Destiny 2: The Prologue

Competition ID #: 7734
Status: Finished
Submitted by: COL Gytheran
Competition dates: 2023-12-17 - 2024-01-31
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

A long time from now in a galaxy far,
far away…


It is a period of turmoil in the galaxy. The last remnants of the Terran home world struggle for survival from numerous foes.

Facing enemies from all corners of the galaxy, the guardians defending their planet are dwindling in number and need assistance to fend off the ever-increasing threat of annihilation.

To push back their enemies once and for all, the Terrans send out a distress call, looking for allies in their fight for survival. One such ally, traveling from a distant galaxy, answers these guardians’ call, looking to bring peace, freedom, justice, and security to this newly discovered land.

Destiny 2: The Prologue

The time is now! This is your opportunity to help usher in another primary game into the TIE Corps! This will not be competing with other game potentials. Destiny’s match-based gameplay falls neatly in line with the TCs reporting standards and has been seen as a good potential addition to our existing line up.
As in previous iterations, there will be an introductory period where it will be granted secondary status and competitions run to gauge the viability of the platform. This is where you come in.

In this first competition, running until January 31st, 2024, 23:59 UTC, pilots will join in and play PvE and PvP matches, taking screenshots of the results screen at the end for credit.

To unlock PvP and PvE matches (named The Crucible and The Vanguard respectively), you will need to complete the “A Guardian Rises” quest line that acts as a new-player guide.

For unlocking the Crucible (PvP), see this quick explanation:

For unlocking the Vanguard (PvE Strikes and Nightfalls), see this quick explanation:

Matches allowed: All PvE and PvP

Successful 6-person raid: 10 points (Highly unlikely anyone will submit, but the incentive is there)
Successful Vanguard PvE/ Crucible PvP match, showing at least 1 kill: 1.0 point.
Failed PvE/PvP match, showing at least 1 kill: 0.5 point.

NOTE: Yes, points will be granted for failed missions/matches. To get a better grasp of how this game will fit into reporting standards, we need as much data as we can get!

All screenshots will need to be submitted to Gytheran via DMs in Discord. He will keep track of all participants and their points. The data will be used to formulate a final proposal, and hopefully the inclusion of another primary game in the TC.

All screenshots must show the match results by clicking on “Full Results” (#1) at the end of the screen.

  • Successful PvP matches will be dictated by your team winning the match (PvP #2) and you scoring at least 1 kill (PvP #3). You will earn 1 point.
  • Successful PvE matches will be dictated by your team completing the PvE match and you scoring at least 1 kill (PvE #2). You will earn 1 point.
  • If your team doesn’t win, you fail the strike (in the case of nightfalls), or you do not score 1 kill, the match will be deemed “failed” and you will be awarded 0.5 points.

PvP (The Crucible)

PvE (The Vanguard)

Placement will be determined by the pilots with the greatest number of points at the end of the competition.

Competition awards:
  • 1st Place: Iron Star w/Gold Ribbon
  • 2nd Place: Iron Star w/Silver Ribbon
  • 3rd Place: Iron Star w/Bronze Ribbon
  • 4th Place: Iron Star w/Copper Ribbon
  • ORAs: Pilots will earn 1 Operational Readiness Award for every 10 submitted matches, up to a maximum of 4 ORAs granted for this competition.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-GR LCM Sam Arsio For coming in first place in Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), with 369 points, I hereby award LT Sam Arsio the Iron Star with Gold Ribbon! 2024-02-04
IS-SR COL Gytheran For coming in second place in Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), with 97 points, I hereby award LC Gytheran the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon! 2024-02-04
IS-BR COL TheBlackxRanger For coming in third place in Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), with 38.5 points, I hereby award MAJ TheBlackxRanger the Iron Star with Bronze Ribbon! 2024-02-04
IS-CR HA Plif For coming in fourth place in Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), with 33.5 points, I hereby award HA Plif the Iron Star with Copper Ribbon! 2024-02-04
ORA COL Gytheran For submitting a minimum of 40 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), LC Gytheran has earned 4 Operational Readiness Awards! 2024-02-04
ORA VA Locke Setzer For submitting a minimum of 10 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), VA Locke Setzer has earned an Operational Readiness Award! 2024-02-04
ORA LCM Gian Webb For submitting a minimum of 10 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), LCM Gian Webb has earned an Operational Readiness Award! 2024-02-04
ORA HA Plif For submitting a minimum of 30 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), HA Plif has earned 3 Operational Readiness Awards! 2024-02-04
ORA MAJ Erryc Lasitter For submitting a minimum of 20 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), MAJ Erryc Lasitter has earned 2 Operational Readiness Awards! 2024-02-04
ORA LC Solohan50 For submitting a minimum of 10 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), LC Solohan the 50th has earned an Operational Readiness Award! 2024-02-04
ORA CPT Asen Starlancer For submitting a minimum of 10 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), CM Asen Starlancer has earned an Operational Readiness Award! 2024-02-04
ORA LCM Sam Arsio For submitting a minimum of 40 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), LT Sam Arsio has earned 4 Operational Readiness Awards! 2024-02-04
ORA COL TheBlackxRanger For submitting a minimum of 40 matches for Destiny 2: The Prologue (Competition #7734), MAJ TheBlackxRanger has earned 4 Operational Readiness Awards! 2024-02-04