LO Report # 18 (2003-10-17)

This report was submitted by AD Darknyte

Logistics Office Report
October 17, 2003
Admiral Darknyte

Not a whole lot this week and I'm a little short on time due to some RL things going on right now(crazy family upstairs...insanity ensues).

The Heroes Site is still stalled in the CD, perhaps the new PREX Loor can kick them into gear and get this project completed.

All data has been compiled for the EH Census and the site is currently in production, should have it ready in the next week or two.

That's about it for this week, sorry for the short length and hurried nature of my report, some things are just going on that are beyond my control right now at my house...

LO/AD Darknyte/CS-11/SSSD Sovereign

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