes, or something like that. I was left alone because I was only 14 at the time, and I had not done anything significant enough. This was their first mistake.

I began to scheme about how to get off the planet. The plan would take approximately 2 years to complete. I began by enrolling in the Rebel Military Academy and became an Intelligence officer. At the one year mark, I had gathered enough information that I could complete my plan early. It was just my luck when I was assigned to the CRL Knight.

When the time was right, when we were far enough away from any Rebel outposts, I overtook the ship. First, I sabotaged a couple major systems, causing them to explode, killing most of the crew. Then, I went to go around and mop up everyone I missed.

The next day, I encountered a Imperial Dungeon Ship (later, I found out it was the Lichtor V). I told them that I was not a rebel, and I wanted to work for Imperial Intelligence. SDIR Rogue invited me to the ship. Trusting him, I boarded a shuttle and went to the Lichtor V.

On board the Lichtor V, I was greeted by SDIR Rogue and I gave him my holo-disks full of sensitive Rebel information. Because of this, I was automatically accepted into the Intelligence Division. I became BRAG Darkon of the Intelligence Bureau.

A couple months later, I was promoted to BRLR of Internal Counter Intelligence for exceptional service and dedication. With very little man power to work with, I began to start implementing new ideas to improve the efficiency of my agents. This caught the attention of Rogue and he began to implement my ideas for the whole Intelligence Division. For this I was promoted to Census Director.

To be continued...

These individuals are wanted by Intel, bounty hunters need not apply. They are to be brought to justice and in some cases terminated. Search for these individuals on IRC just be sure to follow the rules or your work may be for naught.


If you see an individual you must have a few things before you attempt to capture and or kill that individual. First you need an incriminating log or post (at least 1), witness(es) whom is willing to testify via E-mail (at least one and their addy), and then you may attempt capture.

After you have positively identified the target as the correct individual and can produce proof of guilt then you need at least two agents total to capture your query. If only one agent is available, you may deputize an EH officer or pilot. And list them under agents with an E-mail address.

When ready the agents would identify themselves (example BRAG X of Renik). Then tell the individual what they are detained for (whatever they can prove) and then capture or terminate the target.

Fill out the AAF (After-Action-Form) form and hopefully close the case. If they do they could make the Hall of Fame. Note: Termination is to be handled by Intel agents only, others must apply for authorization to kill an individual on the top ten.

Intelligence Top Ten Invisible Foes

#1 Namniar
Wanted: Dead or alive
For: Extortion, terrorism, murder, and kidnapping.
Whereabouts: UNKNOWN

#2 Nakkitah
Wanted: Dead or alive
For: Espionage, murder, extortion, and various other crimes.
Whereabouts: #Starwars #Emperor’s_Hammer #Wasteland and more

#3 Varmok
Wanted: Alive (so info may be recovered)
For: Espionage
Whereabouts: ##Emperor’s_Hammer #Military #ircbar #irclub and more

#4 Beyen
Wanted: Dead or alive
For: Killing of at least one Intelligence operative, maybe more.
Whereabouts: Not for certain, but the agent was killed in #starwars he could have been sold out.

#5 Turkotz
Wanted: Dead
For: Assassination in EH space illegally.
Whereabouts: ##Emperor’s_Hammer #newbies #15-20 #mirc_lounge and more

#6 Zarneed
Wanted: Dead

Killing of an EH pilot. Destruction of EH property. Bounty hunting in Hammer space and not joining the guild. Theft
Whereabouts: ##Emperor’s_Hammer Hammer #Canada #Starwars and more

#7 Lintol
Wanted: Dead or alive
For: Theft of Intelligence gear. And possibly illegal use/possession of said gear.
Whereabouts: ##Emperor’s_Hammer #Starwars #ircbar #chatzone and more

#8 EV-421
Wanted: Dismantled on sight For: Renegade droid. Assorted petty crimes, holo-recordings of EH meetings. Nothing secret, but did sabotage a Frigate and steal a shuttle.
Whereabouts: #Starwars and anywhere where they allow droids.

#9 Westgron
Wanted: Dead or alive
For: Smuggling in EH space.
Whereabouts: ##Emperor’s_Hammer #ircbar #irclub #chatzone #new2irc and more

#10 GN_Kurbak
Wanted: Alive
For: AWOL from fleet, suspected of running Imperial arms to our competitors.
Whereabouts: #ircbar #chatzone #newbies #military and more

SDIR/AD Rogue/DGN Lichtor V

Calius saj Leeloo

Resting his end of the heavy cargo box down, the tech brushed sweat off his brow and moved to pick up another box with his partner. "What’s with the cargo haulers anyway?" The tech asked a shabby guard with a blaster carbine.

