Wing I Commander Open for Applications

Viper Pred

30 April, 2010 19:25
18 ABY
Since High Admiral Frodo March is going on a prolonged leave of absence soon, I am opening the position of Wing I Commander for applications.

Here is a list of requirements:
- Must have passed any of the SM courses
- Must have previous CMDR experience
- Must be willing to help in organising Wing and TC competitions
- 24 to 48 hour response time

- Passed WM course
- Capable of submitting monthly MWEs and WWRs

Please submit applications to the TCCOM.

Wing I Commander Open for Applications

Viper Pred

30 April, 2010 19:25
18 ABY
Since High Admiral Frodo March is going on a prolonged leave of absence soon, I am opening the position of Wing I Commander for applications.

Here is a list of requirements:
- Must have passed any of the SM courses
- Must have previous CMDR experience
- Must be willing to help in organising Wing and TC competitions
- 24 to 48 hour response time

- Passed WM course
- Capable of submitting monthly MWEs and WWRs

Please submit applications to the TCCOM.

Vice-Prefect report

<abbr title="Colonel">COL</abbr> Xantros

30 April, 2010 15:27
18 ABY

The report is avalaible at the SOC reports section and on the forums. Read to learn more about the&nbsp;Blog of the Legion!

Newsletter Submissions for the EH Newsletter

30 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY
It's newsletter collection time and I'd like to see something from as many people as possible.
Graphics, short stories, long stories, character histories, Squadron rosters and status, Group rosters and status, Command Staff reports and updates... and anything else you can think of will be accepted for addition to EH Newsletter #107... the first NL the EH has produced in about 7 or 8 years.
Deadline for submissions is May 10th, I want to try and have this out by the 14th so start getting them in.
And if you have a lot you've been saving up, pace yourself, it's not the last NL... I'd like to see them go back to a monthly basis but we'll see going forward how that works out.
If you are going to submit to the NewsLetter please send them to with the topic of 'NEWSLETTER SUBMISSION!!!' so that I can find them in my rather overfull mailbox.
Also if I'm not mistaken there are awards in each group for NL submissions so go get em.
Talk to you soon
Sector Admiral Rapier

Dark Council goes missing for two Weeks! DB in panic!


28 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY

Relax bretheren.  Many ideas are floating around via Command Staff mailings and the like.  Action by the DC will lead to activity by the masses and give everyone a sense of achievement.  As the P:GM I am helping out in anyway I can.  I am open to anyone's ideas for competitions and the like. 

As the TO I would like to point out a pain that some of you may have encountered and its remedy.  When I first started taking courses at IWATS I would get timed out from my login before I hit the submit button.  POOF!  Everything was gone.  It only was an issue that one time because since then I ALWAYS save a copy of my exam and answeres in Notepad just in case I time out again.  For those of you in the other groups interested in training this can happen in IWATS, the SA and the DGA.  Heed my advice and make a backup copy before you hit the submit button.  This issue will be remedied with the new database rollout.  We will also be able to spice things up with some graphics then as well.

Anyone wishing to tackle the grammatic and spelling errors in G:AF go right ahead.  Contact the HM, Keth, or myself and we will make sure you are rewarded properly.  If there are any ideas for new courses send them along as well and you will again receive credit.

P:GM Kreeayt Havok


Call of Duty 4 server

<abbr title="Major General">MGN</abbr> Astin

26 April, 2010 01:39
18 ABY
Ive created a Call of Duty 4 server for use both casually and for official matches when they occur. The server is configured to run the Galactic Warfare mod and includes two custom maps. I do not currently have redirecting set up on the server, so you must have the mod and maps already installed. Information on where to get these files and how to install them are below.

Server IP Adress:

Maps you need: Tatooine, Rebellion

To connect to this server, open CoD4 Multiplayer, load the Galactic Warfare mod, and then enter the servers list. Press the \"~\" key to bring on the console and type /connect

The name of the server currently is \"Emperors Hammer~Star Wars\"

Installing Galactic Warfare

To download the mod, go here:

You should place the swm_04b folder in the Mods folder, which is located in your root Call of Duty 4 directory. You then just load the mod via the main menu when you start the game.

