IO Report # 120 (2003-12-05)

This report was submitted by HA Ari

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Internet Office Report #120

December 5, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Coming to you from snowy winterland, it's the IO Report!

Last week, the EH Library was completed! The EH Library serves as a place to post your fictions, biographies, and EH histories. All submissions are reviewed individually by a "librarian" working for the Internet Office as well as the Logistics Officer. It is our hope that everyone will at one point make use of this service. Thanks to CPT Drako for his hard work on it! It's at

On a related note, I would like to announce TWO congratulations - to CPT Drako and COL von Reinthaler - on both receiving the Commendation of Excellence medal. This is a rare medal that is reserved only for people who have consistently proven their prowess with web design skills, and the two of them have certainly shown that - as the SOTW record shows! Good job, guys!

CPT Amadeo has been removed from the position of IOA. I am not formally looking for anyone to fill the space, however if you do have a pressing urge to let me know that you're interested in the position, drop me and email and we'll talk.

XPS (eXtensible Polling System) is still in the works (I guess I grossly underestimated the time it'd take to create something like it, because it's very flexible), so I'm sorry for the delay, but I can assure you that I'm hard at work on it and it'll be worth it.

Finally, I would like to announce a new Internet Office competition, SOTW Bonanza! Basically, in order to bring more interest to creating good sites - I'll be awarding an IS-SR to anyone who receives a SOTW award from now till January 2nd! So - congrats this week to LT Tiamat!

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW is the Vortex Squadron site created by LT Tiamat ( at - congrats on your 4 star site!


:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Coke or Pepsi?
  • Coke
  • Pepsi
  • Mountain Dew
  • Crab Juice
    Vote for your choice at!
  • Internet Officer: HA Ari
    Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
    Command Assistant: AD Turtle
    Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
    Command Assistant: CPT Drako

    :: [ Internet Office Links ] ::

  • - Internet Office
  • - EH Message Boards
  • - MinosNIC
  • - My EHNet
  • - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
  • - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
  • - Sabacc Online v2.3
  • - IO Code Archive
  • - EH Library
  • - EH Code Collaboration
  • - EH Banner Exchange
  • - EH Counter Service
  • - Greeting Card Center
  • - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
  • - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
  • - WebRing
  • - Images Archive
  • - PHP IWATS Course
  • - JavaScript IWATS Course
  • - VBScript IWATS Course
  • - Flash IWATS Course

  • :: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

    IO-FSEA-PROF/HA Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
    [MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
    [LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx3] [LoAx2] [OV-5E]
    Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
    ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
    IWATS VBScript Professor

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