"Shut up and keep unloading... we may space you yet." The guard threatened with the carbine and the techs continued to unload the stocks from the cargo ferry... as it sat in a huge hangar.

"I want to kill that guy myself." The first tech said.

"Shhhh Roe he he. You’ll have to take a number." They were not techs at all, and this was no regular ship. It was possibly the most powerful ship controlled by pirates that you never heard of, being an Imperial Star Destroyer as it was. "Besides... Phin already did." Looking over Phin an Infiltration agent had cut the guard’s neck with his vibroblade. "Don’t bother with his blaster carbine." The second agent, Drav had said. Drav moved to one of the cargo containers, flipped open the top... and pushed aside the neatly stacked rations and foodstocks. "These are much better." He said with a smile as he lifted out two Imperial repeater guns, Phin got one of his own as well.

"So what’s the plan?" Roe said. Drav thumped the hull of the ferry, and they could hear the two pilots coming forward. The back hatch opened with a hiss as Drav continued. "Roe, you and the co-pilot here. Steal us an escort shuttle from the secondary hangar... or wherever you can find one.

"You got it!!" Roe tossed the pilot his repeater and grabbed another. "Don’t worry we’ll stay hidden as long as possible." They took off down the ramp and started to search the hangar. Drav looked to the others and continued, folded down his repeater so he could neatly find it in his tunic... the others did likewise. Phin removed some small class thermal detonators as well.

"Phin, Stakeck, Manu... we have to go to the bridge and attempt a capture." They stared blankly at him. They obviously hadn’t been briefed... well it could be worse. "Don’t look at me like that... they are pirates it’s not that hard." They didn’t look much better but at least they stopped staring. "Now here’s what we’re gonna do..."

Roe checked down towards the end of the cavernous hangar... passing a couple stormtrooper transports till he reached what they had been searching for. Clicked his comm a few times to let the pilot know he had found one. And started up the ramp to make sure there weren’t any surprises.

The cargo lift stopped and Drav poked his head out.. looked around a little. "Graveyard shift... and no pirates yet... I am surprised." Drav thought to himself.. any alive anyway... they had run across a few that looked to have been killed in disputes.

"Yeah I at least expected a few passed out in the halls." Phin chuckled a little, pirates weren’t really like that... he thought. The three agents quickly crossed the hall and summoned the main lift. "Well next stop, ye pirates mast... yo ho ho." He couldn’t help but laugh.

"Phin, I should write you up for all this." Those pirates were definitely NOT passed out. Drav laughed he he... but he thought maybe he was just trying to lighten up the newbies who hadn’t said a word and looked deathly pale. Loosen up guys. Drav thought to himself as the lift sped towards the bridge, flipped the brace out from the repeater rifle and checked it’s charge.

"Well looks pretty standard, no modifications... this should do nicely." The pilot checked the controls. The ship was resting just at the edge of the hangar.. the vastness of space clearly visible ahead and downward.

"Good, that would be all we needed." Roe went back through the shuttle... past a row of officer accommodations and to the passenger seating. He reemerged at the rear ramp of the escort shuttle, primed his repeater and stood guard.

The lift rapidly approached it’s final destination... Phin and Drav clutched thermal detonators in one hand and their repeaters in the other. "Ok when this opens.. take no prisoners and play no games." The lift stopped with a bassy clunk.. and heavy outer blastdoors hissed opened slowly, and then the lift doors. No one really looked toward the door till a hail of repeater fire mowed down a few guards. Thermals were tossed into crew pits as Phin and Drav ran out and took up positions on opposite sides of the lift and mowed down everyone caught in the clear. "MOVE IT!!" The newbies ran out and took refuge behind a control section as Phin and Drav laid down some cover fire. By now those not caught in the open had drawn their sidearms... and there was only three guards with carbines left.

"Over there!" Phin spotted the ship commander enter the bridge office. "What’s he doing!?" Phin had to duck his head back as carbine fire raked the side of the rounded lift section he was using as cover. Drav easily picked the aggressor off from the opposite angle.

