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: Overview :

  1. Prologue
  2. Introduction - So you want to be a Squadron Commander?
    1. Becoming a Squadron Commander
    2. Your tour of duty and your expectations
    3. Getting started
    4. Maintaining records
  3. Communication - One of the two keys
    1. Your pilots and you
      1. New pilots - get them to LT!
    2. Keeping your squadron informed
    3. Your squadron report
    4. Communication equals engagement!
  4. Engagement - The second key: The beatings will continue until morale improves
    1. Giving your pilots things to do
    2. Giving your pilots a sense of purpose
      1. The CMDR "voice"
    3. Fostering a sense of identity - the rise of Sin Squadron
  5. Special guest lecture by General Gilbert Frown - the joys of paperwork and day to day management
    1. Completing your MSE spreadsheet
      1. Carryover points
      2. Requirements for earning medals
      3. Requirements for promotion
    2. Your Flight Leaders
      1. Choosing an executive officer - purpose and reasoning
      2. Requirements for Flight Leaders
  6. Issues you may face as a Squadron Commander
    1. Problem pilots
    2. The "I'm here" pilot
    3. AWOL pilots
    4. Leaves of absence
    5. Resources to help you
      1. Fellow and former Squadron Commanders
      2. Your Wing Commander and Commodore
      3. The TC Command Staff
      4. The EH Command Staff
    6. How do I measure success?
  7. Conclusion
  8. Course Test
  9. Acknowledgements

Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps - Layout created by Drako