Sigma Squadrons Vacation BINGO

Competition ID #: 3431
Status: Finished
Submitted by: LC randyrumrnr
Competition dates: 2022-08-15 - 2022-10-01
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: Sigma Squadron

Sigma’s pilots will be tasked with completing a bingo card on a set of planets from the Star Wars universe as they take a well earned break, on vacation!

Each season will see new releases of destinations that have been listed as some of the best in the galaxy to enjoy. We have targeted twelve (12) planets in total, these will be broken up into three (3) planets per season, for a grand total of four (4) seasons being run.

Season One (1) has Sigma visiting the planets of Bespin, Coruscant and Endor (Incl. Forest Moon and Death Star II).

Each pilot will be given a BINGO card with several objectives to complete. There will be some shiny medals up for grabs for those pilots whom finish first, second, and even those who participate to reach the minimum threshold.

Now not everyone is going to enjoy an action packed holiday, so for those who like to lounge around the pool rather than rack up the LoC's/LoS's. Perhaps head to the local cantina and show off your newly pressed uniform, woo the local Twi’lek dancers with your vast knowledge you have obtained from the glorious Imperial University or regale them with your backstory found on your very own Imperial Navy Personnel Record. As stated, there will be several ways to complete your BINGO card without having to sit in the cockpit.

There will be nine (9) possible items to tick off per BINGO card. Each season will have something new or different to complete. Below is an example of some you may find.

Planets: Corellia, Utapau, Mon Calamari.
B - Write a Mon Calamari themed Haiku.
I - Submit a SW: Battlefront series LoS from a battle on or above Naboo.
N - Submit a cool screenshot of rebels being blasted on Utapau.
G - Complete an IU course.
O - Write short story featuring Corellia.

Points will be awarded for completing objectives. These will be tallied up during each respective season, to find out who the winners are.

Visit (submission) from each planet: 1 point
2 items ticked off: 2 points
3 items ticked off: 3 points
Bingo: 5 points.
First pilot to call Bingo: 1 bonus point

6 points tallied: IS-CW
2nd: IS-BW
1st: IS-SW

Screenshots and activity are to be sent to your respective flight leaders.

So grab your BINGO cards and get vacationing, before those stinking Rebels clog up the buffet line at your favorite resort!

Competition awards:
  • 6 points tallied: IS-CW if at least one flying objective was completed, otherwise IS-CR
  • 2nd place: IS-BW if at least one flying objective was completed, otherwise IS-BR
  • 1st place: IS-SW if at least one flying objective was completed, otherwise IS-SR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-SW NOV JetMech Sigma’s pilots were tasked with completing a bingo card on a set of planets from the Star Wars universe as they took a well earned break, on vacation. Season One (1) had Sigma visiting the planets of Bespin, Coruscant and Endor (Incl. Forest Moon and Death Star II). CM JetMech diligently worked away at his bingo card, ticking off more than enough items to finish in first place in the inaugural season. For this, I recommend he receives the IS-SW. Congratulations CM! 2022-10-15
IS-BR MAJ Wreckage Sigma’s pilots were tasked with completing a bingo card on a set of planets from the Star Wars universe as they took a well earned break, on vacation. Season One (1) had Sigma visiting the planets of Bespin, Coruscant and Endor (Incl. Forest Moon and Death Star II). For some clever word work and finishing up the inaugural season in second place, I hereby recommend MAJ Wreckage receive the IS-BR. Congratulations MAJ! 2022-10-15