IO Report # 87 (2003-04-18)

This report was submitted by AD Bevel Leeson

April 18 , 2003

Internet Office News

FA Ari is on leave untill Sunday.

News from FA Ari:

Some very unsettling events have occurred this week as you all know, and the Internet Office has been working full time to provide as much help and information as possible to members. The first thing that you should know about is the EH Oath of Loyalty. This is a totally VOLUNTARY way of expressing your support for the EH. You are in no way obligated to sign it if you wish to remain with the EH. However if you wish to sign it, you can find it at Also there is a link there to the breakaway DB's message board where you can list your PIN for deletion from their database, as per GA Ronin's orders.

We've had some incidents of people from the breakaway DB try to harass EH members recently. Please be aware that you are not invisible, and in most cases we can track you. Leaders of the breakaway faction have declared that such acts are unacceptable, and they will take disciplinary action if the Internet Office informs them of a troublemaker.

Similarly, the Internet Office will not tolerate harassment of any member of the separatist DB by an EHer. Cases identified as such will be reported to the Security Officer immediately.

I will touch very lightly on an issue that relates to this. About the "hacking" attempt of the site - let me make this clear: The Internet Office, as well as the rest of the CS, does NOT condone any form of hacking or data stealing. What individuals may do on their own do not in any way shape or form express the wishes or desires of the EH CS. Doing such is a violation of American federal law, not to mention the AoWs, Bylaws, CoCs. If anyone is caught in any such attempt in the future, they will immediately be sent to the HCI by the Security Officer. That means even if you don't succeed, and you technically do not violate federal law, in my book, an attempt is just as bad. I was disappointed when I was informed of this. For more specifics on this case, I suggest you read GA Ronin's news post on

Many people have been asking about the new EH DB site. Fortunately, SA Astatine has already been working on transporting the DB to the base TC code. Currently, he is working on the new database with his full effort. Please don't ask him "Is it done yet? When will it be ready?" - if you feel you must contact him about it, I suggest a few words of appreciation for his efforts. When it's ready - you will know.

Now, after all that, let's move on to some happier things. Please welcome back to the Internet Office, Alex Foley, who rejoins us as IOA. He hopes to continue where he left off with the IO.

Much work has been done on the redesign. GA Ronin has approved it 100% so now all that remains to do is the long manual process of importing data from the old site to the new one. The contributors to the site design have been: Keldorn (artwork), Leeson (HTML/CSS), Slagar, Drako, and Alex Foley (art) and Ari (HTML/CSS + miscellaneous).

Just so you're aware of my schedule for the next two weeks: Wednesday, April 16 around 4:00 PM till Saturday, April 19 at around 9:00 PM I will be on leave for Passover holiday. Hopefully, my inbox won't explode when I check it then. From then on though, I'll be limited in my e-mail checking capabilities until Passover is over. Tuesday, April 22 at night till Thursday, April 24 at night, I will be on leave again for the end of Passover. For this entire week and a half period, please CC my CA, AD Leeson (, on ALL emails that you would normally send to just me. AD Leeson has full acting capacity as IO while I am on leave and will still have a good deal of IO authority (more than regular that is) even during the period when my mail checking is limited. Leeson is authorized to make decisions for the IO should the need arise. If you require assistance with the EH Message Boards, please contact the COMM, FA Absolutek (

Alex Foley added a new counter to the EH Counter Service. You can find the EH Counter Service at

He also added 2 new blocks (COMM office news and dasb0t info) and some new sites to myDot (

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

This week's SOTW award goes to the Cobra Squadron site at Congrats to CPT BLADE ( on his 4 star site.

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What project would you most like to see revived?

  • The Holonet Journals
  • Project Hawkeye II
  • EH Holonet Awards
  • My EHNet
  • EH Code Archive
  • BannerEx / Counters Service / Webring


In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

CA:IO-PROF/AD Bevel Leeson/CA-5/SSSD Sovereign
GSx2/SSx3/BSx5/ISMx4/IS-1BR-1SW/LoC-Rx1/CoE/CoL/LoAx2/OV-2E [LANC]
Command Attaché to the Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
IWATS PHP Professor

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