"I don’t know but lets clean these other up before..." Alarm klaxons blared throughout the ship. "OH GREAT!!" Drav said as he downed an officer behind a mainframe.

"What is going on!!" The pilot screamed from the cockpit. Roe ran up the ramp... stuck his head up front.

"I don’t like the sound of that... better warm this baby up." The pilot started prepping the shuttle and Roe ran back to where he could look out the ramp and view the hangar. There was movement on a couple lifts. "I don’t like..."

"...the looks of this!!" Phin shouted over the fire. The had gotten another guard.. just to have two more firing from the bridge office. They could see the captain arguing with what appeared to me his first mate, the captain had his weapon drawn. Drav was torn between watching them argue and taking shoots at the guards. Suddenly the second in command made a jump for the captain who shot him in the stomach. He slumped to the deck.. still alive.. and in a great deal of pain. That was all he could see before the blastdoors to the bridge office closed.

"Uh oh." Drav suddenly had a feeling what that was about." As Phin cut down one of the two remaining guards Drav shouted...


Roe’s comm clicked on. "ROE!! Get that ship out of here ASAP!!" Drav screamed through the comm.

"What’s going on?!" Roe still watching the lights on the lift.

"I think the commander is gonna destroy the ship!!" Drav shouted.

"What about you guys?! I can’t leave you here that’s not how.."


"Drav!?... DRAV!?"

"That was cold Drav, and these guys are not stopping now." Phin fired at the stubborn guard. "YOUR CAPTAIN IS GONNA KILL US ALL!!" Fired another burst. "They think we’re bluffing."

"Well maybe when we make a run for the hangar they will have second thoughts. Well at least the shuttle will leave." Drav forced them to take cover with some shots, they both knew they’d never make the hangar in time.. or alive with the alarm being triggered. The newbies looked terrified. "What do you think Phin?... bridge hangar?" Phin loaded a power pack and squeezed off a few fresh rounds.

"No it’s right near the office... those doors will never open again."

The lifts stopped at the hangar level and two dozen pirates with blaster carbines came rushing out. "LETS GET OUT OF HERE!!" Roe said as he raked his repeater downing a pirate. They quickly took cover behind various vehicles. Fired a few rounds behind him as he ran up the ramp and closed it.

"It’s not ready for lift-off yet!!!" The pilot screamed back.

"Fine time to tell me!!" Roe ran up a few steps in the back and shouted forward... "Use shield power to engines!! But leave lasers I got an idea." Roe adjusted his view... he sat at the escort shuttles rear twin-laser turret. The pirates now rushed out from behind cover. Roe blazed through two of them and dug up deck plating and debris as he raked the lasers along the hangar floor. The pirates stopped and ran back so fast Roe couldn’t help but laugh. Some of them actually took pot shots back from behind a stormtrooper transport. "Hmmm pesky buggers." He sighted high on the transport and blasted it a few times. It rolled over.. crushing the pirates behind it. Having seen that the others started slowly back toward the lift. Roe chuckled to himself till he realized... "HEY CAN WE GO NOW?! This thing could still light up!!"

Phin took a couple shots at the guard... looked back over at the newbies. "Maybe he changed his mind..."

"What about the others?" The shuttle pilot said as they cleared the hangar.

"THEIR DEAD!" Roe growled. "We wouldn’t have left otherwise. Lets get this thing..." There was a giant blob of radiation shown on the rear sensor followed soon after by a jarring shockwave.

* * *

Shadows fell across the office desk chasing away the light from the far sun. Praetorian squad was about to enter the hangar and Supreme Director Rogue knew it was about time to check on the progress of agent selection for a training exercise. One which could very well happen, sooner than anyone could predict. "Get me Firefly." Rogue said to the Comm officer who was always listening, course it could be one of his three droid helpers regardless there were always at least two of them on call. Almost before he could finish saying Firefly’s name the comm had switched on.

"Got two maybe three good agents for a job." Firefly answered casually.

"And their readiness level?" Rogue made a note, most likely gonna need to bring along some more newbies, and another experienced field officer.

"They have no idea yet, they’ll find out soon."

