Imperial Storm IV postgame run-on

Competition ID #: 3852
Status: Finished
Submitted by: AD Proton
Competition dates: 2003-11-17 - 2003-11-30
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: SSSD Sovereign,Omega squadron

This run-on is open to all Sovereign pilots. I'll be your judge and moderator (between staggering strolls to and from the SovCOM's cantina), and the top three writers will get IS-GR, IS-SR and IS-BR. Keep it clean, and note that he "enemy" in this scenario is not the combined BGs, but a nasty collection of Rebels, pirates and mercenaries! Deadline is November 30. The run-on is on the EH Sov MB. ----- Admiral Proton motioned to Dude the Tusken Raider to guard the hatch, extra security for the momentous meeting under way on the bridge of the SSSD Sovereign. The flag officers took their seats at the battle charts, flanked by the tactical advisers, COL Jon Doyle and LC Freelancer. "Gentlemen, we have eluded the enemy so far. But there is a good chance that they have blockaded the strategic hyperpoints leading us back to Aurora." Proton took a swig of Yukon Jack and pushed the bottle to Snippy for a refill. "We're going to make it home. And we are going to deal pain on the way. ... You officers are now going to tell me how we are going to do it ..." -----

Competition awards:

IS-GR, IS-SR and IS-BR to top three participants a

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.