Dark Voice #1

Competition ID #: 7718
Status: Finished
Submitted by: D Surgo
Competition dates: 2023-11-06 - 2023-12-17
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: Dark Brotherhood

We're going to be releasing the first (new) edition of the Dark Voice towards the end of the year. The Dark Voice is a newsletter that rolls up news from the Dark Council over the last three months, and includes art, fiction, and creative submissions from Dark Brotherhood members.

If you'd like to submit something to be shared with the rest of the Emperor's Hammer, and it's selected as part of the newsletter, you will earn a Letter of Achievement (which, as an EH level award, will be displayed on your TIE Corps uniform as well as in your awards list!) It's okay if it's an entry that you've previously submitted for another competition (such as Raise the Flag or Sigils of Clan Drakonan), or something completely new - as long as it relates to the Dark Brotherhood.

Please send all entries to GM Surgo by no later than 17 December ABY 31 via email or Discord.

Competition awards:

Letter of Achievement

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
LoA SA Kamjin Maverick Lap'lamiz For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-16
LoA CM Khaz Bibble For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA INQ Taurus For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA COL TheBlackxRanger For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA MAJ Maston Dane For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA MAJ KEBLAOMEGA For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA RA fr0Zen For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA VA Locke Setzer For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12
LoA ST Legion Ordo For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1 2024-01-12