There is a known issue with punkbuster with the Steam version of the game. If you are getting punkbuster errors when trying to join a server, you will have to disable your Steam overlay.

Installing custom maps

To install custom maps that you have downloaded, you must first create a folder called \"usermaps\" in your root CoD4 directory. You will then place the map\'s folder (which should contain the actual map files) in the \"usermaps\" folder.

The EH server currently uses these maps:

Tatooine: Included with the mod.

If you have any issues with the mod, maps, server, or the game in general post in this thread:

Security Office Report #14

Conker Blackwood

18 April, 2010 20:05
18 ABY
Security Office Report #14 is out, Enjoy.

Security Office Report #14

Conker Blackwood

18 April, 2010 20:05
18 ABY
Security Office Report #14 is out, Enjoy.

Alpha Squadron Commander Open for Applications!

Frodo March

17 April, 2010 22:30
18 ABY
It is my sad duty to announce the resignation of LC Quincy Nelson from the position of Alpha CMDR due to some heavy, unforseen, RL burdens. He completed his tour of duty efficiently and I\'m sure the pilots of Alpha will miss him.

The position of Alpha CMDR is therefore open for applications. Please send them to myself and the TCCOM. Here is a list of requirements:

-Must have passed some form of SM course
-Submit weekly reports and monthly MSEs
-Must run monthly competitions depending on the Wing and TC Comps
-24 to 48 hour e-mail turnaround
-Must have some form of plan for the squadron

If you do not meet certain requirements, please say so in the application, we can be swayed if the arguments are good.

CMDR experience is not a must. FLs feel free to apply!

Alpha Squadron Commander Open for Applications!

Frodo March

17 April, 2010 22:30
18 ABY
It is my sad duty to announce the resignation of LC Quincy Nelson from the position of Alpha CMDR due to some heavy, unforseen, RL burdens. He completed his tour of duty efficiently and I'm sure the pilots of Alpha will miss him.

The position of Alpha CMDR is therefore open for applications. Please send them to myself and the TCCOM. Here is a list of requirements:

-Must have passed some form of SM course
-Submit weekly reports and monthly MSEs
-Must run monthly competitions depending on the Wing and TC Comps
-24 to 48 hour e-mail turnaround
-Must have some form of plan for the squadron

If you do not meet certain requirements, please say so in the application, we can be swayed if the arguments are good.

CMDR experience is not a must. FLs feel free to apply!

the WOWs are coming! the WOWs are coming!


16 April, 2010 21:59
18 ABY
Hello all, since the TC staff has been notified of this but not posted it yet I'll do it.

There are Week of War events coming... actually 1 starts today.

From April 16th to the 23rd we have an XvT WoW
From April 23rd to the 30th we have an XWA WoW

To sign up go to and request being added to the EH group. Horus or I will get you approved and then you get to fly against the best of 3 other groups in 1v1, 2v2 and more.

Show them what the EH is made of and good luck.

the WOWs are coming! the WOWs are coming!


16 April, 2010 21:59
18 ABY
Hello all, since the TC staff has been notified of this but not posted it yet I'll do it.

There are Week of War events coming... actually 1 starts today.

From April 16th to the 23rd we have an XvT WoW
From April 23rd to the 30th we have an XWA WoW

To sign up go to and request being added to the EH group. Horus or I will get you approved and then you get to fly against the best of 3 other groups in 1v1, 2v2 and more.

Show them what the EH is made of and good luck.

Promotion Ceremony

13 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY

Promotion Ceremony

Location : Gin Manor, Aurora Prime

A private ceremony had ordered, and was late. Its host was none other than the Alpha Sector High Moff. It was a special time for Lord Destavol Gin, and a great honor for him as well. His personal friend, and fellow Governor, and Dark Jedi, had come to reach the title of "Lord" and the rank of Baron. Hundreds of special guest filled the pure marble and gold ballroom at Gin Manor, and Destavol grasped the attention by tapping his champagne glass with a spoon.

