ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 18 (2001-09-07)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #18 - 09.07.01

Pilot's Lounge

"So... We put them in a lockbox... Errr... Out the airlock!" (/Al Gore)

Vice Admiral Khadgar stood behind CrazyR2, "Ah, what nice garbage cans we have on board. I'll just take this duck."
CrazyR2 cursed his luck, Major Strahd wouldn't be pleased.
Khadgar went into the cantina, only to find it empty.
"Where has everyone gone?" he asked.
He decided to check the Swimming Pools and Tennis Courts.
Again, he found nothing.
"Hmmm..." he pondered where everyone could be, he paced past the window and saw most of the Grey Wolf's TIEs in the air.
"So THAT's where they all are, flying for the Supremacy Competition!"
Khadgar strolled down the deck, and saw a single man in front of a monitor.
He looked up at another monitor, which had four lines of text:

-ASF:SC III Score Update-
ISD Grey Wolf - 3883
LT Brucmack - 827
ISD Intrepid - 810
ISD Vanguard - 738

Khadgar's jaw dropped after reading the second line, he looked down to see that the man was Brucmack.
Brucmack looked up at the monitor and chuckled, "As I said before... It's all in the wrist!"
Suddenly, Commanders from another ISD came into the room and looked at the monitor.
"Bah, you're only winning because you have Brucmack!" one said.
"I bet they cheated!" the other said.
Khadgar looked at Brucmack and nodded, he then hit a red button marked "Airlock".
Suddenly, a the airlock door opened, and the Commanders were sucked out of the Grey Wolf, shortly after the airlock closed.
Brucmack shook his head, "Who needs cheating when you've got the wrist?"

Khadgar went to his desk... To have... You guessed it... A landslide of datapads fall on him.
"Mmmrrpphh, mrrrpphhh, mrrrphhh," Khadgar said. (Translation: Man... That's activity!)

Wing XIII Monastery

Man alive, I am so proud of our ASF:SC III results!
I think this calls for... Free Cardinal's Robes for only 100 Credits!
Anyways... The important thing is - Don't sit on your laurels!
Even though we kicked arse this week, that could just as easily backfire if pilots have the following attitude:

"Well I don't need to do anything, because we've already one!"

If I see someone saying that, I'm liable to turn them into a newt with my Gold Staff! :P
The key is - Keep up the good work!
Don't slow down, let's show the Battlegroup that we are the most active Wing in the ASF by a mile!

This was a Reminder from your Friendly Neighborhood Cardinal.



Yes, that's right, ASF:SC III started... The Grey Wolf pulled a massive lead. I compiled results, and so did Cyric. They are in your Inboxes. The official Grey Wolf stats site is! Keep up the good work, don't rest on your laurels!

Vortex CMDR Appointed

Congratulations to CM Khameir Sarin, who was appointed Vortex CMDR!

Battlegroup Commander promoted!

Big Congratulations to Cyric, who was recently promoted to full Admirality!

Battle abbreviations changed

Recently the TAC changed the battle abbreviations from "TC-TIE" to "TIE-TC", etc.
In a related story, the TAC's position has been reversed in a similar fashion, making him the "CAT".


Commodore's Office

Man alive I was busy this week... With all your BSFs, ASF:SC III updates and such.
I produced some new Standing Orders, and E-Mailed details, please read the E-Mail, it highlights the important points.
Nothing much else to say... I'm very pleased with the activity I've seen, it's simply amazing. :)
Keep up the good work!

Don't forget that Multiplayer and Recruitment are worth big points!

"Wing XIII - We love to fly and it shows!"

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

Colonel Ford Prefect submits his [pink] uniform this week. Unfortunately (fortunately? :P) it got denied.

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 8
Phoenix - 9
Crusader - 11
Odin - 8
Tartarus - 8
Valkyrie - 6
Total: 52

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-1BR/LoC-PSx52/CoL/CoB/LoAx6/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-PHP/1-SM/2}

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