This report was submitted by FA Absolutek
As emailed to
I have been busy coding a new version of the EH Web ring this week, after I found out that the current one, doesn't add Websites to the ring properly. I hope to have it out by next report. I have also begun preliminary planning and design on the next version of the IO website, which will have more, features, and hopefully a much better design, other than that, I'm not going to say much at this time :-)
I have finally gotten cable Internet (Rogers@Home) just yesterday, so i hope to be online, and around more often for people to pester me with questions, and monitor EH Websites :-). Next report, i plan to hopefully launch the EH Holonet Awards (as mentioned a few months ago), more details will be forthcoming at that time.
This week's SOTW, a little over due in more ways than one is the High Court of Inquisitors website as done by the GM formerly known as Faethor, GM Chi-Long at
IO/FA AbsoluteK/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
ICQ: 28768543 | AIM: absolutek79 | MSN:
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