IO Report # 24 (2001-05-11)

This report was submitted by FA Absolutek


Internet Office News

I finally managed to fix my notebook (somewhat), and i can now check my email much more regularly again. If anybody emailed me during the last week, and didn't get a response (when one was necessary), please email me again.

Since Ramos lost all the compressed EH Newsletters, I've put up my personal archive of EH News Letters at Please note, that i compressed them in RAR since thats the archive of my personal preference, so you will have to go to to get WinRAR to uncompress them if you do not already have WinRAR.

I've posted the OuterRim results for ORW Week #27 on the IO Website. I'd very much like to encourage more EH members to participate. Don't worry if your not that good. I'm not that good at XWA, and I bagged 5 RS members last week. Go fly, have fun, and bag some RS'ers!!! :-)

LEC announced yet another upcoming console game on the 10th. This time its for the Nintendo GameCube. This game is a sequel to the mediocre N64 console title "Rogue Squadron", and will be called "Rogue Leader: Rogue Squadron II". You can check out LEC's release on the game here.

As of this week, the Internet Office will not award SotW to any website that uses redirection. In fact, we will not even link to your website if you use redirection. The simple reason is that they have started to pop up a multitude of highly irritating banners, including some porno ones. The simple solution to this problem, is to just use the real URL to your website instead. I will be rolling out a new redirection service in the next week or two for Star Wars websites. Keep an eye on the IO website for updates on this matter.

The EH Holonet Awards (aka the EH Website Oscars) contest, long in the making, (more like long in the waiting, but you get the point i'm sure), will be official launched next weekend at the EH Meeting barring any unforeseen problems.

Development on v3.0 progressed slowly this week, but I now have a solid plan as to what i want to accomplish with the next evolution of the Internet Office portal. I hope to release more details when I am closer to completion of this project, which is still some time to come. EH members should feel free to contact me at if they have any suggestions, or ideas as to what kind of things/features that they would like to see in the next IO website.

Internet Office Poll

I'm currently running a poll on the IO website entitled "What streaming audio format do you use most?". This is an important poll, as it will help me to decide what formats should or should not be supported when I (and others) roll out the successor to WEHR (the old EH Radio station), called You can go vote, and comment on the poll here.

Internet Office Websites Status

Internet Office ( - operational
WebRing ( - operational
Images Archive ( - operational
VBScript IWATS Course ( - operational
Greeting Card Centre ( - operational

Emperor's Hammer: Site of the Week (EH:SotW)

This weeks EH:SotW is a slick, and impressive new redesign, and is probably the best Squadron website in the EH both past and present. Congrats go out to COL Erich von Reinthaler for the newest incarnation of the Tau Squadron website at

Respectfully Submitted,

IO/FA Absolutek/CS-5/SSSD Sovereign
"C Code. C code run. Please run, PLEASE!!!"

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