Site Display Issues

Czulvang Lah

27 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

You may notice some display issues with the Directorate Site over the next week or so. They will simply be aesthetic differences as I bring the code in the site up to XHTML standards, which seems to be affecting the roster and profiles displays slightly.

I should have everything set straight within a week or two.

Systems Manual

Czulvang Lah

25 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

Since there have been a number of requests for a link to the Systems Manual, here it is.

 - The current link doesn't work because the FC hasn't restored it since moving to the new server (the new SysMan will be on the Wiki once we're done)

- Until the new version is out, I have uploaded the latest version that I have, which is from 2001, at . You'll find there is actually more information in the old SysMan than there is in the 2005-edition! :P

Greetings from the new DGMF!

22 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

I wanted to take this chance to introduce myself to those of you who don't know me. My name is Farrin Xies, and I am lucky enough to have bene appointed to the position of Deputy Grand Moff. I'm not new to the Directorate - before I had to take a year-long extended leave, I was the Minister of Education, and I've been the Governor General of Ghenna since my return - so I will hopefully be able to hit the ground running, so to speak, in my new position.

The next few weeks should be very exciting here in the Directorate, as a number of projects have been coming along very nicely and, in some cases, are even nearing completion. Former Grand Moff Keldorn's project, while I won't ruin the surprise and say much, is coming along beautifully and I hope to be able to play a part in helping with it. Trust me when I say that when finally unveiled it will become a fantastic addition to the Directorate.

As always, however, the Ministry Council wants to know what YOU want. Are we not doing something you wish we were, or can you imagine us doing something in a better way? Let me know (, or Farrin on IRC)! I absolutely love handing out well-deserved rewards... who knows, maybe there's a shiny with your name on it coming up?

Ministry Council Shifts

Czulvang Lah

21 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

The MC's plans for the future have begun to take shape this evening. Defast Insite hsa stepped aside from his duties as Deputy Grand Moff after an excellent (and fairly long) term as my DGMF. Exy as worked very hard behind the scenes to keep the DIR running, something he will continue to do as Minister of Communication.

With that, Farrin Xies, a former Minister of Education and Governor General of Ghenna has been promoted to Count and Deputy Grand Moff! Farrin has some interesting ideas and the rest of the MC and I are looking forward to working on those in addition to our current projects. I'm sure Farrin will have reports and news items out about his activities.

 Once again, thank you Defast for your work as DGMF. It has made you the first MQS in the Direcotrate..well...for at least the last two years. :)

Grand Moff Report

Czulvang Lah

20 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
A new report has been received from the Grand Moff It can be viewed HERE

Commendations of Loyalty

Czulvang Lah

19 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

From the Fleet Commander...

The Commendation of Loyalty is awarded to those who have displayed consistent loyalty and service to the Emperor's Hammer over a prolonged period.

Members can make a recommendation for any other member. The recommendation must include supporting evidence of the service of the awardee. Recommendations are to be sent to the Fleet Commander, Executive Officer and Flight Officer by 31st August (end of the month).

Recommendations are not set by any limit, but the actual awards will be limited to 10% of the active membership of the area the person is. For example, the TIE Corps has approximately 140 active members, so 14 Commendations will be awarded.

Ashtar Reopening

Czulvang Lah

18 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
With the transfer of Trivian to Osiris, Ashtar must be reoppened!

Applications for Governor General of that planet should be sent to and!

Be sure to include a short outline of your plans for the getting the planet up and running efficiently.

Two Ministry Councilor Promotions

Czulvang Lah

17 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
For his work as Deputy Grand Moff, Defast Insite is hereby promoted to the rank of Marquis. For her work as Minister of Education, as well as supporting me in many projects, Janta La'an is hereby promoted to Countess.

Directorate Promotions!

Czulvang Lah

16 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
Congratulations to the following people who have been recently promoted: Adrian Tepes, System Moff of Setii and Viscount of Hela - promoted to Count of Hela.

Velan - promoted to Knight and granted the title of Dame

Kalin - promoted to Baronet.

Fratus Sinister - promoted to Baronet

Profile Code Updated (Again)

Czulvang Lah

15 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

I have added a function that makes the Order of the Vanguard an automatically tracked medal. This means that the medal is no longer pulled directly from the database as the other medals are, and cannot be awarded by anyone. The function will automatically generate the OV and the Echelons added to profiles.

I will begin updating older members' join dates soon, based on old OV numbers or dates where possible. It won't be much trouble, but I don't have complete access to the database yet. I will make another announcement when all dates have been updated.

Grand Moff Report

Czulvang Lah

09 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY
A new report has been received from the Grand Moff It can be viewed HERE

Member Profiles Updated

Czulvang Lah

07 August, 2007 04:00
15 ABY

Profiles have been updated to display a member's full title at the top center of the page.