Star Wars Classics Collection

HA Turtle Jerrar

11 February, 2025 18:58
33 ABY

Missing some (or all) of the classic Star Wars games? You can pick up a bundle on sale for about $8 here: The collection includes:

  • STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Special Edition
  • STAR WARS™: TIE Fighter Special Edition
  • STAR WARS™ - X-Wing Alliance™
  • STAR WARS™ X-Wing vs TIE Fighter - Balance of Power Campaigns™
  • STAR WARS™ Rebellion
  • STAR WARS™ Galactic Battlegrounds Saga
  • STAR WARS™: Rebel Assault I + II
  • STAR WARS™: Rogue Squadron 3D

(Information courtesy of WAR TheBlackxRanger and D Surgo)

Historical award records restored

HA Turtle Jerrar

11 February, 2025 18:47
33 ABY

One of my priorities as we have continued to modernize our online presence has been safeguarding, and as practical restoring, key elements of our historical record. I'm please to announce that with today's maintenance update we have bulk restored the majority of historical award records (TC and EH main fleet). This brings in over 39k historical awards for members who currently had no records in the database, i.e. those where a manual profile restoration had not yet been performed. We've also populated join dates, dates of rank, and callsigns where this data was currently blank for historical members.

While this does not have a direct impact for most of our currently active members, it streamlines the process for returning members who have been gone for a while and provides a more complete picture of awards over time on our Medal Board.

On a different bit of more practical news, several small site updates have recently been made (details in the changelog). Among these is a "EH Link" option when using the Markdown editor to help you quickly create links to members, battles, game patches, and competitions in the multiple areas of the site that use the editor. This is especially helpful when using functions that also sync to Discord. Simply click the "Insert EH Link" option to gain access to selectors that will help you quickly search for and insert these links. Enjoy!

Lieutenant Promotion in Firebird Squadron

FA John T. Clark

11 February, 2025 15:43
33 ABY

For earning Legions of Combat and Skirmish in Star Wars Battlefront II, SL Yuria Vanagandr of Firebird Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.

Congratulations, LT Yuria Vanagandr!

Sam Arsio Promoted to Captain

FA John T. Clark

11 February, 2025 15:34
33 ABY

From Spear Squadron CMDR MAJ Sid_amos:

Since his promotion on October 7th, 2024, CM Sam Arsio has impressively organized four competitions and actively participated in eight. His dedication is further demonstrated by earning 20 LoCs and 233 LoSs, and receiving a merit medal every month since his last promotion.
Moreover, he has taken on the role of Flight Leader in Spear Squadron, leading by example and inspiring his peers.
Given his unwavering commitment and exemplary leadership, I highly recommend CM Sam Arsio for promotion to the rank of Captain, with all the rights and privileges that come with this esteemed rank.

Congratulations, CPT Sam Arsio!

New Flight Leader for Delta

HA Plif

09 February, 2025 19:17
33 ABY

LT Prot Azar, formerly a Flight Member in Scorpion Squadron, has been appointed to the Flight Leader position in Delta Squadron. Congratulations and good luck in your new role!

TCCOMA Appointed

HA Plif

09 February, 2025 03:31
33 ABY

After a long time of hemming and hawing about it, I'm appointing a TIE Corps Commander Assistant (TCCOMA) to run the uniform approval queue. I know that the TCCOMA title may give the impression that they'll be involved in everything I do, but I want to be clear with them and all of you that this is just about making sure that uniforms are processed in a timely manner and there's no other access being granted for this version of the TCCOMA role. A description of the position, the current uniform approval guidelines, and the steps I want the TCCOMA to take have been published on

The first uniform-approval-specific TCCOMA will be an officer that's been our self-appointed and much appreciated tailor for many years now, the keenest advocate for making our pilots look sharp even if it's just images on profiles. Please join me in thanking COL TheBlackxRanger for taking on this responsibility as we finally make his side hustle official!

Lieutenant Promotion in Lambda Squadron

FA John T. Clark

05 February, 2025 16:57
33 ABY

For earning a first few Legions of Skirmish on different game platforms, SL Davern Carvely of Lambda Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.

Congratulations, LT Davern Carvely!

