IO Report # 43 (2002-06-14)

This report was submitted by FA Ari

June 14 , 2002

Internet Office News

Well it's been another relatively quiet week with everyone finishing up finals. However, we are now in the final stage of the EH Holonet Awards. Thanks to those who voted in the primaries, you can now vote again (the last time, we promise). Vote at!

Work on the Hawkeye plot continues, with this one being a little harder to construct. I am working on it right now, actually. By next week I should be ready to ask for volunteers. If you wish to volunteer, please make sure you are familiar with Hawkeye I. You can read up on it at the Hawkeye Aftermath Site.

Now, a few words about polls and SOTWs. Since I see that 5s are becoming too common for SOTWs, I will be making a list of guidelines which the IO will use to judge how many stars a site will get. This will be made public, as well as I hope to complete a CoE requirements page.

Since it's become increasingly difficult to come up with polls, especially ones that people will vote on, I've considered increasing the running time of polls to about two weeks, and one week instead of releasing a poll with the IO report, we will release a code snippet, which will be featured on the upcoming IO Code Archive. If you like this idea, please let me know.

Speaking of which, IOA Turtle is working on the code archive and should have iit done soon - you will be able to post your own code as well as look at others'. We hope that this will increase the amount of productivity webmasters can find on the IO site.

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week

Big surprise, another Keldorn-designed site is the recipient of SOTW - Clan Naga Sadow site ( wins 5 stars. However, since I'm seeing this is becoming a little to common, I will be writing up some sort of guideline or grading criteria.

Internet Office Links

Internet Office Poll

What's the most entertaining EH IRC channel?

  • #Emperor's_Hammer
  • #TIECorps
  • #BHG
  • #DB
  • #ISD_Challenge
  • #Airlock54


In Service of the Emperor's Hammer,

[GSx3] [SSx2] [PCx3] [ISMx9] [MoT-rh-gh] [IS-4SR-2BR]
[LoC-CSx6] [MoC-SoC-5BoC] [CoE] [CoB] [LoA] [OV-3E]
Internet Officer of the Emperor's Hammer
ISD Colossus: FC's Own, 2000
IWATS VBScript Professor


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