Letter to Zendi

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: A message sent home during the holidays

Hey Zendi,

I hope you are doing well. I am sorry that I have not been in touch with you for a while. It has been a

busy time for me and I have not had the time to write to you. I am sure that you have heard about my

latest accomplishments in the TIE Corps, it’s been almost two years since I first enlisted. Recently I’ve

been a Gold Star of the Empire for my service in the Corps. I’ve met so many pilots here and its been a

blast. I’ve been so successful that I’ve taken on the role of a recruiter . My name is spread far and wide

in recruitment circles and I am proud to say that I have recruited many pilots into our ranks. I’ve taken

my flying skills to the next level as well. I was recently promoted to Captain and put in Lambda

Squadron, which has been a lot of fun. The old tailor retired and I’ve been taking up the mantle of

making new uniforms for pilots, it’s been pretty exhilarating. There’s nothing quite like sewing and

hemming, you know how I can be with this kind of tough. Tailoring ran in my family and I went to

school for it before joining the TIE Corps. I’m a little old-fashioned when it comes to this, you know.

The last uniform turned out really well, it’s the best-looking uniform I’ve made yet. One of these days if

I ever head to the reserves, I want to put my final uniform on display with all of my medals. The medals

I have earned are all distinguished and shiny, you’d be so proud of me. Just wait until I wear this when I

get back home.

Besides all that, a few months ago we were attacked by a group called the Ishtari, we were deployed out

to space and fought them with our TIE Fighters. I was with a group of about twenty pilots in our TIE

fighters, and we were flying behind the rest of the fleet. We spotted a small asteroid field not far from us

and opened fire on some asteroids to clear our path. Suddenly we scattered around the asteroids, as they

started exploding all around us. We had just regained formation when what looked like a meteorite hit

one of my wingmen dead center on his cockpit. The explosion shook his ship apart before it blew away.

Thankfully we managed to defeat them and return home to celebrate aboard at the bar on the Hammer.

We danced the night away and partied all night long. It has been a crazy few months since the battle, the

fleet commander ordered us to conduct routine patrol missions and boy will I say these are BORING.

Most of the time we are just out there flying with nothing going on. Outside of patrols we have monthly

inspections and our TIE Corps Commander sits in the meetings to hear whats going on and how to

improve. Theres been a change in command too but they know what they’re doing, so nothing will

really change for us.

I’m hoping that maybe once things settle down I can request shore leave and visit you all back home.

Maybe we can watch a podracing event, hopefully they still do those these days? The next time I can

visit might be a few months from now, I’ll be in touch more often, you know how it can be. On my last

mission we visited some really cool planets and I picked up some souvenirs. I hope you like what I got.

Say hello to the family for me. I hope everyone is doing well. Let me know if you received the credits I

transferred over, hope this helps while I am gone.

