ISDII Grey Wolf Report # 29 (2001-11-23)

This report was submitted by VA Khadgar

ISD Grey Wolf Report #29 - 11.23.01

Pilot's Lounge

Imperial Diplomacy - Part III

"All right, fly a patrol around the area, Flight III," Lieutenant Commander Brian ordered.
"This is 2-2, reporting in."
"2-3, reporting in."
"All right, let's head for that nebula."
Odin Flight III pointed their TIE Interceptors towards the nebula and flew around the perimeter.
"My god," Brian said, "They've got a fleet in there!"
"What shall we do," Andrew asked.
"Report back to Azazel and Khadgar, on the double!"
"Aye aye!"

"Sir!" Brian said.
"What is it, Lieutenant Commander?" Khadgar responded.
"Well, sir..."
"Spit it out!" Azazel said.
"Sir, they've got a fleet of Calamaris in the nebula!"
"Cripes!" Khadgar said, "Okay... Here's what I want you to do. Rig up some craft with these and plant them on the Calamaris."
"What are they?"
"No time to explain now, time is short!"

"All right," Khadgar said to a group of officers, "Major Tagelby has been captured and we need to get him out."
"Do we have to?" Azazel said.
"Yes, yes... It is our duty to make sure Imperial officers are safe, regardless of who they are."
"Anyways," Khadgar continued, "Captain Sarin, you will lead a team of men down to the surface to get the good Major back on the ship."
"Yes Sir!"
"You'll take a Shuttle Craft, and deploy with ground troops to the underground of this Rebel Complex."
Khadgar pointed to a red square on a briefing map.
"All right Sir, we'll deploy immediately."

Captain Sarin rounded up his men and proceeded into the desginated Shuttle Craft.
"This is Shuttle Foxtrot requesting clearance to make way for the planet."
"Permission granted, Shuttle Foxtrot. Opening hangar bay doors."
Sarin's team launched from hangar bay and made its way down to the surface.
"All right, men, make sure that Tagelby is alive. The safety of the Rebels is optional."
With that, the Shuttle hit the ground in a loud thump and the shuttles entrance ramp came down to touch the ground.
"Time to deploy, men, good luck!"

Shortly after, Sarin and his team had gotten within a stone's throw from the complex.
"All right, BlackHero, form a distraction, the rest of you are with me."
A loud sound came from the entrance of the complex, all guards rushed to see what it was, and BlackHero motioned for the team to move in.
"All right, move out, men!" Sarin ordered. A minute later, the men were inside the entrance of the complex.

To be continued...

Wing XIII Monastery

From the Desk of Cardinal Khadgar...

Ah Cripes, I've got nothing to write about...
Oh, Hi Pilots!
This weeks topic is... *Rummages around the Computer Room*

Um, X-Wing 95, yeah, that's it!

The thing I enjoy most about X-Wing 95 is the Multiplayer Mode. It clearly stands out as being superb. You can't beat this kind of experience... The adrenaline, the competitive spirit, the sheer fun!

"Psstt... Sir, X-Wing 95 doesn't have Multiplayer!"

It does now! Be quiet or you're out!

"Yes Sir!"

I really enjoyed flying X-Wing 95's Single Player. It really was a lot of fun flying in TIE Fighters, TIE Interceptors, and...


What is it!?

"You fly in Rebel crafts in X-Wing 95!"

Ah Cripes, got to go!


Valkyrie Commander Chosen

Congratulations to CM Mace, the new Valkyrie CMDR! Many good applicants applied, and it was a tough decision!

New Vanguard Staff

I'm proud to announce the new Vanguard Flag Staff... Ewok Chief Yub Yub and Ewok Subcommander Hichew!

Opps... Sorry, that is apparently supposed to be Rear Admiral Leeson and Colonel Garik Hizad! Congratulations and good luck!

ASF Wargame?

Currently there are plans underway for a new wargame involving the various units of the ASF! More on that as it comes!

Commodore's Office

I'd like to commend MAJ Wes Janson and CPT Hev Randrowan on leading a Recruitment drive starting today! Apparently they've been very successful, and I think others should try for the same sort of thing! Remember, the Recruitment Manual gives you suggestions to get you started!

I'd like to give a special Congratulations to MAJ Wes Janson and CPT Hev Randrowan also, for their recent Silver Star of the Empire awards. They've worked very hard at their respective CMDR posts, and they've now reaped the fruits. See people, being CMDR *does* pay off. :P

Also, I'd suggest reading NL #80! It's very funny and a great read. A lot of work went into it!

Again, keep your Inboxes open for more updates!

War Room

For information on weekly multiplayer competitions, visit the Combat Center. (

For single player battles, visit the Battle Center. (

For information on special competitions, visit the TO Competition Office. (

Picture of the Week

An RO Prank Competition submission from VA Khadgar. :P

ISD Grey Wolf
Flag Officers - 2
Vortex - 11
Phoenix - 10
Crusader - 8
Odin - 6
Tartarus - 9
Valkyrie - 7
Total: 53

Respectfully Submitted,

Vice Admiral Khadgar
ISD Grey Wolf Commodore

COM/VA Khadgar/ISD Grey Wolf
SSx2/BS/PCx8/ISMx15/MoT-2gh/IS-2BR-1SR/LoC-PSx55/CoL/CoB/LoAx9/OV [EXCR] {IWATS-AIM-ICQ-IIC/1/2/3-M/1/2-PHP/1-SM/2-TT-VBS-XTM}

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