"Ok. Well, within the hour than. You guys take a shuttle over when your ready." Rogue expected the updated transmissions and recon data from the target system. If nothing had changed they would continue as planned. Not far from Hammer space something was going down... something that officially the Emperor’s Hammer didn’t have any part in, some knew better. When a huge occupational force of stormtroopers, led by some self-appointed warlord surfaces and begins making quiet bids for Capital-Class ships, it can hardly go unnoticed. Any military commander knows that fleet supremacy goes a long way, but to actually hold and control territory you need troops... lots of them. Uhman Frent, former garrison commander for the stormtroopers aboard an Imperial Star Destroyer around Endor, had currently amassed between seven-hundred, and two-thousand stormtroopers from various worlds. Frent had went AWOL following the battle of Endor and what with the New Republic claiming a large percentage of the galaxy, leaves a lot of troopers on worlds away from the fleet at Endor or Hammer space. The comm clicked on...

"Sir, recon data has been uploaded to our computers from Praetor starfighters." The officer waited for Rogue’s response.

"Thank you, Lieutenant." Rogue rotated the chair slightly towards the main display screen to his left. The Praetors with their faster hyperdrives would beat most of the strike force back. Rogue viewed it quickly first then left a particular portion ready for his briefing. The door sensor chimed and Rogue stood and motioned to a seat as Bureau Director Angel entered and glowed with a smile. "What?" Forgetting his manners for a second and getting a little defensive, maybe his tunic wasn’t straight. Then remarked to himself... he had lost track of time.

"I just talked to Firefly on the shuttle." She said with a smile, and took a seat in front of and to the right of Rogue’s desk. "He said my new items were ready and I would get a chance to use them." This usually meant an assortment of disguises or garments suitable for anything from low-profile surveillance to high-profile diplomatic/social affairs. The door sensor chimed twice more as Firefly and Tycho entered the office and took seats of their own.

"Hawkeye is awaiting from my private office." Firefly put in. Hawkeye would take command of the ISD Silencer while Firefly handled his portion of the op from the target world. Rogue acknowledged them both with a nod and turned toward the display screen and holo-projector as it readied for imagery. The display screen came on and Hawkeye from the Silencer acknowledged everyone and awaiting the briefing. Rogue pressed a button and the holo-projector started with a wide pan of the galaxy and quickly zoomed into a map of Hammer space.

"Here is our current position, on the very edge of Hammer space." The holo panned slightly illuminating the Minos Cluster. "With most of the fleet engaged in the Minos Cluster, some Warlords are taking the opportunity to amass fleets of their own." Holo panned back and zoomed into territory just outside of Hammer space. "Here is the target system, currently no warships in the area." Holo zooms into an orbital view of this jewel in space. "Of course most known for it’s major city, Calius saj Leeloo, as it is know to the homeworlders.. or....." Mimicking Angel’s briefing method of asking questions from others, Rogue pointed to her.

"The City of Glowing Crystal... of Berchest." She said with a giggle, one of her favorite places in the galaxy it was almost too easy.

"Well in their major city is where Uhman Frent is awaiting warlords to make bids for him to join them." Rogue looked around to see them hypnotically looking at the City of Glowing Crystal. "We want to get to him before Devaz does." A groan went through everyone, Graz Devaz, self appointed Supreme Commander of what was really just a large strike force. Devaz had taken it upon himself to punish several of the alien populations that the Emperor had targeted. Just after his escape from Endor he appeared over Mon Calamari where he reduced the floating city of Agredoba to slag. Thus he is also known as the Butcher of Agredoba and Graz the Liquidator. "We all know how low and sadistic this piece of filth is so lets keep him out of this deal, best way is to... remove Frent." Rogue turned to the display and it showed surface high-res pics of stormtrooper patrols and temporary garrisons. "This still leaves the stormtroopers, the majority of them were forgotten after Endor. Some of them are not quite up to par with stormtroopers as we know them." Displays showed a sloppy patrol march. "But they have all had training by the Emperor’s best and that is something to be said for them." Outside the viewport there were a few flickers of pseudomotion as the Frigate Storm Wind and Strike Cruiser Eye of Odin emerged from hyperspace. Rogue turned to Hawk on the display. "Have them report quickly." Hawk nodded and began to hail the two ships.

