Ranger's Trials (Dark Brotherhood)

Member fiction submitted by COL TheBlackxRanger on 2023-06-30.

Description/Remarks: Ranger describes his journeys to knighthood in the Dark Brotherhood

Many months have gone by after my last few trials. It was a grueling few short months, however it felt like ages. I’ve collected all the necessary components to construct a lightsaber of my own. Working with my leader, Colo Delste, he assisted in my journey of crafting this vital weapon. I’ve put together the power cell, the vortex ring, its insulator and energy gate. The handgrip I’ve designed fits firmly in my grasp with a safety switch positioned in just the right place. What lies before me is a fully assembled lightsaber, all that remains is the power source needed to complete this magnificent weapon, the Kyber Crystal.

“You’ve come a long way since you first were inducted to the Brotherhood, it is time for your final set of trials. Take this crystal and go to Korriban, there you will enter the chambers of the Sith to bleed the crystal. Only when you are ready will the crystal allow itself to be imbued with the dark side” says Colo.

“Bleed the crystal?” I ask.

“That is correct. This Kyber crystal once belonged to a Jedi padawan we hunted down. You will channel your rage, fear, and hatred into the crystal thus converting the crystal into a deep red hue. This is the remaining component to complete your lightsaber. Now go, do not return here until you have completed this trial.”

Colo dons his hood as I watch him descend into the shadows. It was time for me to depart as well. I board the first shuttle to Korriban and meditate as we enter hyperspace.

I remember the words clearly from Colo, still echoing within my mind. I look down to the teal crystal and prepare myself for what is yet to come.

As my shuttle lands, I disembark and head to the old Sith tombs. I travel deep within the depths of the catacombs, pondering over the remains in this dark, cold chamber. Suddenly I hear whispers over my shoulder.

“Who is there?” I ask but no one is around to hear my call. I know that I am alone here but I can feel a presence watching over me. No matter, I must continue onwards.

I reach the final destination, located deep within the tombs is a large stone throne. Did the ancient Sith perform their ceremonies down here? This is the spot, I can feel it. I can feel the darkness surrounding me.

I kneel before the throne and sit seiza style, placing the kyber crystal on the ground before me. I close my eyes and begin channeling all of my pain, my hatred, and all of my fear into the crystal.

A sudden burst of energy is released from the crystal, knocking me back but I continue the ritual without hesitation. The crystal lifts in the air and slowly begins to change color, with every passing second the crystal violently shakes and expels more energy. Without a second thought, I grab the crystal out of the air with both hands and let out a violent yell, echoing throughout the chambers. The crystal is fighting me as if I was exercising a demon from within, I let out a final yell and the ritual is complete. The crystal drops to the ground and what lies before me is a deep red kyber crystal. I’ve completed my trial and all that is left to do is to return home to assemble my lightsaber.