New Magistrates to the MAA

ADT Taurus

03 February, 2025 23:25
33 ABY

After a swift round of applications, the MAA has selected two new Magistrates, one for each House into the office.
Please congratulate, with me, both JUG Andrew and JUG Therj'en'nuruodo!
They will be assigned task independently and will work alongside me and Preator Legion Ordo to tackle the growing responsibilities of my office.

Jagged Fell III Promoted to Major

FA John T. Clark

03 February, 2025 17:42
33 ABY

From Battlegroup III BGCOM VA Locke Setzer:

Over the past eight months as a Captain in the TIE Corps, CPT Jagged Fell III has, by the numbers, completed over 1200 SP missions, earned 38 mission high scores, earned 40 battle high scores, earned 57 LoCs, earned 144 LoSs, submitted 240 battle reviews, completed 31 IU courses, submitted 6 TFTC battles and 2 TFTC frees (that have been released, with more submitted and on the way), as well as created the TIE Fighter Total Conversion Mission Design course. Those are the numbers, and they are extraordinary, but they also paint an incomplete picture.

In addition to being one of the most active members in Battlegroup III and the TIE Corps at large, CPT Jagged Fell III has also been an excellent leadership figure within Typhoon Squadron, as its executive officer and now as its squadron commander. He regularly goes above and beyond to assist other members of the squadron with technical issues they may have, as well as encourage activity at all times. He's a key reason why Typhoon is one of the best squadrons in Battlegroup III and the fleet at large.

Furthermore, he has been a tremendous advocate for the TFTC platform, doing an incredible amount of work to not only produce exceptional content for the platform (which not only has included missions, but audio, custom graphical elements like emblems, ship skins, celestial objects, and in-game medals), but also gone out of his way to help document and demystify the platform, with additional documentation on the EH wiki, his IU course creation, and across numerous conversations on Discord and direct messages.

Without question, CPT Jagged Fell III has been an extraordinary Captain for Typhoon Squadron, Battlegroup III, and the TIE Corps. I have suspicion he'll somehow manage to make an even more incredible Major.

Therefore, I recommend CPT Jagged Fell III be promoted to the rank of Major, forthwith!

Congratulations, MAJ Jagged Fell III!

Star Wars: Hunters PvE now Live and Supported

RA Colo Delste

02 February, 2025 04:16
33 ABY

Greetings all,

The Star Wars Hunters PvE mode - Grandstand - is now live and can have matches submitted for it through the "report a winning PvE match" link on the Management page.

Requirements for an LoS are the same as for the PvP version of the game.

But get in quick, this seems to be a limited time game mode!

Happy hunting!

JKast Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

FA John T. Clark

01 February, 2025 14:58
33 ABY

From Typhoon Squadron CMDR CPT Jagged Fell III:

Lieutenant JKast first joined the TIE Corps over two decades ago but drifted away after a time. He recently rejoined our forces back at the end of October 2024 and after a bit to gather himself has come in like a wrecking ball. For the last two months he has earned our highest monthly activity medal, the Silver Star of the Empire. Over the last two months he has flown 38 Single Player missions, came out victorious in 222 PvP matches, defeated the enemy beside companions in 30 PvE matches, and has been voraciously consuming the Imperial University courses having passed 28 of them earning Certificates in Flight Operations, Force Application, Force History, Galactic History, and Naval Doctrine. Also, he has chosen to take on a more active role in Typhoon Squadron by accepting the role of Flight Leader recently. I am just in awe of the sheer numbers he has been putting up these last few weeks and am proud to recommend Lieutenant JKast for the richly deserved promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM JKast!

ScottyTheGeo Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

FA John T. Clark

01 February, 2025 14:53
33 ABY

From Typhoon Squadron CMDR CPT Jagged Fell III:

Lieutenant ScottyTheGeo joined the TIE Corps back in September 2023. He has been a steady presence in Typhoon Squadron. He was a strong contributor during Imperial Storm 6, earning the most points of anyone in Battlegroup 3 for the final battle of the campaign. He has earned two Imperial Security Medals in his months since his last promotion and therefore it is my pleasure to recommend Lieutenant ScottyTheGeo for promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM ScottyTheGeo!

