Wing Commander Ronin outlining mission objectives to the
Wing in the Squadron Ready Room prior to combat...
(photo: TREYNARD, 1/95)


In order to clear up any potential confusion about the order of the four Emperor's Hammer Battles and all Free Missions approved to date, they are presented chronologically below. In addition, the Wing Commander has decided to adopt Cmdr Talon’s suggestion to post individual mission high scores. Consequently, these are also presented below and are identified to individual pilots with the new ID Lines, also as proposed by Cmdr Talon (FLT LDR/Talon/Lambda-3/T-B).

	Battle I - Capture of Zaarin (5 missions)

Status: Mission 1 - completed/posted (NL #5)
Mission 2 - completed/posted (NL #5)
Missions 3 to 6 - under design
Designer: XO/Shawshank/Gamma-1/MIS
(with contribution of Mission 1 by late TACT/Cli4ord/Delta-1/T-D)
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 45,859 pts (FLT MBR/Lucas/Epsilon-2/T-D)
Mission 2 - 96,108 pts (FLT MBR/Lucas/Epsilon-2/T-D)

Battle II - Strike at Calamari (6 missions)
Status: Mission 1 - completed/posted (NL #7)
Mission 2 - completed/posted (NL #9)
Missions 3 to 6 - under design
Designer: CMDR/Andrew/Epsilon-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 34,513 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)
Mission 2 - 51,557 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

Battle III - New Dimensions (6 missions)
Status: Plotline approved
Missions 1 to 6 - under design
Designer: FLT OFF/Thunder/Lambda-1/T-D

Battle IV - Recapture Zaarin’s Technology (6 missions)
Status: Mission 1 - completed/posted (NL #9)
Mission 2 - completed/posted (NL #9)
Mission 3 - completed/posted (NL #9)
Mission 4 to 6 - under design
Designer: FLT MBR/DorJa/Alpha-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 91,342 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)
Mission 2 - 53,103 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)
Mission 3 - 61,007 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

Free Missions:
Ja24-1 - Completed/posted (NL #8)
Designer: TACT/Adams/Delta-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 35,999 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

Ja24-2 - Completed/posted (NL #8)
Designer: TACT/Adams/Delta-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 35,671 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

Ja24-3 - Completed/posted (NL #9)
Designer: TACT/Adams/Delta-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 24,056 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

DorJa-1 - Completed/posted (NL #9)
Designer: FLT MBR/DorJa/Alpha-1/T-D
High Scores:
Mission 1 - 16,687 pts (WC/Ronin/Alpha-1/T-D)

In addition, this posting will be updated in each future newsletter. Pilots wishing to submit their pilot scores for ANY mission detailed above are asked to submit their request to the Office of the Wing Commander @ W Call.


There has been much confusion recently regarding copying and playing mission files. Briefly, these files must be directly copied to your c:\tie\mission subdirectory. However, BE MUST backup your originals files currently in the c:\tie\mission subdirectory or they will be copied over and lost...This is due to the fact that all new missions will all have the same names as the original missions (apparently edited missions can only replace the missions in the first original Battle). I apologize to all Members for the inconvenience and headaches this will undoubtedly cause, but I believe they are manageable utilizing a solid directory structure. In addition, this posting will be updated in every subsequent Newsletter so the Members can review the recommended directory tree format. Consequently, I recommend the following directory tree (copy of the Wing Commander's) to keep the new files organized:



* - new mission files
** - original mission files

By careful use of the recommended directory structure, you should just have to "copy" new files into the c:\tie\mission subdriectory without having to rename anything...Again I apologize for this cumbersome method of file management; but until a mission launcher utility is created, this is what we're stuck with in order to play new missions...I feel it's a small price to pay....