In sneak preview showings that were originally announced on the Official Star Wars Website, the
first trailer for Star Wars Episode One: The Phantom Menace was introduced to the public on
November 17, 1998. In 75 theaters around the US and Canada, slavering fans were treated to
the first glimpses of what the first chapter of the Star Wars saga will contain. Returning
characters include a younger Yoda, a prototype C-3PO, a young Anakin Skywalker, R2-D2 and a
young Obi-Wan Kenobi. New characters are too numerous to mention. If you haven't already
done so, download the trailer at We've only got 6 more months to go.

Grand Admiral Ronin has announced that he is engaged to be married! Although he has
understandably tight-lipped about this momentous turn of events, he carries with him the best
wishes of the entire Fleet. Rumor has it that the entire Fleet is going to be recruited as
bodyguards to make sure that the eventual honeymoon is quiet and peaceful (well at least it
shouldn't be interrupted). Good luck from all of us, sir!

Many Dark Brotherhood members were brought to their knees recently as a wave of power
seemed to pass through the galaxy. Investigations into this disturbance found that it occurred
just as SA (and former Grand Master of the DB) Havok's wife brought forth his second child.
Upon hearing this news, Grand Admiral Ronin proclaimed that "a great ally to the Dark Side has
been born. In time, the Havok children shall be a powerful weapon against the forces of the so-
called New Republic." Once again the convocation of the Dark Council and the assembled Dark
Jedi pledged themselves to protect this child until it can protect itself.

Notice of General Court-martial

High Court of Inquisitors- New Imperial City - Aurora Prime
Judicial Arm of the Emperor's Hammer

Inquisitor's present: Inquisitor Veelon/Warden - (Acting High Inquisitor)
Inquisitor Ingwe/Tribune
Inquisitor Blake

Be in known that on this day, Tuesday August 18, 1998, a General Court-martial was convened
before this High Court of Inquisitors to hear the evidence brought against Vice Admiral
BlackHawk who has been accused of crimes against the Empire. The charges in this matter are
that of Class II and Class III levels as directed in the Articles of War. The actual nature and
matter of these charges have been deemed classified by the Acting High Inquisitor. The charges
are as follows:

Class II:
Gross Insubordination:
Gross Insubordination is more severe than Insubordination and
generally involves public displays (i.e. on message boards or IRC) of insubordination or

Class III:
- Performing detrimental actions against the Fleet either individually or in concert with
other online clubs or individuals.
Espionage - Selling the secrets of the Empire to enemy forces.
Sabotage - An attempt to prevent to functioning of Imperial property for the gain of the enemy.

Vice Admiral BlackHawk has been found guilty on all charges by a preponderance of the
evidence brought against him. In accordance with the Articles of War, Vice Admiral BlackHawk
is summarily stripped of his rank and position within the Emperor's Hammer and any of it's
related subgroups and due to the severity of his crimes, expelled from the Emperor's Hammer
without possibility of return.

The Grand Admiral and XO will review this case and its findings. During this review, in
accordance with the AoW, the GA and XO will have one (1) week in which to lessen or alter the
punishment or issue a pardon on the matter. Though due to the severity of the matter any
change in the punishment is not expected.

By issue of this Notice of General Court-martial and it's findings, the Flight Officer is requested
to make the appropriate roster changes.

Submitted by: 

Dakatimus Veelon 

Acting High Inquisitor