EH Site Database

The Reconnaissance Office has been working on the EH Searchable Site Database, and it is now released. It is an easy way to track down a page address or multiple addresses for a topic you are interested in. For instance, if you are interested in joining a Clan in the Dark Brotherhood, you would simply search for ‘Clans,’ and all of the main pages for each clan would appear, so that you could review each one.

The SiteDB is updated as often as we know that it needs an update, so if your site is out of date, email either myself, AD Whafro (, or my CA, VA BigDog (

The address of the Searchable Site Database is


EH Redirection

EH Redirection, the second project of the Reconnaissance Office, has now been released. With this project, any EH web site can have an easy-to-remember address. Each Subgroup and CO gets a subdomain under (the tie corps has, while the Recon Office has, and can add any forwarders under that ( or or whatever). Soon, we will be adding email aliasing ( forwards to Please support this project and visit the main site at for more details.


Other Notes

As this is my first NL as Reconnaissance Officer, I suppose I should introduce myself. I’m Admiral Whafro, former Command Attaché to the Training Officer. I’ve been working hard to make the Recon Office an active position again, and am always looking for new ideas. If you have any, please email me at, I’m whaf on AOL, and my ICQ number is 1291949.

My Command Attaché is VA Big Dog ( He is in charge of the Site Database, so any questions or comments can be directed to him for that matter.

Once again, I’m always looking for new ideas. So if you have a good idea, whatever it is, send it to me at and I’ll try and have it put into action.


RO/AD Whafro/CS-12/SSSD Soverign