Emperor Palpatine requests Grand Admiral
Thrawn to transfer General Assassin (USAFScootr)
to Coruscant for special assignment to the Emperor’s
Secret Order...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

In a recent meeting between Emperor Palpatine and Grand Admiral Thrawn, the Emperor requested the transfer of one of the Emperor’s Hammer finest Squadron Commanders, General Assassin (Epsilon Commander), for "special assignment" with the Secret Order. The annoucement of the transfer came without warning. In addition, Grand Admiral Thrawn has not given the Wing Commander any explanation as to the reason for the transfer or details regarding his new mission. It should be noted that only the finest officers are selected for this duty. In addition, sources in the Imperial Palace claim that Emperor Palpatine is convinced that General Assassin "is strong" with the mystic Dark Side of the Force. It is anticipated that General Assassin will be departing for his "training" within 2 to 4 weeks, pending receipt of transfer orders from the Imperial Palace.

The Wing Commander personally offers congratulations and best of luck to General Assassin in his new assignment...


The Office of the Wing Commander herein posts the approved plotline for the third Battle of the Emperor’s Hammer, New Dimensions. Readers are directed to the Officer’s Deck of this Newsletter for an article for the new Battle. The Wing is eagerly awaiting completion of the missions for this well thought out plotline...

Alpha III boarding the ISD Avenger
in preparation for redeployment...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The Emperor's Hammer

New Dimensions

1) While waiting for Lord Vader in the Galvin system, a Mon Cal appears and
attacks the Avenger. Galvin is an out of the way system, without any planets.
So no one knows what's up until next mission.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of Avenger
Destruction of 50% of Rebel craft
Suggested spacecraft:
ISD Avenger
CRS Independence
TIE squadrons Beta and/or Gamma, and Alpha
X-Ws, B-Ws, and A-Ws
Neutral Nav buoy or probe (highly recommended for later mission reference)
Suggested plot:
All X-Ws armed with heavy rockets
All B-Ws armed with adv. torps
CRS & ISD jumps out at 2.5 minute mark for unknown reasons
Before CRS & ISD jump a message is sent to the effect of "We are going into hyper
space without knowning why...."

2) For an unknown reason, the ISD Avenger and CRS Independence jump into hyperspace
and come out in unexplored, yet hostile, territory. They have formed a temporary alliance
until they find their way back.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of Avenger & Independence
Destruction of 50% of neutral craft
Suggested spacecraft:
TIE squads Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Lambda
All types of non-Imperial or Rebel craft (i.e. Z95, R41)
Rebel ships X-W, Y-W, A-W.
Suggested plot:
One neutral group only attacks ISD or CRS
FRG jumps in after all of one neutral ship type destroyed
2 M/FRGs jump in if FRG destroyed
A CORT (or other fast ship) jumps in, scouts the area, and leaves.
No one attacks it.

3) The CORT of the previous mission reveals himself as a scientist of the Byol, who is curious
about the newcomers, instead of hostile. Because of this, the Byol want to kill him. The Hammer must protect him from harm while he docks with the ISD.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of ISD & CRS
CORT must complete mission
Suggested spacecraft:
TIE squads Alpha, Gamma, Delta
All neutral ships
Rebel ships X-W, A-W
Suggested plot:
14 seconds into the mission, 2 CRLs jump in
TIE squads Epsilon & Lambda are sent out
Rebels send B-Ws
CRLs launch R41s and assault transports
If all R41s and assault trns destroyed, each CRL launches
an escort trn.

