SO Report # 1 (2002-08-23)

This report was submitted by FA Brad

Greetings all. I was appointed as the Security Officer early this week and now it is report time. I am reviewing one complaint right now. There were some issues that people told me about on IRC this week also. Please remember, to file a complaint e-mail me with the actual log file with the entire conversation. Say you were online in a channel from 10:34 to 12:04, I want to see that entire log file. Please do a /whois on all of the accused members and submit that to me in your e-mail or in a seperate file. It helps to set timestamps on for logfiles in your IRC program. On mIRC, go to options, IRC, then logging and check Timestamp logs. On IRC, the IRC Codes of Conduct, Articles of War and Bylaws apply only in official EH channels. These channels are official when EH business is conducted in it. (i.e. talking about and discussing EH events, planning EH activities and/or meetings where EH business is discussed). The channel does not have to be a registered channel or SubGroup channel to be an official channel. (Ship channel, DB Clan Channel, TC Squadron channel, etc.) For now I will say use the chain of command whenever possible. I will discuss it in more detail next week. Also, please do not apply to be Command Attaché unless if I ask for them. If I do, it will be in my weekly reports. Respectfully Submitted, Fleet Admiral Brad SO-UA/FA Brad/CS-9/SSSD Sovereign MoH/HoI/IC/GOE/GMoF/FoEWx2/BS/PCx6/IMC/ISMx5/MoC-7BoC-5SoC/OV-6E [HUSS] {IWATS-AIM-ASP-CBX-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-RT-SM/2-TT-VBS}, SBL(Sith), (BN)

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