IO Report # 7 (2004-06-12)

This report was submitted by AD Robert Dura

-- News --

The major news this week is the results of the EH Holonet Awards. There was a turn out of 47 people putting in a total of 451 votes across 11 categories for an average of 9 votes per person. I will be sending out emails to the winners and their respective medal people later today.

* Best Overall:
First: Ace Hobbes for the Clan Tarentum Website
Second: Zsinj for the Hammer's Fist Website
Third: Drako for the Intelligence Division Website

* Best Personal/Office:
First: Ender mBind for the Science Office Site
Second: Keldorn for the Academic Nexus
Third: Sarin for the Combat Operations Office

* Best Unit:
First: Reinthaler for the Tau Squadron Site
Second: Aeishline Strathaven for the Gladius House Site
Third: Gilad Pelleaeon for the ISD Grey Wolf Site

* Best Animation:
First: Aeishline Strathaven for the House Gladius Animation
Second: Pickled Yoda for the GWSoM Animation
Third: Andrijas for the ATF Recruitment Animation

* Best Banner:
First: Reinthaler for the Tau Squadron Banner
Second: Aeishline Strathaven for the House Gladius Banner
Third: Tiamat for the Wing XIII Banner

* Best Scene:
First: Zeth Durron for Aeishline's Personal Craft
Second: Priyum for the ISD Chase Scene
Third: Slagar for the SSL Viper Hybrid vs YT-1300 Scene

* Best Web Script:
First: Ari for the eXtensible Polling System
Second: Pickled Yoda for the EHMN

* Best Content:
First: Ace Hobbes for the Historical Institute of Tarentum
Second: Gilad Pelleaeon for the ISD Grey Wolf Site
Third: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM Site

* Most Creative:
First: Drako for the Top Gun Academy Site
Second: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM Site
Third: Drako for the Intelligence Division Site

* Most Entertaining:
First: Dweezil for the Tie Corps Camera Center
Second: Aeishline Strathaven and Ace Hobbes for the Tarentum Quiz'o'Landia
Third: Joey C for the EHMN

* Best Music:
First: Pickled Yoda for the GWSOoM Rap

In other news Fleet Admiral AidenK has emerged from the mists of Star Wars Galaxies and has returned to continue development of the EH Image Archive.

This week also sees me starting the actual code for a new Training Office site, first started under the previous Training Officer, Fleet Admrial Keldorn, and continued under the Acting TO: Rear Admrial Drako.

The Communications Officer, Admiral Turtle is on leave untill July, and he has named me his standin for the time being. So if there are any COMM related problems or questions, please feel free to contact me, I go by the nick waerloga (or waer-*) on IRC. Especially if there are any problems with the message board, I did some fiddling and I found out I missed a few problems, I think I got them all, but please tell me if there are any more.

-- Poll --

The past week's poll was "Your Most Anticipated Upcomming New Platform". There was a turnout of 19 votes. First place is Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic II with 7 votes. Followed by Imperial Alliance with 6 votes.

This weeks poll is:
"Which Input Device"
* Keyboard
* Mouse
* Trackball
* Touchscreen
* Tablet
* Joystick

-- Site of the Week --

This week's site of the week is The Execuative Vice President's Office, located at Congrats to Commisar General Terrian on a 5 site. It shows promise as a clean, minimal graphics site. All it needs is some more content.

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