SSD Avenger Report # 17 (2004-06-07)

This report was submitted by VA Ky Terrak

SSD Avenger's COM Weekly Report #5

VA Ky Terrak reporting in for the SSD Avenger on 6/07/2004


            There have been a lot of changes this week.  With being so far behind from having the Star Wars Galaxies Fan Fest this weekend I am going to have a very very shortend report.    The main thing that I wanted to say is that I am VERY proud of all of you guys.  You have show great maturity in the way that you have handled things with the database issues.  I will get all the requests processed this week so that everyone's profile is up to date.  Please also take a look at our e-groups.  If you are not signed up for them then PLEASE send an email to your Commander and he will get that taken care of for you guys.  Make sure that you are keeping in contact with your Commanders at least once a week to let them know what's going on.


Tie Corps News:

- The new site is located at 
- VA TK-2107 is new BG COM for the ATF
- COL TK-7764 is promoted to RA and receives command of the ISD Subjugator
- check the website for up to date news

Avenger News:

- If anyone has something that they would like me to add here just send me an email. 

Serve the Emperor above all others.
Ky Terrak

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