"Perhaps your wondering why a few troopers are within our interest." Rogue quickly added. "After all it’s just more for the New Republic to bother with, well we know that rebellion... for the most part is not a good thing." A new display showed most of the galaxy. "If the fleet were to push towards the New Republic we may even select this path. One way or the other this world is going to be hurt. Judging by Frent’s profile it’s only a matter of time before Berchest is scared by battle. We don’t need a resentful populous should the Hammer ever control this world. While they may never know... they will also not know years of war." Rogue reset the display and added. "Besides Frent isn’t gonna bother with the NewReps he’s not that crazy. So that really only leaves us... and he is close. While he is nothing to be feared, he could with a cap-ship or two and Berchest as a platform... conduct hit and fades on our forces. We don’t plan on giving him that chance. He has troops, and troops occupy territory... we will keep them from gaining a foothold in this corner of the galaxy."

"Frent is looking for a group that will give him the best chance at quick victory, really looking for a group with a Star Destroyer." As Rogue continued a map of the outer-rim appeared and scanned into outer-rim and unknown territories. "Firefly?" Firefly nodded and continued.

"In these regions there are places where commercial traffic just doesn’t go... superstitions and legends are rampant." A graphic of cargo ships entering the area and disappearing is shown. "Intel has known for some time that in fact there is a rogue..." Firefly stopped and looked over at his C.O. "No offense."

"None taken." Rogue replied with a smile.

"Anyway, an Imperial Star Destroyer that has been unaccounted for at Endor commanded by a pirate crew... use that term loosely as actually they removed the commander and assumed control of the ship..." The graphic now showed a Star Destroyer specified as the Tiger. "after they tortured, shot, stabbed, and spaced their commander." Firefly let that sink in. "It is not that difficult to believe they have stayed undetected for some time." A schematic of supplies and crew stats appeared. "Given these numbers they are most likely low on provisions and will become more daring in the days to come. Taking that into account we allowed a large cargo ship loaded with foodstuffs to be captured by their crew." A new layout included that of the middle and bridge decks of the Star Destroyer. "The cargo ship’s crew consisted exclusively if Infiltration agents. And our ships that have just returned have hopefully completed their portion of the objective." At this time Hawkeye reappeared on the monitor.

"Well it’s not all bad, but it is mostly bad." Hawk started and then reviewed his checklist. "Two thirds of the team were killed when the acting commander of the ISD activated the self-destruct mechanism." Hawk quickly added. "But the remainder of the team recovered an escort shuttle from their hangar. Also the Storm Wind and Eye of Odin reduced the debris to unrecognizable and completely unidentifiable subatomic particles. It will be some time before anyone accounts for the Tiger."

"Well they knew the risks." Rogue broke the awkward silence. "Everyone here has taken risks, it’s to be expected." Rogue called up a file on his datapad. "Well having addressed that now how bout our point of entry." Rogue nodded to Firefly.

"The escort shuttle shouldn’t need any modification for our needs. It will conformably carry our gear and passengers. Myself being Captain Stinok formally of the Tiger, of course Rogue will act as my closest advisor."

"I can’t stay away." Rogue said before anyone could add. "And since no one should know who I am then I assume no more risk than anyone. Besides... it’s fun." And motioned for Firefly to continue.

"Also in one of our own shuttles Angel as herself, will represent the Emperor’s Hammer for Diplomatic Services."

"The shuttle and Praetorian squad will be dropped off just after you arrive." Tycho added. "Prae will not be permitted to land, I guess Frenk is a little nervous about that." This got more than a little chuckle from the people present.

"Well that’s good. How many will enter on your shuttle and ours?" Rogue asked.

"Well mine will have Tenisei, Junea, Kristok, and Viper. From Surveillance, Infiltration, and two Cryptoanalysis respectfully." Angel put in. "Firefly and I agreed on all of them, even though they are all new."

"That’s fine, but you know Kristoc is a Bothan... Frent is old school. Low profile all the way, Frent runs a biased organization we have to assume that anyone else he runs with could cause us trouble." Rogue hit a key on the pad. "And on our Escort shuttle?" Tycho moved to answer.

"Pilot crew will stay with the ship. Conveniently leave twice a day at regular intervals, Frent’s people are gonna want to check the ship. That’s why we got it from the Tiger." Tycho walked over to the display as a shot of the Silencer popped up. "I will assess our fighter squads, move some in and out... all in accordance with the Tiger when it was last heard from just after Endor."

"And our contingencies?" Rogue asked.

"As always they will be met, hopefully to what we want. But there has been some resistance. What with our status in the Minos Cluster." The others were a little puzzled having not been briefed on the contingency plan.

