Beta Fiction #2

Competition ID #: 830
Status: Finished
Submitted by: CM Arcanix
Competition dates: 2003-12-20 - 2003-01-20
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Beta Squadron

Write the best ending to the following story, and you'll win an IS-BR: As Commander Arcanix flew is routine patrol, he began to stare at the stars and the magestic beauty they presented before him. He had never before actually looked at them in this light before, as he was usually seeing explosions and violence around him. On the quiet morning he began to take a different look at things that were around him. Before he could think this way for too long, his scanners detected a pirate strike force hypering in to his patrol sector. Since it was Beta's turn for this particular sector, it was only Commander Arcanix, Lieutenant Mav Walker, and Captain Death Angel to face the entire force of two Carrack Cruisers, three Corvettes and two full squadrons of fighters. The numbers of Beta were low as of late, so they immediately signalled for reinforcements. All of the sudden....

Competition awards:

IS-BR to winner.

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.