Communications Officer Report #11 High Admiral La'an, 8 Dec 24 |
Welcome all to another COMM report, noting that a termly reporting rhythm has been settled into and which feels appropriate - also long enough that I'd forgotten how lurid my current report template is... I've reflected in a TC squadron report that the place of formal reporting increasingly feels antiquated in the face of Discord functionality and the pushing of information out to the club, but for a CS position I still think they're a useful opportunity to put thoughts out into the ether for consideration. For this report I have no specific items to comment on, but in all honesty I take that as a positive sign as always - a group that actively self-regulates, minimises friction and generally talks out their differences (or just avoids conflict!) is a good thing as far as I'm concerned! Noting that we've passed through a US election cycle in the period since my last report I'm pleased we saw some constructive discussions, alongside a general recognition that political chat is best had in servers or forums inclined that way, as well as recognising that domestic issues don't always interest a global membership. I will note that I'm aware a number of members are continuing to use muting, noting that while we clearly aim to maintain a friendly and welcoming atmosphere within the club there is no expectation that everyone will just simply get on with one another. In the first instance conflicts should either be mediated or avoided where possible, including the use of muting within Discord for example to 'step away' from aggravation or a situation that may be causing distress. I would urge all pilots to avoid that as a long term solution where possible, or at the very least ensure that where they've done so let your CMDRs or similar chain of command know so a situation can be monitored and again mediated, or resolved where possible at the lowest level. It starts to become problematic where long term muting may have taken root within units and be affecting that units ability to communicate internally or co-ordinate, or if one of those muted is within the chain of command itself. In this instance I'd ask all members to consider whether a unit change may suit better in the longer term to move the situation along if another resolution isn't achievable. Finally from me, all EHCS MoCs have been kept up to date and awarded accordingly, where the role holder doesn't hold a dual profile within a subgroup that would be awarding MoCs already. |
Platforms and Policies |
All members are reminded of the importance of following the agreed EH Code of Conduct, an up to date issues of which can be found at the following link - EH CoC The primary platform for communications within the TC and wider EH remains Discord, with the TC, DB and HF maintaining their own servers. All are official EH channels and per the above all members and guests are expected to maintain the family friendly, positive environment that we've been able to sustain. Any individual wishing to join in with the conversation need only select the link or type into their browser - use of mailing lists continues to dwindle, so continued failure to use Discord will only limit your ability to understand or take part in the club's activities. |
Closing Thoughts |
If there are ever issues or concerns, questions or feedback, all are welcome to contact me directly in any of the EH servers or simply DM me - the infrequency of reports doesn't tally with the daily presence of the COMM and other admins on our key mediums, so never feel like any of us are unreachable or unable to assist with any issue. Until then, End transmission. HA Jarek La'an |