"Well appeal to their loyalty, more good Hammer people might die if our plans aren’t met. Also..." Rogue added. "you all know that the Silencer will now become the Tiger... only cover of course. All ISD’s are hardwired with their transponder I.D.’s but data computers are not. So we will have to switch those planetside, but there are more details that will have to wait... we leave in twenty minutes get your things together and lets not get messy."

* * *

The wall of hyperspace dissolved into a sea of stars upon which nestled a glimmering planet circling the lone visible planet, Berchest. The flight quickly closed in on the planet as a tight formation of three assault gunboats preceded and two immediately followed the sleek shuttle craft. One shuttle pilot increased speed and the other hailed Calius saj Leeloo control. "Control, this is Omega 1... requesting clearance to Calius saj Leeloo." The co-pilot then chimed the passengers in the back so they could prepare for planetfall should there be any turbulence.

"We copy Omega 1, your have been expected but we thought you were dropping from your Star Destroyer." There was a short pause as the operator probably checked with his supervisor before continuing. "Make your way to the north part of the city and we will illuminate your hanger. Have your escort breakoff and jump to hyperspace they are not welcome here." There was a click as the comm shut off.

"Enjoy your stay in the new City of Glowing Crystal... but don’t get caught out after curfew." The pilot said jokingly. "We will make a few circles before landing as per your request sirs." The escort shuttle made it’s way into the darkside of the planet in Calius saj Leeloo it was sunset. The city was clearly visible even though clouds covered almost all of it, the entire city was little more than a gigantic crystal formed by the breakers around the Leefari Sea. The beautifully structured buildings, ports, shops, and habitats that glowed from a deep red to just a shade above orange had earned galactic fame over time since the hyperdrive was invented. Breaking through the cloud layer abruptly the shuttle closed in towards the setting sun as it appeared to sink deep below the dark-orange waters of the Leefari Sea and started a slow turn around the city.

"While this really is a site to behold, we could have shown up earlier to better view the ground." Rogue remarked as he gazed at the city through the portside viewport. Even more spectacular was the elegant array of crystal walkways and artisan carved canals that ran throughout the city. All the canals were lit from below making the surrounding crystal and deep-orange flowing waters glow with an indescribable beauty. "I’d like to come here someday under different circumstances. Remember Firefly that we are also fighting to preserve this place as an exclusive Hammer resort." Rogue said half jokingly, but this place did show remarkable potential for supplementary income. Of course using Intel as a means of additional income was not forbidden it was generally reserved for those planning retirement so Rogue quickly passed that thought. "I see a few temporary shelters set up throughout the city."

"How big are they?" Firefly said as he leaned over to take a peek.

"About fifty to a hundred troopers per." Rogue and Firefly could see a few patrols of stormtroopers on many of the walkways and bridges crossing some canals. The usual white armor taking on a deceptively tame rosy glow. "They don’t look so tough, but a few hundred of them chasing you around with blaster carbines might argue that point."

"One more pass then set us down." Firefly said as he pressed the comm button to the cockpit. "The diplomatic dinner is in a couple hours, Angel and the rest of our team will arrive shortly." The shuttle passed between a couple hundred story, freestanding arches that ran between some government buildings. Visible by some of the major canals and walkways were spectacular crimson waterfalls and fountains.

"I wonder if the people living here ever get tired of it?" Rogue said as the shuttle began to slow it passed behind what was probably the largest waterfall in the city. Mixing form and function rather then having a huge sound dampening field in the city the gigantic waterfall itself had a deafening roar so the addition of a small hangar was of minor importance. "I don’t think they get tired of it but..." Rogue was cut off mid-sentence as he noticed that the hangar was not very accessible. The doors swung out to allow the shuttle to enter, a loud whirl of motors and a bassy clunk reaffirmed his thought that they were about to put down as the wings folded in on the shuttlecraft.

"Well I guess this is where they show us to our accommodations." Firefly said as the shuttle set down without incident.

"Oh I hope so, I don’t wanna listen to their... ‘Grand Strategy’ before I get some food." Rogue adjusted his tunic and made sure it was straight.

"Uh Rogue... you wanna take a look at this." Firefly moved toward the starboard viewport.

"What is it?" Rogue looked out as well. A shuttle with New Republic markings was sitting in the hangar, with stormtroopers standing watch. "Well, looks like we aren’t the first to arrive."

"Nor the last. We can compete... but you know this could get ugly." Firefly and Rogue had intended on Intel shutting this down before it became big news.


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