A Routine Patrol - Part 3

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: The final chapter of a routine patrol

The pirates drag both Ranger and Gytheran onto their ship and take them to the prison hold, becoming a prisoner of war. Hours, days, and weeks pass until Ranger awakes, abruptly shoved by a shadowy figure.

“Hey Ranger, wake up. Genie’s not gonna be happy if you’re asleep during a briefing” quickly says Gytheran.

Ranger awakens bewildered, seeing his Lambda squadron co-horts gathered in the war room and Gytheran on his left.

“Wait…what’s going on? We were up there, in space! How did we…” Ranger trails off.

“Man, you were sleeping! Out cold even. Genie started not but five minutes ago, you fell asleep that fast?” laughed Gytheran.

“Settle down back there. You two. Have you heard anything I've been saying? Pop quiz. Your starfighter is disabled and reinforcements are on the way. What do you do to avoid being captured?” questioned Genie.

“Uh… well what you..um… you see you..” Ranger sheepishly replies.

“I expect more out of you Ranger, you owe me another twenty. Hop to it.” ordered Genie.

Ranger gets up out of his seat and lays prone onto the floor, as he begins to ineptly pushes his body up.

Gytheran snickers as he watches Ranger’s flounder on the floor. Genie’s eyes dart over to Gytheran and gives him a quick whistle.

“Gytheran you can join him too.” ordered Genie. Gytherans hops to the floor prone next to Ranger.

“Now listen up. This is vital information that will serve you on the battlefront. One wrong move and it can mean your life!” announced Genie.

Genie proceeds to instruct his squadron, teaching his crew the necessary tools needed to be the best pilot in the TIE Corps, preparing for whatever lies ahead.