Infiltrator Wing Day - The Raid on Chrellis

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: The Infiltrator Wing acquires a new ship for their fleet

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Since 4 ABY, the Infiltrator Wing has been a valuable asset to the Emperor's Hammer, beginning with Renegade Wing, the Infiltrator Wing has been known for its undercover, covert operations. Acquiring Mon Calamari fleets, the Emperor’s Hammer has utilized these ships to infiltrate the rebel cells, assigning special tasks forces to work deep within the rebel organizations, to learn their secrets, plans, and keep a thumb over these traitors.

Over the course of twenty galactic years, the Emperor’s Hammer remained strong. Our sheer force has buckled the rebels into hiding across the galaxy, allowing us to blossom and dominate unopposed. For a good while, the Infiltrator Wing served less of a purpose, to protect those undercover, the Infiltrator Wing was forced to suspend operations and disband. The Empire prospered during these years, however, growing opposition became apparent as rebels, insurgents, extremists, and traitors banded together for a push against our great reign.

Thus, it was necessary to reactivate our spies which mandated the need to re-activate the Infiltrator Wing. Due to the ever aging Mon Calamari fleet, it was decided that a joint operation to acquire a new ship needed to be enacted. The current Infiltrator Wing, which comprised of Firebird and Eagle Squadron, was tasked by Commodore Silwar Naillo with a mission to steal an unguarded and unregistered MC-40. The joint effort, conducted by the talented pilots aboard the Challenge, set off to the targeted system, Chrellis, where the pilots made their way to the ship yards via shuttle.

Upon landing in an undisclosed location, the team infiltrated the shipyards, sneaking through undetected. One team set off to disable the security around the perimeter, while another ensured to eliminate any personnel guarding the frigate. Now, the MC-40 is no small ship by any means. Boasting over 500 meters, this beauty was a sight to behold. Such a large ship required a crew to pilot this ship home, once the teams completed their tasks, they made their way aboard the MC-40. Upon first inspection, all systems appeared to be operational, with no signs of damage. In fact, one would say this was a brand new ship!

Once all the initial take off checks were completed, the crew ensured that no tracking of the ship could be made, thus allowing for a clean getaway. The MC-40 lifts off from the ground and begins to soar into the atmosphere. With the Lambda Shuttle in tow, both ships enter sub-space and ultimately into hyperspace. With a destination set, the crew return home to the Emperor’s Hammer fleet.