IO Report # 115 (2003-10-31)

This report was submitted by HA Ari

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Internet Office Report #115

October 31, 2003

:: [ Internet Office News ] ::

Exciting times for the IO! Nothing really new happening other than the existing projects but what we do have has made enormous progress this week.

XPS - eXtensible Polling System - has made a lot of progress this week (I spent at least an entire day coding when I had no work to do - or rather, did and chose not to do it). There's only 1 class left to be written and the rest is just the implementation of all the classes that have been written already. This shouldn't take too much time and I'm setting a projected release date for about 2-3 weeks from now. MAJ Xander Drax is working on a design for the site currently. We hope that XPS will become widely used throughout the EH because of its flexibility. I actually just finished writing a really nifty way for handling "conditional sequencing" - basically, if the person responds A to question 1, then go to question 2. But if they respond B, go to question 5. I think this can be used in a lot of applications. The hardest part will be the flexibility of design - i.e. creating your own stylesheets, setting the width and height of the table, etc. It's not actually hard. It just takes time.

Our other major thing right now (while EHW is on temporary hiatus) is Multiplayer Sabacc. I know, I've mentioned it a lot but now it's finally becoming a reality. And to prove it to you, I'm going to give you some teaser pictures of the client GUI that Leeson is working on and I've played with. This GUI is by no means the final version, and once we finish with functionality, we'll play with making it look pretty. But here they are for your enjoyment:

That should be enough to tide you folks over for now :P

Related to this, Leeson and I have agreed that once MP Sabacc is done, we will recycle the code for use in an EH-Zone type of application. It's actually easier to do than MP Sabacc, considering that Sabacc has a game and rules and stuff you need to deal with, and the Zone is pretty much just a game interface. More on this will come when we're ready for it.

Also, some people have been having lots of problems with SquadFirst+ lately. Just so you know, Leeson is working on it and if it becomes an issue I will examine the code as well so we can release an updated version if we have to.

:: [ Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week ] ::

This week's SOTW it the IWATS PHP Course at with 4 stars. Go take it! Learn PHP!

:: [ Internet Office Poll ] :: :: [ Internet Office Staff ] ::
Who writes better soundtracks?
  • John Williams
  • Howard Shore
    Vote for your choice at!
  • Internet Officer: HA Ari
    Command Attache: FA Bevel Leeson
    Command Assistant: AD Turtle
    Command Assistant: MAJ Xander Drax
    Command Assistant: CPT Drako
    Command Assistant: CPT Amadeo

    :: [ Internet Office Links ] ::

  • - Internet Office
  • - EH Message Boards
  • - MinosNIC
  • - My EHNet
  • - EH & TC Internet Guidelines
  • - SquadFirst Squadron Website Template
  • - Sabacc Online v2.3
  • - IO Code Archive
  • - EH Code Collaboration
  • - EH Banner Exchange
  • - EH Counter Service
  • - Greeting Card Center
  • - The Holonet Journals, Issue #2
  • - The Holonet Journals, Issue #1
  • - WebRing
  • - Images Archive
  • - PHP IWATS Course
  • - JavaScript IWATS Course
  • - VBScript IWATS Course
  • - Flash IWATS Course

  • :: [ In Service of the Emperor's Hammer ] ::

    IO-FSEA-PROF/HA Ari/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
    [MoH] [GOE] [GSx3] [SSx2] [BS] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-3BR-4SR-2GR-1PR]
    [LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [CoLx3] [LoAx2] [OV-5E]
    Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
    ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
    IWATS VBScript Professor

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