Through the Ringer

Competition ID #: 6324
Status: Finished
Submitted by: L Justin Stryker
Competition dates: 2010-08-31 - 2010-09-14
Subgroup: Secret Order
Units involved: House Drakonan

I have had several pilots tell me that they are not keen on typical \"high-score\" competitions, so we\'ll try something new this time. We\'ll run a race to see who can complete the \"Ringer 1\" course in X-Wing Alliance the fastest, while flying an X-Wing. Duration of contest is 2 weeks, starting whenever this competition is approved (probably 31 August).

The \"X-Wing Alliance High-Score Table\" is stored in a file called \"XWAHS.TBL\" located in the main game folder (something like C:\Games\LucasArts\XWingAlliance). I will e-mail a copy of this file (named \"XWAHS_100830.TBL\") to everyone at the start of the competition. It will be pristine except for the X-Wing high scores for the \"Ringer 1\" course, which I flew twice. Here\'s what I want you to do...

a) Back up your current copy of \"XWAHS.TBL\"
b) Copy the \"XWAHS_100830.TBL\" that I sent you into the XWingAlliance folder and rename it \"XWAHS.TBL\"
c) Start the game and go to the Pilot Proving Grounds
d) Choose the \"Ringer 1\" course
e) Choose the X-Wing
f) Press \"Esc\"
g) Select \"General Options\"
h) Select Craft Collisions: OFF
i) Select Invulnerable: ON
j) Select Unlimited Ammo: ON
k) Fly like the wind
l) Reset your \"General Options\"
m) Send the \"XWAHS.TBL\" file back to me

I know of no way to check to see if options like Invulnerability, etc., were enabled when the course was flown, so we\'ll just run the competition with those cheats enabled -- I only gained 8 seconds with the cheats enabled anyway.

I\'m opening this one up to the whole House so that I can award a Cr-1E for First, a Cr-1T for Second, and a Cr-1Q for Third.

Sith, be warned ... Krath Archpriest Montte has assured me that, if a Krath wins, he will \"...feel obligated to mock the crimson colors mercilessly ...\" Don\'t get cocky ... some of the Krath were once Sith, and some are currently TC pilots.

Competition awards:

Emerald Star (Cr-1E) First in House
Topaz Star (Cr-1T) Second in House
Quartz Star (Cr-1Q) Third in House

Competition runtime starts on the first day at 00:00:01 UTC, and ends on the last day at 23:59:59 UTC.