Alun Tringad Promoted to Lieutenant Commander

FA John T. Clark

01 February, 2025 14:51
33 ABY

From Typhoon Squadron CMDR CPT Jagged Fell III:

Lieutenant Alun Tringad first joined the TIE Corps over 24 years ago but drifted away after a time. He recently rejoined our forces back at the beginning of December 2024 and has been contributing steadily ever since. He has passed 11 Imperial University courses, earning a Certificate in Flight Operations, has been a consistent competitor in the Trivia for the Challenged competitions, and has earned an Imperial Security Medal for both months since their return. Therefore, it is my pleasure to recommend Lieutenant Alun Tringad for promotion to Lieutenant Commander.

Congratulations, LCM Alun Tringad!

Armon Ferro Promoted to Commander

FA John T. Clark

31 January, 2025 17:49
33 ABY

From Eagle Squadron CMDR COL Miles Prower:

With an excellent tour of duty spanning four months trending with ISM level activity ramping up to BS level activity, combined with Armon's recent efforts to assist the Training Officer at the EH Command Staff level, I am more than pleased to endorse Lieutenant Commander Armon Ferro for elevation to the next rank of Commander!

Congratulations, CM Armon Ferro!

Star Wars Squadrons "X-Wing vs TIE Fighter" Mode

RA Colo Delste

30 January, 2025 03:47
33 ABY

Wanted to bring the thrill and laser gunnery skills of XvT PvP to modern consoles? Then good news ahead!

Thanks to testing by COL Honsou and CM Newt of Sin Squadron, I am pleased to announce that a new approved set of modifiers is available for Star Wars Squadrons PvP Dogfights.

The Combat Operations Office Manual has been updated to include these modifiers, as listed below. Games must still be set to a match time of 10 minutes, and kill limit set to 100. Screenshots must show that these settings are being used.

  • Craft Bans: Only X-Wing, A-Wing, B-Wing, TIE Interceptor, TIE Fighter and TIE Defender allowed
  • No Countermeasures or Auxiliaries
  • Resupply Nodes Disabled
  • Collision Damage 5.0
  • Imperial Max Shields 0.8
  • Imperial Max Hull 0.8
  • New Republic Max Shields 0.6
  • New Republic Max Hull 0.7
  • Starfighter Primary Damage Taken 1.2

*Note: This set of restrictions is not exclusionary - any game that meets the minimum requirements of 10mins in length and kill limit set to 100 is a valid Custom PvP Dogfight match.

New Flight Leader for Tempest

HA Plif

26 January, 2025 02:16
33 ABY

CM Therj'en'nuruodo, formerly a Flight Member in Spear Squadron, has been appointed to the Flight Leader position in Tempest Squadron. Congratulations and good luck in your new role!

New Flight Leader for Typhoon

HA Plif

26 January, 2025 02:06
33 ABY

LT JKast has been appointed to the Flight Leader position in Typhoon Squadron. Congratulations and good luck in your new role!

Flight leader position available

COL Highlander

23 January, 2025 00:30
33 ABY

Delta is currently seeking to fill our flight 3 leader position ... this position is open to all current active members of EH with no previous leadership experience required.
If you would like to apply for this position and you think you have what it takes to be an assassin for EHTC please send an e-mail to the CMDR of Delta in the form of a welcome letter to a new recruit assigned to the squadron.
Good luck to all that apply and may the Emperor's favor be with you.

MRD Sam Arsio, MRD Jai Thorne selected as Praetors: Quaestor

D Surgo

22 January, 2025 21:13
33 ABY

Marauder Sam Arsio and Marauder Jai Thorne have been selected as the second-in-command, a position called the Praetor to the Quaestor, for House Palpatine and House Valkorion respectively.

The Praetor position exists (and may or may not be filled) for all levels of leadership, and acts as an assistant and second-in-command. They have all of the privileges of the primary position, and may stand in when the primary leader is unavailable.

Congratulations on your new roles, and may the Force serve you well.

Lieutenant Promotion in Kappa Squadron

FA John T. Clark

20 January, 2025 15:29
33 ABY

For earning a first set of Legions of Skirmish in Elite Dangerous, SL Soontide of Kappa Squadron has been promoted to full Lieutenant.

Congratulations, LT Soontide!