"Ladies and gentlemen, Governors, Moffs and Ministers all alike. Today is a fine day for such a celebration, and further more it is a great honor for myself to personally host this celebration. A fine man has joined us in Lordship this day, a great friend and a hard dedicated worker. May we all congratulate him, and honor his efforts. Without further ado it is my my honor, duty, and pleasure to call forward Baronet Hades, Governor General of Ullyr. Sir Hades, your efforts, tasks completed, and time spent in working towards the betterment of our government and societies in the Empire have not gone unnoticed. You are one of the Empire's finest and it is a pleasure to now call you 'Lord Hades, Baron of Karana'. Congratulations my dear friend and may your services continue without distraction."

Setii System Moff Report

Kaisin Mirtez

13 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY
A new report has been received from the Setii System Moff It can be viewed HERE

TC Rewards March 2010!

Frodo March

12 April, 2010 17:54
18 ABY
Congratulations to the following recipients:

COL Zeth Durron awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire for tremendous flying activity.
GN Kaisin Mirtez awarded the Palpatine Crescent for his hard work as Beta CMDR, and excellent flying activiyt.
CPT Dunta Polo awarded the Palpatine Crescent for his efforts as Epsilon CMDR, and his impressive flying activity.
COL Moagim Daar awarded the Imperial Security Medal for flying activity in the month of March
COL Gilad Pelleaon awarded the Imperial Security Medal for his good work commanding Delta Squadron.

TC Rewards March 2010!

Frodo March

12 April, 2010 17:54
18 ABY
Congratulations to the following recipients:

COL Zeth Durron awarded the Bronze Star of the Empire for tremendous flying activity.
GN Kaisin Mirtez awarded the Palpatine Crescent for his hard work as Beta CMDR, and excellent flying activiyt.
CPT Dunta Polo awarded the Palpatine Crescent for his efforts as Epsilon CMDR, and his impressive flying activity.
COL Moagim Daar awarded the Imperial Security Medal for flying activity in the month of March
COL Gilad Pelleaon awarded the Imperial Security Medal for his good work commanding Delta Squadron.

Operation Mongoose: Information

<abbr title="Colonel">COL</abbr> Xantros

12 April, 2010 13:50
18 ABY


Long waited Operation Mongoose shall start within 24 hours. For sake of being prepare, here is necessary information:

1. Operation Mongoose has two Phases. Each lasts two weeks.

2. Phase I starts in 24 hours

3. There are following activities planned for the Phase I:

- Run-On: Swoop – we have found out the place and the time of weapon delivery for the Black Spear. We are to intercept it and to capture as many members of the organisation as possible. The three winning places will be determined on the basis of quality and quantity of the posts, they made.

- Fiction writing: On track – write a piece of fiction about capturing a member of the Black Spear. Describe the details of your plan and how have you realised it.

MP matches – play matches in Battlefront II, Call of Duty 4 (Galactic Warfare mod) and BF 2142 (First Strike mod). 2 points for victory, 1 point for lose.

All submissions are to be sent to Colonel Xantros ( ) and to Colonel Aija Alura Judarrl ( ).

Grand Moff Report

Exar Kit

12 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY
A new report has been received from the Grand Moff It can be viewed HERE

Operation Mongoose

<abbr title="Colonel">COL</abbr> Xantros

12 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY

MGN Astin, the Prefect of the Legion, has mysteriously vanished several months, leaving the Fist with no message. No one was able to contact or find him. His absence caused serious problem to the Legion. However, recently MGN Astin has returned to the Emperor’s Hammer territory and to the active service. He was restored as the Prefect due to sudden resignation of MGN Ric Hunter, who had previously replaced Astin on this position.


The Emperor’s Hammer Executive Officer, disturbed with the situation, conducted an investigation. Though it was short, it brought important news. It turned out that MGN Astin has been shot down over planet Natin, located in Aquila Star System, by an unidentified ship. Further investigation tracked that ship to an organisation called Black Spear, which is known for anti-Imperial activities.  


Also, SA Rapier has received unexpected gift from MGN Ric Hunter, Just before his resignation. Gathered data suggests that he may be involved in the assassination attempt. Due to its connection to the Hammer’s Fist, the investigation has been passed off to the Legion. Since now, it is our priority to continue it. Our primary goal is to gather as much information about Black Spear as possible and to eliminate its members.