4) Because of the information the Byolian scientist has given the Imperials & Rebels (including how to get back home!) they want to kill us ALL! Protect the ISD & CRS as they attempt to hold station and plan for a counterattack.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of ISD & CRS
Destruction of 50% of neutral craft
Suggested spacecraft:
TIE squads Alpha & Gamma
Rebels X-W, A-W, Y-W
Suggested plot:
20 seconds into it, a FRG jumps in
TIE squad Epsilon OR Lambda sent out
Rebels launch another Y-W group
4 minutes into the fight, 5 TIE Defenders OR 5 Missile Boats jump in
to attack the ISD & CRS (armed with rockets)

5) We have discovered a group of platforms where the Byol are staging the attacks from. If we
can destroy enough of them, there will be more time to make a run for home.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of ISD & CRS
Destruction of 50% of all platforms
Suggested spacecraft:
TIE squads Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Epsilon, Lambda
4-6 platforms (any class)
Rebel X-W, Y-W, B-W, A-W

Suggested plot:
While the fighters are taking out platforms, the ISD & CRS will head for a hyperspace point planned by the Byol scientist. If they reach that point, they might get home.
After 1 platform is destroyed, 1-3 CRSs and the same amount of ISDs jump in to stop
the Avenger & Independence and launch half a dozen groups of Veteran-Top Ace T/Ds, MISs, B-Ws, and X-Ws, most of them attacking one or the other of the capital ships.

6) Now that we are back home, the Rebels will get a surprise! The Avenger will launch every squadron in an effort to get them into hyperspace to be destroyed by the Byol. The Byolian scientist has informed us that the nav buoy in the Galvin system is the key to the galaxy-crossing device. Once the Independence is into hyperspace, the Nav Buoy will be destroyed. We don't want any Imperial ships to fall into its grasp.

Suggested mission goals:

Survival of ISD
Destruction of CRS OR CRS must complete mission (jump to hyperspace)
Destruction of 25-50% of all Rebel craft
Destruction of Nav Buoy (or probe)
Suggested spacecraft:
All TIE squads
All Rebel ship types
Nav buoy or probe

Suggested plot:
While the fighting is going on, Lord Vader hypers in on a shuttle. This ship must
survive its docking with the Avenger!
All fighters armed with adv. torpedoes


The Office of the Wing Commander has approved Mission 1 of the Strike at Calamari Battle (authored by General Andrew/Barnacleez) for distribution to pilots of the Emperor’s Hammer. It should be noted that pilots do not have to complete the Bonus Goals in order to receive the award of a yet to be announced Medal for this Battle. However, Members are still expected to have completed the Primary and Secondary Mission Goals to consider the mission a success.

A copy of Strike at Calamari - Mission 1 (b1m1fm.tie) is attached to this Newsletter.

The following mission performance is posted by the Wing Commander for General Ronin:


	1/26/95 (HARD)

34,513 pts
All Primary Goals Completed
All Secondary Goals Completed
1 of 3 Bonus Goals Completed
4 A-Wings
3 Escort Shuttles
1 Scout Craft
62 Objects

* - The low kill ratio presented above represents the primary use of Ion Cannon in disabling key opponents.


Medal Award Ceremony on board
the ISD Avenger...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)

The following recipients of new Medals are herein posted by the Officer of the Wing Commander:

General Andrew (Lambda III Flight Leader):  Medal of Tactics

[For approval of Mission 1 of Strike at Calamari Battle]

General Thunder (Flight Officer/Lambda Commander): Commendation of Service
[For submission of the New Dimensions Battle plotline]

Wing Commander's Note:

In order to clear up any potential confusion about the order of the three Emperor's Hammer Battles approved to date, they are presented chronologically, as follows:

	Battle I - Capture of Zaarin (5 missions)

Status: Missions 1 and 2 completed
Designer: General Shawshank (Executive Officer/Gamma Commander),
with contribution of Mission 1 by General Cli4ord (Tactical
Officer/Delta Commander)

Battle II - Strike at Calamari (6 missions)
Status: Mission 1 completed, Mission 2 under design
Designer: General Andrew (Lambda III Flight Leader)

Battle III - New Dimensions(6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved
Designer: General Thunder (Flight Officer/Lambda Commander)

In addition, the Wing Commander (with helpful suggestion from the Flight Officer) herein posts the Medal of Vengeance (med-veng.bmp) for satisfactory completion of all Missions within the Strike at Calamari Battle:

The Medal of the Emperor’s Gate (med-emgt.bmp) is also posted for completion of all six missions in the forthcoming New Dimensions Battle: