Avatar for INQ Taurus

Inquisitor Taurus (#56071)

Call sign: Taurus
Secret Order

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MAA/INQ Taurus/DC-3/Dark Council

View character:
TIE Corps - MAJ Taurus

Character Profile

Profile Data
Member status: Active
Group: Secret Order (Active)
Group join date: 2021-06-06
(over 3 years ago)
Rank: Inquisitor
(2023-08-12 - almost 1 year ago)
Positions: Master-at-Arms
Assigned unit: Dark Council
Time zone: (UTC+02:00) Europe/Berlin
Discord username: You must be logged in to view member Discord usernames.
Contact information: You must be logged in to view member contact information.
Quote: You don't need a title to be a leader, use your heart.
Position insignia of Master-at-Arms
Uniform of INQ Taurus
Personal Craft
M-CRV Deathbird

M-CRV Deathbird
Type: Marauder-class Corvette

Top Awards

Flight Certification

Combat and Flight Ratings
TIE Corps Imperial Pilot Flight Wings - 
                14th Echelon

Flight Certified - 14th Echelon
Points: 1,339

Combat Rating (MP PvP):
Elite 4th

Combat Rating (MP PvE):
Campaigner 3rd

Singleplayer Performance
FCHG Rank: Unranked (0 points)
Total missions completed: 0
Battles completed: 0
Free missions completed: 0
Current battle high scores: 0
Current mission high scores: 0
Battles created: 0
Free missions created: 0
Multiplayer Performance
Combat Rating (MP PvP): Elite 4th (757 points)
Combat Rating (MP PvE): Campaigner 3rd (480 points)

Combat Record

Combat Events (1)
TIE Corps Shootouts: Winter Edition 2022-12-17 (17:00) - 2023-02-26 (00:00)

Historic Record

Assignment History
Date Time held Position (ID Line)
2023-08-30 10m,26d MAA/INQ Taurus/DC-3/Dark Council
Assignment/Rank History (Legacy)
Date Change
2023-08-12 Assigned to new position
2023-08-12 Change to rank: Inquisitor
2023-08-12 Assigned to new position
2023-08-12 Left position: Battleteam Member
2023-08-12 Left position: Battleteam Leader
2023-08-12 Change to unit: from Sentinel Battleteam to Dark Council
2023-08-12 Change to rank: Inquisitor
2023-03-06 Assigned to new position
2023-03-06 Assigned to new position
2023-03-06 Change to unit: from Stingray Battleteam to Sentinel Battleteam
2023-03-06 Change to rank: Marauder
2023-03-06 Assigned to new position
2023-03-06 Assigned to new position
2023-03-06 Left position: Battleteam Member
2023-03-06 Change to unit: from Sentinel Battleteam to Stingray Battleteam
2023-03-06 Change to rank: Marauder
2022-07-03 Assigned to new position
2022-07-03 Left position: Rogue
2022-07-03 Change to unit: from Rogues to Sentinel Battleteam
2022-07-03 Change to rank: Acolyte
2021-09-17 Change to rank: from Novice to Acolyte. Reason: Taurus is demonstrating strong proficiency in the Force, particularly when flying against enemy starfighters. Recent tests of Taurus have proven that they are deserving of elevation to the rank of Acolyte, and this I do recommend.
2021-09-15 Assigned to new position
2021-09-15 Left position: Battleteam Member
2021-09-15 Change to unit: from Stingray Battleteam to Rogues
2021-09-15 Change to rank: Novice
2021-08-03 Assigned to new position
2021-08-03 Change to rank: Novice
2021-07-18 Assigned to new position
2021-07-18 Left position: Initiate
2021-07-18 Change to unit: from Initiates to Stingray Battleteam
2021-07-18 Change to rank: Apprentice
2021-06-19 Assigned to new position
2021-06-19 Induction Unit: Initiates
2021-06-19 Induction Rank: Apprentice
Award History
Date Information

Cluster of Fire (x3)

For Hunters games submitted 2024-17-06

Recommended by: D Surgo


Order of the Vanguard

Presented in recognition of 3 years total service to the Emperor's Hammer.

Recommended by: SYSTEM


Crescent - Sapphire Star

For Achieving Second Place in "The Crest of House Palpatine" Competition.

Recommended by: INQ Khaz Bibble for competition The Crest of House Palpatine


Crescent - Ruby Star

For reaching second place in "The Illumine Strike Back: Helldivers 2" with 74 matches and 98 total points, and chronicled by his entry "Report of Case 0203XMNZ34."

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition The Illumine Strike Back: Helldivers 2


Crescent - Emerald Star

For tying in fifth place in Creative placement in Imperial Storm: Secret Orders with 10 points

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders


Cluster of Fire (x3)

For Squadrons games submitted on 2024-02-16

Recommended by: D Surgo


Emerald Dagger

Over the last four months, INQ Taurus has overseen all aspects of multiplayer platforms. He’s processed thousands of Clusters of Fire, reviewed and ran competitions, approved medals, and created proposals for various platforms and forms of recognition. While it’s a grueling job, he does excellent work, and for his contributions during the last trimester of ABY 31 I recommend the Emerald Dagger.

Recommended by: D Surgo


Letter of Achievement

For submitting an entry which was part of Dark Voice #1

Recommended by: D Surgo for competition Dark Voice #1


Crescent - Diamond Star

For ranking in first place in the League of Assassins competition, gaining over 3 million credits, I am recommending the Diamond Star Crescent to INQ Taurus. Well done indeed!

Recommended by: ST Legion Ordo for competition League of Assassins


Legion of the Scholar

Awarded for achieving 100% in the recently updated Dark Brotherhood Core (DBCORE) exam in the Shadow Academy.

Recommended by: INQ Honsou


Star of Eos

Evaluation award

Recommended by: INQ Miles Prower


Star of Eos

Taurus has been diligent in flying combat missions to promote the designs of the Dark Brotherhood, accruing 80 victories in the month of August. For his efforts in the cockpit, I am pleased to recommend Taurus for a Star of Eos.

Recommended by: KNT Colo Delste


Steel Cross

With over 100 live combat engagements and 24 completed missions in combat simulators, NOV Taurus strikes fear into the heart of the Rebellion. For his efforts to further the interests of the Dark Brotherhood in July, I recommend the Steel Cross.

Recommended by: D Surgo

Imperial Navy Personnel Record

Current title: Inquisitor Taurus
Current ID line: MAA/INQ Taurus/DC-3/Dark Council
Gender: male
Species: Minotaur/Human-Hybrid
Date of birth: 5 BBY
Place of birth: unknown imperial research station
Marital status: /
Family information: /
Social status: /
Significant events of childhood: Growing up in a medical research station
Alignment and attitude: Lawful Evil; INFP-T
Previous occupations: Smuggler and Ship Mechanic
Hobbies Flying, solving Problems, develop and build "upgrades" for his ships
Phobias and allergies: To die meaningless
Views on the Empire and the Emperor's Hammer: The TIE Corps is an evolution of the Galactic Empire and far better for the Galaxy then the Alliance. The Empire has rules that did not make sense at all, but the Alliance just want the exact opposite, which doesn't make sense at all.
Last updated: 2023-08-16

Activity History

Activity Participation
Timed tests completed: 4
Patch reviews: 0
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Generated
Timed tests created: 2
Officer reports: 7
News posts: 6
Includes activity for all of the member's characters.
Activity Tracking Record
Date Activity
2024-06-17 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-06-06 Medal awarded: Order of the Vanguard (OV)
2024-06-04 Competition approved: Hunt the Prize!
2024-05-05 Medal awarded: Crescent - Sapphire Star (Cr-S)
2024-04-21 Medal awarded: Crescent - Ruby Star (Cr-R)
2024-03-28 Received campaign participation credit for campaign Defending the Rift and awarded medal: General Campaign Medal - Tkon Rift
2024-03-09 Medal awarded: Crescent - Emerald Star (Cr-E)
2024-03-07 Submitted a new fiction item: Battle Reports (Hex 1304)
2024-02-17 Medals awarded: 3 Cluster of Fire (CF)
2024-01-20 Medal awarded: Emerald Dagger (ED)
2024-01-12 Medal awarded: Letter of Achievement (LoA)
2023-11-06 Medal awarded: Crescent - Diamond Star (Cr-D)
2023-10-25 Received campaign participation credit for campaign Neutralization of the Ishtari and awarded medal: General Campaign Medal - Assurian Halo
2023-10-12 Competition approved: Territory War #294: Brotherhood at War
2023-10-11 Medal awarded: Legion of the Scholar (LSS)
2023-10-08 Course passed: Dark Brotherhood Core [DBCORE] - 100%
2023-10-05 Competition approved: Dragon Slayers
2023-10-05 Competition approved: Territory War #293: Brotherhood at War
2023-10-01 Submitted a new fiction item: Urgent Matter
2023-10-01 Submitted a new fiction item: Hero Syndrom
2023-09-29 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Campaigner 3rd
2023-09-28 Submitted a new Master-at-Arms report
2023-09-28 Submitted a new Master-at-Arms report
2023-09-19 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 14th Echelon
2023-09-06 Submitted a new fiction item: Sithspawn: Chapter 1: Preparation
2023-08-31 Course passed: Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood [C/DB] - 90%
2023-08-30 Updated unit information for Nebulon-B Frigate Swift Fury
2023-08-30 Updated unit information for Clan Drakonan
2023-08-30 Updated unit information for Nebulon-B Frigate Swift Fury
2023-08-16 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2023-03-31 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Campaigner 4th
2023-03-25 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Gunner's Mate 1st
2023-03-24 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Gunner's Mate 2nd
2023-03-24 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 13th Echelon
2023-03-23 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Gunner's Mate 3rd
2023-03-09 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Gunner's Mate 4th
2023-02-25 Competition approved: Scavanger-Hunt: 101 Bubble
2022-11-03 Course passed: Combat Operations Exam 2 [COE/2] - 96%
2022-10-29 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Private 1st
2022-10-25 New Combat Rating (MP PvE) rank achieved: Private 2nd
2022-10-22 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Elite 4th
2022-10-01 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 12th Echelon
2022-09-25 Course passed: A-Wing Advanced Knowledge [AWAK] - 93%
2022-09-14 Course passed: B-Wing Advanced Knowledge [BWAK] - 97%
2022-08-13 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-07-31 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Veteran 1st
2022-07-31 Course passed: Y-Wing Advanced Knowledge Course [YWAK] - 100%
2022-07-28 Competition approved: New Banner for Firebird
2022-07-28 Competition approved: New Nickname for Firebird
2022-05-24 Updated Imperial Navy Personnel Record (INPR)
2022-05-04 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Veteran 2nd
2022-03-16 New Combat Rating (MP PvP) rank achieved: Veteran 3rd
2022-03-16 Flight Certification Wings awarded: 11th Echelon
2022-02-17 Course added to academic record: [SM/5] - 76%

Showing all 54 records


Fiction Submissions (4)
Battle Reports (Hex 1304) 2024-03-07

Submitted for competition Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders

A war cruiser of the Kiliji is receipting the news of the last turn of Events.

Urgent Matter 2023-10-01

Taurus has an important task

Hero Syndrom 2023-10-01

Whereas Taurus decided to do a mission just like he wants to do it.

Sithspawn: Chapter 1: Preparation 2023-09-06

Story of a dark ritual Taurus is to perform to tackle down his past and ascend towards the future

Graphics Submissions (0)
No graphics submitted.

Awards Received in Service to the Empire

SO Competitions

Competition Statistics
Competitions approved: 7
Competitions pending: 0
Competition Awards (5)
Competition Award End Date
The Illumine Strike Back: Helldivers 2 Crescent - Ruby Star 2024-04-17
The Crest of House Palpatine Crescent - Sapphire Star 2024-04-14
Imperial Storm VI: Secret Orders Crescent - Emerald Star 2024-03-08
Dark Voice #1 Letter of Achievement 2023-12-17
League of Assassins Crescent - Diamond Star 2023-11-05
This section only list awards tagged to a specific competition when the award was issued. Review the historical record to view any other non-tagged awards.

Academics - Training Completed

Qualifications Awarded
Qualification Date
No qualifications completed
Courses Completed
Course Score Date
A-Wing Advanced Knowledge 93% 2022-09-25
B-Wing Advanced Knowledge 97% 2022-09-14
Combat Operations Exam 2 96% 2022-11-03
Dark Brotherhood Core 100% 2023-10-08
Phase I CORE - Dark Brotherhood 90% 2023-08-31
Squadron Management 5 84% 2022-02-13
TIE Corps Core 89% 2021-07-23
Y-Wing Advanced Knowledge 100% 2022-07-31