Due to the importance of the situation, all Troopers of the Hammer’s Fist were summoned at the headquarters of the Legion for briefing before the Operation Mongoose. When all of them arrived, Colonel Xantros, the Vice-Prefect of the Fist, called a meeting in one of the conference rooms.  

Xantros looked upon every single Trooper. He knew most of them, as he has just been appointed to the position of the Vice-Prefect. Until then, he fought with them, shoulder to shoulder and was not going to get rid of that habit. After few minutes of silence, Xantros started his speech.


“Greetings Troopers!


You all know why are we here now. You have received the information about results of the investigation conducted by the Emperor’s Hammer Executive Officer. Recent assassination attempt on the live of Major General Astin, the Prefect of the Legion, has made us aware of the threat that is caused by the organisation Black Spear. We know that its goal is obvious; they want to destroy the Hammer’s Fist and to destabilise the situation in the Empire.

As the elite unit of Stormtroopers, we cannot allow this to happen. Thus, the Special Operations Command has decided to prevent any further attacks on the Legion or assassination attempts on any members of the Fist. By the order of the Prefect, I and Colonel Aija Alura Judarrl have planned the preemptive attack on the Black Spear.

However, before we can to start direct assault on the Black Spear, we must gather more information. The organisation is extremely dangerous, so we must learn as much about it as possible, so we can predict their next move and to be prepared for it.

We will start search in the system, where Major General Astin has been shot down. Necessary information has already been sent to the computers in your quarters. Please, familiarise yourself with them and het ready for the quick deployment. We are moving out within 24 hours. Are there any questions?”


There were no questions. The members of the Fist were ones the best soldiers in the Galaxy. They were strong, skilled and experienced. They knew what to do and no one had any doubts. Especially, after recent assassination attempt.


“All right then, you are dismissed!”

Security Office Report #13

Conker Blackwood

11 April, 2010 21:14
18 ABY
Security Office Report #13 is out and can be viewed here.

Security Office Report #13

Conker Blackwood

11 April, 2010 21:14
18 ABY
Security Office Report #13 is out and can be viewed here.

New mission released

11 April, 2010 08:35
18 ABY
Dempsey\'s Quest continues with mission 5: Communications (XvT free 231. The net around the Blin slowly closes...

New mission released

Anahorn Dempsey

11 April, 2010 08:35
18 ABY
Dempsey's Quest continues with mission 5: Communications (XvT free 231. The net around the Blin slowly closes...

Security Office Report #12

Conker Blackwood

05 April, 2010 02:02
18 ABY
Security Office Report #12 is out and can be found here.

Security Office Report #12

Conker Blackwood

05 April, 2010 02:02
18 ABY
Security Office Report #12 is out and can be found here.

TAC report #300

04 April, 2010 20:18
18 ABY
Yes, we\'ve finally hit #300. I kinda like the new layout, so who knows - maybe I\'ll keep it...

It should be in your email. If not, harass someone to put you on the TC mailing list.

TAC report #300

Anahorn Dempsey

04 April, 2010 20:18
18 ABY
Yes, we've finally hit #300. I kinda like the new layout, so who knows - maybe I'll keep it...

It should be in your email. If not, harass someone to put you on the TC mailing list.

March Competitions Over!

Frodo March

01 April, 2010 04:41
18 ABY
Congratulations are in order for Beta Squadron and COL Zeth Durron for winning the Citation Race.

Also, the winners of the SOO\'s Wingman Competition are CPT Dunta Polo, HA Havok and CM Gistenjunge!

Full results here.

March Competitions Over!

Frodo March

01 April, 2010 04:41
18 ABY
Congratulations are in order for Beta Squadron and COL Zeth Durron for winning the Citation Race.

Also, the winners of the SOO's Wingman Competition are CPT Dunta Polo, HA Havok and CM Gistenjunge!

Full results here.

Headmaster Report


01 April, 2010 04:00
18 ABY
A new report has been received from the Headmaster It can be viewed HERE