XML Notes

Table of Contents

Section 3: How can XML be used?

  • XML can keep data separated from your HTML

  • XML can be used to store data inside HTML documents

  • XML can be used as a format to exchange information

  • XML can be used to store data in files or in databases

HTML pages are used to display data, which is often stored inside HTML pages. With XML this data can now be stored in a separate XML file. This way you can concentrate on using HTML for formatting and display, and be sure that changes in the underlying data will not force changes to any of your HTML code.

XML data can also be stored inside HTML pages as "Data Islands". You can still concentrate on using HTML for formatting and displaying the data.

In the real world, computer systems and databases contain data in incompatible formats. One of the most time consuming challenges for developers has been to exchange data between such systems over the Internet. Converting the data to XML can greatly reduce this complexity and create data that can be read by many different types of applications.

XML can also be used to store data in files or in databases. Specific applications can be written to store and retrieve information from the store, and generic applications can be used to display the data.