INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You!

Competition ID #: 3561
Status: Finished
Submitted by: RA Genie
Competition dates: 2023-05-01 - 2023-09-01
Subgroup: TIE Corps
Units involved: TIE Corps

Goal: each month, create one or more promotional videos (maximum of 5 videos per pilot), that focus on anything EH-related.
Examples include, creating video content that relates to one or more of our primary games, Star Wars, the Emperor's Hammer itself and its history, EH events, interactions between our pilots etc. As long as it is related to the Emperor's Hammer in some capacity it will be considered a valid entry.

Minimum Video Duration: 10 seconds
Maximum Video Duration: 10 minutes

Maximum Videos per pilot per month: 5

By participating in this competition, you consent that any content provided may be used by the Emperor's Hammer in one or more of our public media platforms (Youtube, TikTok, Twitter, Instagram, Discord, etc).

Send your video submissions as a file to: (you can use platforms such as WeTransfer).

Youtube (or other social media platform) links will not be accepted. If you borrow material from another pilot or person, be sure to include their written consent.

Each video will be judged on a scale of 1-10. Pilots with multiple entries, will have their average score used as their grade for the month.
Videos will be included to a specific month based on their submission date.

The judges for this competition, will be Genie "Blue Buns", Alexandre "ossus" Morgan and "Stitches" TheBlackRanger.

Competition awards:


  • 1st Place: IS-PR
  • 2nd Place: IS-GR
  • 3rd Place: IS-SR
  • 4th Place: IS-BR
  • 5th Place: IS-CR

Each Month:

  • 1st Place: IS-GR
  • 2nd Place: IS-SR
  • 3rd Place: IS-BR
  • 4th Place: IS-CR
  • 5th Place: IS-CR

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.

Competition Awards Presented
Award Recipient Reason Date
IS-PR COL Gytheran For achieving first place in the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! competition. Well done Gytheran! 2024-02-04
IS-GR COL Gytheran For achieving first place in the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! competition for the month of July 2023. 2023-09-15
IS-GR LCM Gian Webb For achieving first place in the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! competition for the month of August 2023. 2023-09-15
IS-GR COL Gytheran For creating a SWTOR video as part of the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! - June 2023 and earning first place, Gytheran is awarded the Iron Star with Golden Ribbon. Video URL on EH Youtube: 2023-07-04
IS-GR MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana For winning first place in INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! - May 2023 with a funny and entertaining recruitment video! 2023-06-09
IS-SR COL Gytheran For achieving second place in the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! competition for the month of August 2023. 2023-09-15
IS-SR MAJ Wolve Excelsior Berkana For creating a SWTOR video as part of the INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! - June 2023 and earning second place, Wolve is awarded the Iron Star with Silver Ribbon. Video URL on EH Youtube: 2023-07-04
IS-SR COL Gytheran For winning second place in INN Broadcast: Emperor's Hammer TIE Corps Wants You! - May 2023 with an entertaining video about SWTOR! 2023-06-09